CSBC NEWS SPLASH                           JUNE 2016
New Canadian Safe Boating Council Board Elected

At the CSBC's Annual General Meeting on May 26, 2016, the following slate of Directors and officers was elected:

Chair: John Gullick
Vice Chair: Michael Vollmer
Secretary: Sue Daly
Treasurer: Denis Vall�e
Past Chair: Jean Murray
Executive members at large: Ted Fortuna, Bob Minielly
Returning Directors: Mal Blann, Barbara Byers, Rick Cassels, Michael Dean, Robert Dupel, Karen Harrington, Cynthia Hodgson, Larry Jacobs, plus above Executive
New Directors: Ron Kroeker, Brenda Reeve, Clara Reinhardt, Steve Wagner
Ex-officio observer: Richard Moore, Chair, U.S. National Safe Boating Council
Non-returning directors Blair Doyle, Sandra Inglis and Vahe Vassilian were thanked for their contribution.
Canadian Safe Boating Campaign 2016-2018

On May 19 the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, launched North American Safe Boating Awareness Week and announced new funding under Transport Canada's Boating Safety Contribution Program for initiatives that promote safe boating practices and behaviours in Canada. Click here to view the news release. 

The Canadian Safe Boating Council will receive up to $915,400 for a three-year national project to raise knowledge and awareness about safe boating practices among boaters and the public across Canada. The project will include prevention activities, promotional campaigns and research. CSBC will also develop a mobile application to provide users with information about safe boating practices, and undertake research about attitudes towards wearing life jackets in Canada's north.  

Over the next three years, the CSBC will continue to engage local representation and partnering with boating safety stakeholders to get the message of staying safe on the water to Canada's recreational boating public, with a goal of having these stakeholders assist with carrying CSBC messaging within local areas in years two and three. As with previous years, there will be boating safety campaigns throughout the summer to ensure that boating safety messaging stays top of mind for boaters all season long. These campaigns are Safe Boating Awareness Week, Hooked on Lifejackets, Operation Dry Water, Stretching the Season and, a new addition, Cold Water Awareness.

Cold Water Awareness will kick off early in the season (April) and in 2016, the first year of the campaign, has promoted general awareness of the risks associated with cold water through both articles and print PSA's.  In future years it is expected that a cold water launch will be part of this important part of boating safety communication.

As in previous years, McCullough & Associates will conduct Safe Boating Awareness Week tracking research throughout the three years with the final year's research including all 5 Boating Safety Campaigns in the final year of the project.

To further safe boating messaging, the CSBC has partnered once again with Pattison Outdoor for the National Billboard Campaign. For 2016, the CSBC is continuing with the Help Us Catch Impaired Boaters: If You See One, Call 911, and new strategies will be developed for 2017 and 2018.

New to this campaign is a partnership with the Canadian Rangers, who will be working with the CSBC to develop and execute a lifejacket awareness program to increase lifejacket wear in the north. This will include consultation about attitudes towards wearing lifejackets and the boating safety challenges found in Canada's north. The program starts with two northern communities in the first year, and, in partnership with the Canadian Rangers, will roll out to a broader audience in subsequent years. 

Building on the success and momentum from Boat Notes, the CSBC will also develop two mobile applications/mobile sites: i-BoatNotes and Boat Notes APP, to deliver boating safety information electronically to users on various mobile devices. This gives users the ability to download and store on a mobile device, thereby allowing information to be accessed free of internet or cell connection. Both products will focus boaters on "need-to-know" information, tailorable to their boating activities and type of boat, on how to keep safe and legal on the water.
Results of the Canadian Safe Boating Campaign 2013-2016: Together, We're Making a Difference!

At the end of March the CSBC submitted to Transport Canada the final project report of the Canadian Safe Boating Campaign 2013-2016, funded under the Transport Canada Boating Safety Contribution Program. The campaign has been an overwhelming success, thanks to the contributions of Pattison Outdoor and the many, many other partners and volunteers who contributed, as well as to the hard-working and gifted CSBC team, headed by Project Director Barbara Byers and Project Manager Ted Rankine of Playsafe Productions. Each of the individual components exceeded expectations and positively 'moved the needle forward' with boating safety awareness in Canada.

Following are highlights of the individual components, and you can find the whole report at  www.csbc.ca.  Read more... 
Connect with the CSBC on Social Media!

Be sure to follow CSBC on social media for news, updates and Boating Safety Tips!!!

CSBC Social Media Networks

CSBC Boating Tips

Join us for the CSBC Symposium in Yellowknife from
September 22-24, 2016

The CSBC Symposium, with the theme Boating Safety in the North, promises to be like no other! The same great camaraderie, interesting discussions and learning from each other, but for the first time, a focus on the unique challenges of boating safety in the north, with presentations and panel discussions involving local speakers and agencies active in the north.

The opening ceremony and welcome reception will be held at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre and will feature traditional Dene Drummers and cuisine with local flair.  The Symposium will also include a fabulous boat tour of Great Slave Lake, a visit to Aurora Village and an opportunity to see the spectacular Northern Lights. 

Following the Symposium there will be a cold water workshop for first responders with Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, renowned expert on thermophysiology. Symposium delegates will also benefit from Dr. Giesbrecht's expertise at a special Symposium presentation. Why not join us?

For more information about the Symposium, registration and accommodation information, click here. For more information about the cold water workshop, click here. 

We're looking forward to seeing you!
CSBC Past Chair receives Transport Canada Award

Tim Meisner, Director General, Marine Safety and Security, Transport Canada, presented Past CSBC Chair Jean Murray with a Transport Canada award at the Canadian Marine Advisory Council meeting on April 20. The award citation read: In recognition of your contribution towards Boating Safety in Canada and your participation as Co-chair of the National Recreational Boating Advisory Council. 

The CSBC continues to be an active participant in NRBAC through John Gullick, CSBC Chair as well as CSBC Directors Michael Vollmer and Robert Dupel, who chair the Ontario and Quebec Regional Recreational Boating Advisory Councils (RBAC) respectively, and CSBC Directors who are members of various RBACs.
Who Deserves a Canadian Safe Boating Award?

As you're out on the water this summer, keep your eyes open for people and organizations that deserve a Canadian Safe Boating Award (CASBA), and nominate them. Nominations close in the late fall, and the awards ceremony will be held in Toronto on January 22, 2017. Let's make the judges' job even more difficult than usual by nominating a great slate of potential winners! Categories include Stearns Best Boating Safety Initiative, Ontario Power Generation Rescue of the Year, Top Volunteer Dedicated to Boating Safety, and many others. Click here for more information. 
In brief 

Have you renewed your CSBC membership for 2016? If you're not yet a member of the CSBC, why not join us? Organizational and individual memberships are available. The CSBC is a volunteer-run, Canadian charity, and you'll know that your membership dollars go towards supporting our programs and campaigns to make boating safe and enjoyable for all. Click here to join today! 

Transport Canada's Evaluation of the Boating Safety Contribution Program is now available on the Transport Canada website.

Alain Roy has been appointed General Manager of the Quebec Marine Association.

Congratulations to the Richard Moore, Rachel Johnson and the team at the U.S. National Safe Boating Council (NSBC), which has been honored with a prestigious 2016 Top-Rated Award by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews about nonprofit organizations in the U.S. You can visit the NSBC page on GreatNonprofits to see more information about the award as well as the featured reviews. The CSBC is proud to have a close working relationship with the NSBC, with whom we have a long-standing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), under which we collaborate on boating safety campaigns and initiatives, and have ex-officio or invited observer status on each others' Boards of Directors.