
Centre for Civil and Political Rights 



Concluding Observations and Webcast of the Review: 



Lists of Issues

New Zealand
San Marino

Press Releases:   






UN Human Rights Committee

105th Session


Concluding Observations  



Consideration of State reports and Concluding Observations

At its 105th session, the Human Rights Committee reviewed the implementation of the ICCPR in Iceland, Lithuania, Maldives, Armenia and Kenya. At the end of the session the Committee adopted Concluding Observations on each of these States.

Each of these reviews was WEBCAST live by the Centre for Civil and Political Rights and recorded. The audio recordings are archived online at http://www.treatybodywebcast.org/category/webcast-archives/.
For highlights on the review of Iceland, watch Prof. Flinterman, Committee member
Human Rights Committee - 105 Session- Review of Iceland
Human Rights Committee - 105 Session- Review of Iceland

For highlights on the review of Lithuania, watch Judge Thelin, Committee member

Human Rights Committee - 105 Session - Review of Lithuania
Human Rights Committee - 105 Session - Review of Lithuania

For highlights on the review of Maldives, watch Prof. O'Flaherty, Committee member

Interview with Professor O'Flaherty on the situation in Maldives
Interview with Professor O'Flaherty on the situation in Maldives

For highlights on the review of Armenia, watch Mrs. Motoc, Committee member
Human Rights Committee 105 Session - Review of Armenia
Human Rights Committee 105 Session - Review of Armenia

For highlights on the review of Kenya, watch Prof.Neuman, Committee member,  

Human Rights Committee - 105 Session - Review of Kenya
Human Rights Committee - 105 Session - Review of Kenya


 LOILists of Issues

During the 105th session the Committee adopted Lists of Issues on: LOIPRThe Committee also adopted List of Issues Prior to Reporting (LOIPR) on:
These Lists of Issues will be available shortly from the CCPR website.


followFollow-Up to Concluding Observations

A list of the States currently engaged in the Committee's Follow-up procedure can be found here.

The Progress Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Follow-up to the Concluding Observations from the previous session (104th session) is already available in French, English and Spanish.
The Progress Report from the 105th Session will shortly be available.

Before the 105th session, national NGOs submitted alternative progress reports on:
Press releases

icelandPRUN Human Rights Committee Requests Improvement in the State of Human Rights in Iceland

Geneva, 10 July 2012. The United Nations Human Rights Committee finalized the examination of the 5th periodic report of Iceland, which took place on 9 and 10 July 2012 in Geneva.


The discussions were highly focused on gender equality, particularly the gender pay gap, the future adoption of comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation, hate speech and the low rate of gender-based violence and trafficking cases resolved.  Read more...


LithuaniaPRThe UN Human Rights Committee Calls on Lithuania for More Answers, More Action    


Geneva 11 July 2012. The United Nations Human Rights Committee finalized the examination of the 3rd periodic report of Lithuania, which took place on 10 and 11 July 2012 in Geneva.


The Human Rights Committee acknowledged the productive dialogue exchanged with the State delegation of Lithuania throughout the review, but also expressed that some important questions and concerns remain.

 Read more...   


 MaldivesPRUN Human Rights Committee Tells the Maldives: Radical Changes Are Needed


Geneva 12,13 July 2012. The United Nations Human Rights Committee finalized the examination of the initial periodic report of the Maldives, which took place on 12 and 13 July 2012 in Geneva. For the first time in history, the UN Human Rights Committee session was broadcast nationally in the country of review. Civil society of the Maldives welcomed the opportunity to witness the Committee's commentary as it unfolded. Read more...  

ArmeniaPRArmenia Answers to the Committee, Avoids Subject of LGBT

Geneva 17 July 2012. The United Nations Human Rights Committee finalized the examination of the third periodic report of Armenia today, which took place on 16 and 17 July 2012.In some areas of the dialogue between the Committee and the State delegation, the discussion was progressive. In others, the Committee expressed concern about the lack of information provided by the State. The delegation was often pressed by the Committee for more specific, statistically based answers to some of its questions. Read more...

KenyaPRUN Human Rights Committee Says Still A Long Way To Go for Kenya


Geneva 18 July 2012. The United Nations Human Rights Committee finalized the examination of the third periodic report of Kenya on 17 and 18 July 2012.


The Human Rights Committee's review of Kenya revolved very heavily around Kenya's new Constitution, pending and recently enacted legislation, and the affects of these on the current state of human rights in Kenya. The delegation was pleased to report on a number of progressive reforms that align with the human rights principles enshrined in the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights. Read more... 
generalGeneral Comment on article 9 of the ICCPR

On 28 of October 2012 a General Day of Discussion on article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) will take place in Geneva. NGOs, national human rights institutions and human rights advocates will have the opportunity of interacting with the Human Rights Committee. The outline will soon be available in our website

States to be reviewed:

NGO reports should be submitted 21 September 2012 (22 hardcopies)      


List of Issues Prior to Reporting will be prepared on:  

NGO reports should be submitted (at least in electronic form) by 3 August 2012 and by 21 September 2012 in hardcopy (10 hardcopies)



Lists of Issues will be prepared on:

The Centre for Civil and Political Rights works to improve the implementation of the ICCPR by promoting and enhancing NGO engagement with the UN Human Rights Committee.

More information is available from the Centre's website in

English, French, and Spanish

or contact us.

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For more information about the work of the Human Rights Committee
see the Information Note from the OHCHR or
the International Service for Human Rights
Human Rights Monitor Quarterly
or visit www.ishr.ch/quarterly