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Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Northern Vegans
December 2014 Newsletter




Monthly Dinner at Capers
Join Northern Vegans for our monthly dinners every first Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome.

For December we meet on Wednesday, December 3rd at 6pm.  

Please order vegan* options when joining us.
No RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome.

Capers is located 230 N. Front St. in Marquette in the historic Landmark Inn.

They will be offering several vegan options, including a gluten-free vegan option.

You can join the event on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/events/399933390154920/

 *Vegan omits all animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Anything from the plant kingdom is vegan.







The Vegan Scoop



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

City Green Market has free yoga passes available for 1 free session (a $10 value) taught at Palomaki Family Chiropractic by instructor and Northern Vegans member Brianna Rasmusson. You can choose from upcoming dates: Dec. 3 or 10th all at 7:15pm. Come by and pick up a free pass when you can!  Palomaki Family Chiropractic is right across the street from City Green Market and both are located in downtown Negaunee and are on Facebook.  You can also call 906-475-6000.

Northern Vegans member Cassandra Vore offers one of the areas only natural childbirth education classes
This Hypnobabies�  course is great whether a mom is having her first or her fifth child. It offers strong education on health consumer options, training for birth partners, and excellent tools for birthing including self hypnosis techniques for fear clearing, relaxation, hyno-anesthesia and birth visualization. If you want to prepare to birth your baby in comfort, joy, and love learn more by exploring the Superior Birthing Resources or Hypnobabies®  website or simply by calling and talking to Cassandra at 906-942-7010 or 906-362-1692. The class series that begins in early January is perfect for mamas "due" from mid February through April.

GREAT NEWS!  All Vegan Cooking Show On Public TV 13
"Jazzy Vegetarian" on WNMU Public TV 13 airs every Saturday at 12 noon (EST).   Check out Laura Theodore's Giving Thanks episode with vegan stuffing, pumpkin pie, and much more here: http://www.jazzyvegetarian.com/products-group-165.html

Borderland Vegans
Lots of upcoming events!  Check It out!

Benjamin Zephaniah Talking Turkeys
Vegan comedian, poet, musician, and activist is Talking Turkeys this holiday season.  Very funny 3 Minute You Tube Video Here

Vegan Mentors Available
Are you a new vegan or an aspiring vegan? If so, we can connect you with a vegan mentor- someone you can contact with questions or when you need encouragement. If you would like us to connect you with a vegan mentor please contact us at info@northernvegans.com.
Why Vegan? 
A moving 4 minute video on why vegans choose to be vegan:

A Compilation of Long-Term Vegans: Our Powerful Message

This is very inspiring!   
Cath Ens-Hurwood has been vegan for over 33 years
..." (from the UK) quite locally to us were chicken farms. I was uptown one day and saw the chicken trucks driving through on the main road, with the chickens in crates heading to slaughter. It was a cold, windy, rainy day and there was no protection for the chickens on the outsides of the trucks and many of their wings poked through the slats and had obviously been broken as they were being buffeted by the wind. I saw that and thought I am part of the reason they are there..."   More Here: http://thevegantruth.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-compilation-of-long-term-vegans-our.html

Plant-Powered Professionals; Vegan doctors, R.D.'s, vets, nutritionists

60 Winning Short Essays of "Why I Will Always Be Vegan"
The Free Range Myth
On this page: http://www.peacefulprairie.org/freerange1.html Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary has several links on their website about the misconceptions of free range chickens- including their video "watch the faces of 'free range' farming."

Spreading Success: Alfred Kafity, D.O., and Chris Kafity, R.N.

"Alfred Kafity, D.O., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.G., Chris Kafity, R.N., B.S.N., their sons, and their daughter-in-law participated in the Physicians Committee's 21-Day Vegan Kickstart and collectively lost more than 400 pounds.

Dr. Kafity, a gastroenterologist at Bay Area Gastroenterology and Fisher-Titus Medical Center in Ohio, lost 50 pounds. His dietary changes also prompted the medical center to serve healthful plant-based options in the cafeteria.

