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Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Northern Vegans
April 2014 Newsletter


Monthly Dinner at Jasper Ridge


Join Northern Vegans for our monthly dinners every first Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome.

Next dinner at Jasper Ridge Brewery & Restaurant on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6pm.


Please order vegan* options when joining us.

No RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome.   

Jasper Ridge is located at 1075 Country Lane in Ishpeming.


Jasper Ridge has a vegan pizza crust and vegan pizza sauce. Just add your favorite veggie toppings and you got yourself a vegan pizza!

Their website: http://www.countryvillageresort.com/httpdocs/html/brewery.html


Join this Event Here on Facebook



*Vegan omits all animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Anything from the plant kingdom is vegan.











The Vegan Scoop


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead


Borderland Vegans

Lots of upcoming events!  Check It out!


Vegan Mentors Available
Are you a new vegan or an aspiring vegan? If so, we can connect you with a vegan mentor- someone you can contact with questions or when you need encouragement. If you would like us to connect you with a vegan mentor, please contact us at info@northernvegans.com.
Why Vegan?
A moving 4 minute video on why vegans choose to be vegan:
Seeking parents who are raising vegan or vegetarian children to be apart of a playgroup in Negaunee. 
Good for either preschoolers and homeschoolers.  I am raising a 5 year old vegan boy who is being homeschooled.  There will be fun activities for the children like story time, singing songs, and guided yoga as well as unstructured play both in and outdoors.  Times and days to get together are flexible and will be discussed by interested parties. Please contact Carrie at info@northernvegans.com for more information.

A Compilation of Long-Term Vegans: Our Powerful Message

This is very inspiring!   

Seba Johnson has been a vegan her whole life
..."My Mother; always an animal lover since she was a kid and always knowing deep down in her heart that eating animals didn't seem right, decided to visit a slaughterhouse. There she would find the objects of her painting. It was in the eyes of the cows that she could see their fear and deep sadness, it was in the sight of blood trickling past their hooves that she could feel their distress, as these beautiful cows with their long eyelashes stood in cramped corridors. My Mother saw their faces as they inched closer to their fate ahead of them..."  Read More Here on this story and many others.
Gary Yourofsky
From a viewer: "I have seen several documentaries and heard several speakers talk about  veganism, but this has had a bigger impact on me than most and by far one of the absolute best."
"Earth Day is the perfect time to consider veganism. Everyone's looking for eco-friendly tips, and going vegan is the most important thing you can do for the environment... Twenty years ago, it seemed that only animal rights groups were talking about veganism and the environment; now environmental groups and mainstream scientists and organizations are starting to get it..." Article Here: http://animalrights.about.com/od/Veganism/a/Vegan-Earth-Day.htm
Animal Rights National Conference
July 10th-13th in Los Angeles.
Gluten Free Oat Flour as a Replacement
Dr. Michael Greger's site NutritionFacts.org
Have you been to Dr. Greger's site yet?  This is an invaluable site for understanding human health, nutrition, and a plant-based diet.  Free to the public, there are so many great videos you can watch at your convenience.  Here's the link: http://nutritionfacts.org/
Dr. Michael Greger Nutrition DVDS:
Vegan Waiter Video (very funny!)
Keeping Animal Bones Out of Sugar by Laura Shults
..."Many countries in Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand, have banned the use of bone char in the refining process.... For those of us who are in the US, and in other countries where bone char filters are still widely used, there are a number of cruelty-free options available..." Article Here: http://gentleworld.org/keeping-animal-cruelty-out-of-sugar/
Kaiser Permanente Endorses Plant-Based Diets
"Kaiser Permanente is the largest HMO in the United States with 182,000 employees, including 17,000 physicians... And they could potentially be helping lead the way towards a plant-based revolution in healthcare..." Article Here: http://gentleworld.org/kaiser-permanente-endorses-plant-based-diets/
Check out Northern Vegans' Vegan Recipe Facebook Album
Beautiful photos and some awesome recipes. Yum yum!  More Here
Going vegan is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Check out: www.vegankit.com
Free Why Veganism? Leaflets, slips, and tear offs here: www.whyveganism.com 
You can check out our Newsletter Archives here:
Recommended Media:    


Vegan athlete Fiona Oakes won the Antarctic Ice Marathon on November 20, 2013 and in doing so broke two world records and set a course record. The race's Facebook group has reported that "Fiona Oakes' time of 4:20.02 hrs is a new Ice Marathon record beating the previous record recorded by Yvonne Brown of Great Britain who had a time of 4:26.10 hrs." Fiona also set world records for the fastest aggregate time for running marathons on each continent plus the polar ice cap and did it over the shortest period, completing it in 225 days. Previous record was 324 days.  


