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Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Northern Vegans
February 2015 Newsletter


Monthly Dinner at Sweet Water
Join Northern Vegans for our monthly dinners every first Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome.

For February we meet on Wednesday, February 4th at 6pm at Sweet Water.

Please order vegan* options when joining us.
No RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome. 

Sweet Water has several vegan dinner options, including gluten-free/vegan ones. Most of their dishes are made from scratch using natural and whole grain ingredients.

Sweet Water is located at 517 N. Third St. in Marquette. Their website: http://www.sweetwatercafe.org/Welcome.html

*Vegan omits all animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Anything from the plant kingdom is vegan. 


NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR Northern Michigan University Wildcat Wellness Health Fair

Can you help us?  We need people to table for the NMU Wildcat Wellness Health Fair on Tuesday, February 10th between 10am and 3pm.  If you can't work the whole day but can a part of the day- GREAT!   The fair will be held in the Great Lakes Rooms of the University Center.

We will be providing free literature at our table.

If you can volunteer in any way please contact us at info@northernvegans.com or call us at 906-236-1279 or send us a Facebook message (www.facebook.com/NorthernVegans).   THANK YOU!







The Vegan Scoop


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

All Vegan Cooking Show On Public TV 13
"Jazzy Vegetarian" on WNMU Public TV 13 airs every Saturday at 12 noon (EST).   Check out Laura Theodore's Episode #205: walnut stuffed portobello mushrooms; roasted butternut squash with garlic; lovely lemon cake; spinach with garbanzo beans and caramelized onion at: http://www.jazzyvegetarian.com/products-group-89.html 
"Be Happy, Be Healthy, and Be Well!"

Borderland Vegans
In the Iron Mountain area: http://www.borderlandvegans.com/ 
Vegan Mentors Available
Are you a new vegan or an aspiring vegan? If so, we can connect you with a vegan mentor- someone you can contact with questions or when you need encouragement. If you would like us to connect you with a vegan mentor please contact us at info@northernvegans.com.

Veg Michigan's Veg Fest
Vegan Tastefest and Expo on April 19th at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Michigan
Many speakers including Alicia Silverstone. More at: http://vegmichigan.org/activities/vegfest/

Preventing Crohn's Disease With Diet

Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Diseases: The Impact of Diet - John McDougall, MD
1 hour video here.  Any one you know suffering from an auto immune disorder, this is a very important lecture to watch.

How I Beat Relapsing Polychondritis (auto immune disorder)
By Sabrina Nelson
... "During late summer of 1995, my ears turned bright red, began blistering and were in an enormous amount of pain....  I happened to pick up a book my sister had given us as a Christmas present called "The McDougall Program," by John McDougall, M.D..."  Read Sabrina's story here: http://relapsingpolychondritis.com/

Why We are Vegan -- Nina and Randa (born and raised vegan)

Daughters of Sabrina Nelson, who is the creator of www.vegsource.com.
Why Vegan? 
A moving 4 minute video on why vegans choose to be vegan:

Sinfully Good and Cruelty-Free: Vegan Recipes for Valentine's Day (PHOTOS)

Want to order some beautiful vegan confections for your sweetie for Valentine's Day?
Chocolate Decadence is all vegan!
http://www.chocolatedecadence.com/ (note: click Shoppe and then see the Organic Chocolate option if you want to buy organic)

Allison's Gourmet also has vegan chocolates
All of hers are made with organic and mostly fair trade ingredients. A bit pricey, but worth it for your sweetheart.  Mmm GOOD!

A Compilation of Long-Term Vegans: Our Powerful Message
This is very inspiring!  
Barbara L. Thompson- Founder of Choosing Compassion Over Cruelty- has been vegan since 1973- over 40 years!
"I actually stopped eating dairy and eggs in the late 1960's. My "aha" moment came when I was 4 years old. I was at a poultry store and had made friends with a chicken in a wooden crate. When the butcher asked which one we wanted, I pointed to my new friend, thinking that she would come home with us and be the new family pet. Well. It just so happened that at my height I was at the perfect vantage point to see what happened to her as she was being slaughtered in the back room. I felt totally, and utterly, responsible for her death. Later, that evening, when we were served "chicken" for dinner, which I refused to eat, my father asked me if I knew what chicken cost, I truthfully answered "yes" I did know what it cost the chicken..."
Black Bean Veggie Burger- Cooking with the Vegan Zombie
The Vegan Zombie makes cooking sooo much Fun

Plant-Powered Professionals; Vegan doctors, R.D.'s, vets, nutritionists
The Free Range Myth
On this page: http://www.peacefulprairie.org/freerange1.html Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary has several links on their website about the misconceptions of free range chickens- including their video "watch the faces of 'free range' farming."