Ms. Kafity lost 35 pounds, reversed her diabetes, and is now off all medications. Her triglycerides went from 500 to 140, and she eliminated her eczema..."  More here: http://www.pcrm.org/media/good-medicine/2013/summer2013/spreading-success-alfred-kafity-do-and-chris 

Be Sure to Take Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D
...'The U.S. government recommends vitamin B12 for everyone over age 50. However, it is prudent for everyone, regardless of age, to take vitamin B12... Although vitamin D's best-known function is to help you absorb calcium from the foods you eat, it also has a cancer-preventive effect.."  More here: http://www.pcrm.org/media/good-medicine/2013/summer2013/doctors-urge-fda-to-ban-multivitamins-containing

Recommended Dosage of B12
From vegan dietician Dina Aronson
for infants, children, adults, pregnancy, and lactation. Read here:

Are there vegan sources of B12?
With vegan dietician Dina Aronson: ..."Vitamin B12 is produced by bacteria, fungi, and algae. Neither plants nor animals can synthesize the vitamin... Remember, B12 is produced only by microorganisms. Consider the sanitary modern world: only in the last several decades have we had the luxury of treated water, power-washed produce, and machine-sanitized packaged foods. Before these conveniences, people (vegans and non-vegans) ate locally-grown fruits and vegetables and drank water from the well or public water supply, all of which were rich in vitamin B12 due to bacterial contamination...."  Read more here: http://vegfamily.com/dietician/0904c.htm

Veganize Your Pizza Delivery!
You'd be surprise how easy it is to do.  Also, if you are going for pick up, some customers are now bringing the shredded Daiya cheese to the pizza place for them to bake on the pizza.  Just ask!

Former Meat and Dairy Farmers Who Became Vegan Activists
...Speaking about the animals he once used, ate, and routinely sent to slaughter, Jan says: "Before, I denied that I liked them. There was no other way. I wanted to earn a living. And now they are more like comrades. You are happy, you talk, you talk to them. You talk to a cow as well as to a pig or to a cat or a dog; I don't see any difference..."
Former beef and dairy farmer Harold Brown: ..."I have often heard the word "humane" used in relation to meat, dairy, eggs, and other products... I have always found this curious, because my understanding is that humane means to act with kindness, tenderness, and mercy. I can tell you as a former animal farmer that while it may be true that you can treat a farm animal kindly and show tenderness toward them, mercy is a different matter..."  More at: http://freefromharm.org/animal-products-and-ethics/former-meat-dairy-farmers-became-vegan-activists/#sthash.Mre8Ivrm.dpuf
One Thing to Improve the Lives of Animals
A short 1 1/2 minute video with Professor of ethics and philosophy and author Gary Francione.   It is the simplest yet the most profound thing we can all do to improve the lives of animals. What do you think that is?  You Tube Video Here
Vegan Parents Impose Their Beliefs on Their Children
Watch 5 minute video with vegan Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. YouTube Video Here

The Vegan Body Care Guide

Vegan products contain no animal ingredients and are not tested on animals.

This page is a fantastic up to date guide: http://thevegantruth.blogspot.co.nz/2014/07/the-vegan-body-care-guide.html  

Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe with Wacky Peanut Butter Frosting

With The Vegan Zombie.  Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz2q1SZw7-Q (Note: you want to use organic ingredients whenever possible. Canola oil is often gmo if it is not organic. Organic sugar is not processed with bone char.  Flour is not irradiated if it is organic.  Happy baking!)  

Vegan Praline Pecan Pumpkin Pie by Allison Rivers Sampson

This looks amazing and Allison is one of the best dessert makers in the world!