Main Street Vegan with Victoria Moran
Interviews Cowspiracy filmmakers Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn. Interview starts at 18:54 but the whole show is worth the listen. Listen here: http://www.unity.fm/episode/MainStreetVegan_121014

Cowspiracy Interview With Allie Hill (yogahaven founder) and Kip Anderson (Cowspiracy director)
Watch 10 minute video here: http://vimeo.com/110460067


German Vegan Supermarket Shoots for 60 Stores by 2020

Veganz, the first all-vegan grocery chain in Europe, is set to expand due to popular demand!  Vegans traveling to Europe- it is getting ever more hospitable! Read Article here: http://www.mfablog.org/german-vegan-supermarket-shoots-for-60-stores

Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms
SINCE 2012, the director of "Speciesism: The Movie" has been secretly using spy drones to investigate and expose the environmental devastation caused by factory farms. In this video, the drones capture shocking aerial footage of several massive facilities that supply pigs for Smithfield Foods. Watch 4 1/2 minute video on You Tube Here

The Zoochotic Report
Mentally Damaged Animals in Captivity
Video observations by the late Bill Travers, taken over 3 years in over 100 zoos in Europe, North America and the Far East, the Zoochotic

The Vegan Body Care Guide

Vegan products contain no animal ingredients and are not tested on animals.

This page is a fantastic up to date guide: http://thevegantruth.blogspot.co.nz/2014/07/the-vegan-body-care-guide.html  

Watch Earthlings for Free

Narrated by actor and vegan Joaquin Phoenix.  This is a film that exposes the realities of all kinds of animal exploitation.  This is a very important film.  Watch free on You Tube Here: Earthlings.  More at: www.earthlings.com.
"Then I watched the video Earthlings and my path was clear." Helen Atthowe, veganic farmer/gardener
I'm Vegan: Gary Francione 
This is a 20 minute interview with distinguished professor, Gary Francione, on when and why he went vegan about 30 years ago.  A fantastic interview.  You Tube interview here
Have you hugged your chicken today?
This is a 15 second video of a young boy at a farm animal sanctuary who reaches his arms out to a chicken who then comes over for a real snuggly hug. You must watch this!  Video Here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdxo1mZeY68 


Check out Northern Vegans' Vegan Recipe Facebook Album
Beautiful photos and some awesome recipes. Yum yum!  More Here
Going vegan is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Check out: www.vegankit.com
Free Why Veganism? Leaflets, slips, and tear offs here: www.whyveganism.com 
You can check out our Newsletter Archives here:
Recommended Media:
Why I will ALWAYS be vegan: over 70 short essays from around the world

Over 70 short essays from around the world offering insight into the perspective of a committed vegan. The essays were entries in an online contest that was hosted bythevegantruth.blogspot.com  It became obvious that the compilation of winning essays was worthy of publication in book form. It is now available from Amazon.com in many countries around the globe. Please help the book's compelling message reach millions of readers. Share the link! Buy a copy! Purchase one for someone who would appreciate this true gift.  ~ Butterflies Katz

Health Tip of the Month (finding ways to heal or to live naturally using animal-free/cruelty-free methods):
Essential Oils for Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet
This article focuses on three: tea tree, peppermint, and lavender.
..."Tea Tree is used to treat athlete's foot, burns, Candida, cold sores, corns, dandruff, eczema, acne, insect bites/stings (or other itches), lice, nail fungus, psoriasis, respiratory infections, ringworm, chicken pox, sore throat, strep throat, thrush, warts, cuts, as an insect repellent, and more. Peppermint oil is used to treat indigestion, respiratory problems, nausea, fever, stomach and bowel spasms/pain, asthma, intestinal gas and more. It is also a good expectorant. Lavender helps heal abscesses, acne, athletes foot and fungal infections, bruises, sun burns, lice, ringworm, cold sores, cuts, eczema, hives, inflammation, insect bites and stings, psoriasis/rashes, stretch-marks and other skin issues. It is beneficial in reducing aches and pains, cellulite, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, Lumbago, swelling, joint pain, rheumatism, and sprains. When breathed in, it can also help alleviate bronchitis, coughs, colds, congestion, flu, laryngitis, throat infections, whooping cough, and sinus infections among a myriad of other uses..."  Full Article Here: http://gentleworld.org/3-essential-oils-for-your-herbal-medicine-cabinet/