Recipe here: http://blog.allisonsgourmet.com/2014/11/03/thanksgiving-recipe-vegan-praline-pecan-pumpkin-pie/ 

Watch Earthlings for Free

Narrated by actor and vegan Joaquin Phoenix.  This is a film that exposes the realities of all kinds of animal exploitation.  This is a very important film.  Watch free on You Tube Here: Earthlings.  More at: www.earthlings.com.
I'm Vegan: Gary Francione 
This is a 20 minute interview with distinguished professor, Gary Francione, on when and why he went vegan about 30 years ago.  A fantastic interview.  You Tube interview here
Have you hugged your chicken today?
This is a 15 second video of a young boy at a farm animal sanctuary who reaches his arms out to a chicken who then comes over for a real snuggly hug. You must watch this!  Video Here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdxo1mZeY68 (Note: This is the updated link. Sorry for the old one that was no longer good!)


Check out Northern Vegans' Vegan Recipe Facebook Album
Beautiful photos and some awesome recipes. Yum yum!  More Here
Going vegan is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Check out: www.vegankit.com
Free Why Veganism? Leaflets, slips, and tear offs here: www.whyveganism.com 
You can check out our Newsletter Archives here:
Recommended Media:
Happy Herbivore Holidays & Gatherings: Easy Plant-Based Recipes for Your Healthiest Celebrations and Special Occasions By Lindsay S. Nixon
Bestselling vegan author Lindsay S. Nixon brings "healthy" and "holidays" together in her new book, Happy Herbivore Holidays & Gatherings, filled with easy recipes that celebrate and define our favorite occasions throughout the year.

Health Tip of the Month (finding ways to heal or to live naturally using animal-free/cruelty-free methods):
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) says that more than a quarter of a million American children ages one through five eat a combination of 20 different pesticides each day.  There are over 150 synthetic pesticides used in conventional farming.  Many are suspected or known carcinogens.  All pollute our water ways and pollution has no boundaries.  Also, when we as individuals and as a community reject home chemical lawns this will help significantly reduce our exposure to pesticides.

When we buy certified USDA organic foods we know that they are: free of toxic pesticides and fertilizers; GMO-Free (no genetically modified organisms); and non-irradiated.  Many flours and spices that are not organic, for example, are now irradiated for longer shelf life.  As more and more consumers demand organic agriculture and buy organic foods and other products eventually the prices will go down.  But there is a very high price we pay when we buy pesticide and GMO grown foods.  These foods are detrimental to our health, to wildlife, and our planet as a whole.  When we buy organic foods and other products (such as organic body care products or organic cotton fibers) we know that this is good for our health, the planet, and a sustainable future.  Some small scale farmers can not afford the organic certification but could very well be using even more natural and sustainable practices than large scale certified organic farms.  Such small scale farms will often refer to their farming practices as "naturally grown".  You can ask farmers at your local farmers market how they grow their food.  If we want to see the end of pesticide use and GMO crops we need to support organic practices whenever possible.

We should all get in the habit of avoiding touching any of our mucus membranes when out in public.  This includes not rubbing eyes, ears, nose, or putting our fingers in the mouth or touching our lips.  Being conscious of whether we do this and trying to stop such bad habits can really help us reduce the spread of contagious diseases or significantly reduce the chances of getting sick ourselves.  Washing hands before eating is also important and when washing hands in a public bathroom to take care not to have our hands actually touching handles on faucets and door knobs- find ways to avoid this!   Coughing and sneezing into the crook of our elbow or arm and not in our hands is another way to help control contagious diseases.  There are many ways to reduce our chances of catching colds and flus and kids can learn how to follow these protocols too.  Of course, eating a whole foods plant-based diet is another way to rev up our immune systems during this season.  Best of health to Everyone!


Quote of the month:

""It's a pretty amazing to wake up every morning, knowing that every decision I make is to cause as little harm as possible. It's a pretty fantastic way to live."  Colleen Patrick-Goudreau


Join Northern Vegans on Facebook
And "Like" us.



Stay informed of upcoming events here locally and nationally.  Keep yourself apprised of veganism on so many levels.  Get the latest vegan recipes and so much more!





Make Sure You Are Receiving Our Newsletters


We do notice we get the occasional bounces.  From nmu.edu users we have seen in the past particularly a large amount of them (something to do with their server).   If you are getting our newsletters each month, no need to take action.  But if you aren't then please do see the suggestion below. 