We should all get in the habit of avoiding touching any of our mucus membranes when out in public.  This includes not rubbing eyes, ears, nose, or putting our fingers in the mouth or touching our lips.  Being conscious of whether we do this and trying to stop such bad habits can really help us reduce the spread of contagious diseases or significantly reduce the chances of getting sick ourselves.  Washing hands before eating is also important and when washing hands in a public bathroom to take care not to have our hands actually touching handles on faucets and door knobs- find ways to avoid this!   Coughing and sneezing into the crook of our elbow or arm and not in our hands is another way to help control contagious diseases.  There are many ways to reduce our chances of catching colds and flus and kids can learn how to follow these protocols too.  Of course, eating a whole foods plant-based diet is another way to rev up our immune systems during this season.  Best of health to Everyone!


Quote of the month:

"To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I'm interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one."  Vesanto Melina


Join Northern Vegans on Facebook
And "Like" us.



Stay informed of upcoming events here locally and nationally.  Keep yourself apprised of veganism on so many levels.  Get the latest vegan recipes and so much more!





Make Sure You Are Receiving Our Newsletters


We do notice we get the occasional bounces.  From nmu.edu users we have seen in the past particularly a large amount of them (something to do with their server).   If you are getting our newsletters each month, no need to take action.  But if you aren't then please do see the suggestion below. 


From Constant Contact:

We would suggest that you advice your recipients to contact the destination mail server with a message that the email address is not recognized as valid. They need configure their system to allow Constant Contact emails to reach their inbox. You may ask them to whitelist the following IP addresses (note: these addresses have been recently updated):








Please consider making a donation to Northern Vegans


Northern Vegans is a not for profit organization and we work on a 100% volunteer basis. Our library donations, educational events, movie presentations, and much more are all financial expenses. Donations are greatly appreciated.  


We are excited to announce that we will be presenting the movie Cowspiracy in April!

Please send donations to:

Northern Vegans

P.O. Box 126

Negaunee, MI 49866


Thank you!







Highlight of the Month


Veganic Farming and Gardening - Helen Atthowe  


From Helen: 

"One Path to Veganic Permaculture From Organic to Veganic and Beyond....

I was an Organic farmer when Organic was not cool. In 1988, I managed the transition of 200 acres with 9 vegetable and fruit crops from Integrated Pest Management to certified Organic. When Organic gained national and world-wide attention in the 1990s, I was moving towards "eco-organic" system management on my own farm in Montana, experimenting with strategies to increase plant, insect, and microorganism diversity and year-round soil cover, using living mulches and green manures. By 2004 I was evolving towards a more permanent organic agriculture in a new field on my Montana farm, practicing less and less tillage, experimenting with organic no-till, and bringing more and more wildness onto the farm.  Now my focus is again stretching, beyond ecology and organic to veganic, permanent soil cover farming. Veganic Permaculture is my way of honoring all living beings and gardening/farming with an unconditional effort to keep all things alive and growing. Veganic Permaculture is a willingness to balance my existence with the natural world."

"Then I watched the video Earthlings and my path was clear." Helen Atthowe

Watch 50 minute You Tube Video Here

"Helen Atthowe did this popular presentation at VegFest 2011, although Northwest VEG recorded it, the audio had too much interference. Lucky for us, Helen generously agreed to re-record her talk and sent it to us!"

Helen's official website: http://www.veganicpermaculture.com/ 


Veganically grown with local, plant based organic fertilizers.

Why veganic gardening?

No pesticides

No artificial chemicals/fertilizers


No manure

No animal by-products

No animal exploitation

Manure problems: herbicide and antibiotic contamination, nitrate-N leaching into ground water, human pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella.

Veganic is livestock free and does not use manure or animal parts (bones, blood, feather, bodies) as fertilizer.

One Degree (https://www.onedegreeorganics.com/) and other innovative companies are now providing veganically grown cereals, grains, flours, and other products.  Veganic farming and gardening is a growing trend.  Watch video and check out Helen's website for more information on veganic gardening.  You too can create a wonderful veganic garden!









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