From Constant Contact:

We would suggest that you advice your recipients to contact the destination mail server with a message that the email address is not recognized as valid. They need configure their system to allow Constant Contact emails to reach their inbox. You may ask them to whitelist the following IP addresses (note: these addresses have been recently updated):








Please consider making a donation to Northern Vegans


Northern Vegans is a not for profit organization and we work on a 100% volunteer basis. Our library donations, educational events, movie presentations, and much more are all financial expenses. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Please send donations to:

Northern Vegans

P.O. Box 126

Negaunee, MI 49866


Thank you!







Highlight of the Month


Honoring Every Single Sanctuary that provides needed shelter for once abused, neglected, or exploited animals.

Turkey Feast at Farm Sanctuary 


There are so many kinds of sanctuaries for animals- from the "farmed" kind to saving and rehabbing wildlife.  Such farm animal sanctuaries include: Farm Sanctuary; Woodstock; Catskill Animal Sanctuary; Animal Acres; and Midwest's largest one in Manchester, Michigan- Sasha Farm. Thank you.

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee is also an awesome place for retired zoo or circus elephants with over 2500 acres for the ladies to live out the rest of their lives. With open spaces and an environment where they can establish wonderful bonds with other fellow elephants.  Many of the elephants who have come to the sanctuary came with a common and painful foot disease due to standing on concrete most of their lives and also having limited space to roam.  A wild elephant will roam 30 to 50 miles a day.  A captive elephant lives in nothing more than a prison.  Many of them were once born wild and free to only be taken from their mothers and families as babies to then be sold to zoos and circuses. The Elephant Sanctuary is the next best thing to being wild.  Thank you. (www.elephants.com)

There too many sanctuaries out there that it is impossible to mention them all.  Thank you to all of the places that strive to provide the most natural and loving environments for so many kinds of animals, both domestic and wild.  We must not forget the wildlife rehabilitation centers as well- where people rescue and rehabilitate injured wildlife and when it is at all possible- release them back into the wild.   And for all the animal shelters, particularly the no-kill ones, that do their diligence to find permanent homes for all kinds of animals such as Marquette's UPAWS-  Thank you.

For the places that honor animals and see them as the unique individuals that they truly are and don't see them as commodities or existing for human purposes but simply exist for themselves.  Thank you for advocating for those who are unable to.  Thank you.

Approximately 45 million turkeys are eaten each Thanksgiving in America and about 22 million more on Christmas.  Please consider adopting a turkey for the holidays this year at a farm sanctuary- this adoption can also be given as a gift for someone else.

Adopt A Turkey And Teach Compassion This Thanksgiving.  More at: www.sashafarm.org

In the words of Dav Pilkey from his wonderful book "Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving" in which 8 children went on a field trip to a small turkey farm to discover the 8 turkeys they befriended were to be chopped up for Thanksgiving feasts, later hid each turkey under their clothes as they boarded back on their bus: 

"The very next morning, Eight families were blessed with eight fluffy Thanksgiving turkeys as guests. They feasted on veggies with jelly and toast, and everyone was thankful (the turkeys were most!).  So each one gave thanks for love and for living,

And they all had a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving."



Meeting America's Farmed Animals in Stories and Photographs

By No Voice Unheard

Ninety-Five (this is the approximate number of animals we spare each year when adopting a vegan diet) is a wonderful coffee table book.  Great for both adults and children alike.  Meet animals who have been rescued and can live the rest of their lives in sanctuaries.  Read about their past and present stories and the unique and sometimes quirky persons they are.  Funny, endearing, poignant.  This is a wonderful book to own and as well can make a wonderful gift.  Visit: http://novoiceunheard.org/


And if you are considering a companion animal at any time, such as a dog or cat or any other (rats, mice, you name it)- PLEASE ALWAYS ADOPT AND NEVER SHOP. Thank you for doing so.


Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to You ALL!











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