"A typical day's diet consists of plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and rice.  I do not buy any supplements or buy any specific products to assist in my very strenuous lifestyle- bearing in mind I also have 400 animals to care for and am a retained firefighter- as I simply cannot afford them."  Fiona Oakes  

More here: http://www.greatveganathletes.com/content/fiona-oakes-antarctic-marathon-world-record and here: http://www.greatveganathletes.com/vegan_athlete_fiona-oakes-vegan-marathon-runner.  Fiona's website: http://www.fionaoakes.com/ (you can also find her on Facebook). An inspiration to all of us! 

Health Tip of the Month (finding ways to heal naturally using animal-free/cruelty-free methods):

The Acne-Promoting Effects of Milk.

See short video by Dr. Greger here: http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-acne-promoting-effects-of-milk/ 

"Dairy is considered a major cause of the acne epidemic and other more serious chronic diseases in the Western world due to the "abuse" of the mammalian postnatal signaling system by widespread cow milk consumption."


Quote of the month:

"As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields." Leo Tolstoy


Join Northern Vegans on Facebook
And "Like" us.



Stay informed of upcoming events here locally and nationally.  Keep yourself apprised of veganism on so many levels.  Get the latest vegan recipes and so much more!



Love is everywhere.   



Make Sure You Are Receiving Our Newsletters


We do notice we get the occasional bounces.  From nmu.edu users we have seen in the past particularly a large amount of them (something to do with their server).   If you are getting our newsletters each month, no need to take action.  But if you aren't then please do see the suggestion below. 


From Constant Contact:

We would suggest that you advice your recipients to contact the destination mail server with a message that the email address is not recognized as valid. They need configure their system to allow Constant Contact emails to reach their inbox. You may ask them to whitelist the following IP addresses (note: these addresses have been recently updated):








Please consider making a donation to Northern Vegans


Northern Vegans is a not for profit organization and we work on a 100% volunteer basis. Our library donations, educational events, movie presentations, and much more are all financial expenses. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Please send donations to:

Northern Vegans

P.O. Box 126

Negaunee, MI 49866


Thank you!







Highlight of the Month


It's a Bouncing Baby Boy!
Billy Ray at Sasha Farm  


(From Sasha Farm)  

We began our typical morning chores and it seemed like it would be just like any other day. One of our cows, Apple was pregnant so we check in on her as frequently as we can. Everything was fine in the barn. Less than an hour later our volunteer John walked back into the barn and there he was. Our new little calf was up and standing. Apple had given birth in that short period of time we were not in the barn. We made sure to get him dried off in this chilly temperature and in no time he was nursing from mom. We were relieved mom and baby were doing fine. The bond between Apple and her calf was pretty immediate. Apple has the natural instinct to protect her calf. While we'd love to snap pictures all day of baby and mom we do give them plenty of time to rest. We have named the calf Billy Ray in memory of a volunteer's late father who staunchly opposed the veal industry. To see this little calf nurse from his mom leaves such an impression and reminder that cows produce milk for their babies. In the dairy industry calves are generally taken from their mothers within a day or two of being born. After the calves are taken the mother cows begin their sad fate of being hooked up to milking machines several times a day. If the calf is a female she will be raised to face the same disturbing cycle of life as a commodity to produce milk for human consumption. If the calf is a male he will be sent off to a veal crate or raised to become beef. In Billy Ray and Apple's case this will not happen. They will never be separated and he will continue to nurse from his mother just as all babies should. This mom and baby are lucky to be safe in their forever home at SASHA Farm. We are sad that not all cows will be so lucky. Billy Ray gives us hope that someday hopefully more calves will stay with their mothers.

If you would like to sponsor Apple and Billy Ray or any other animals please go to: www.sashafarm.org.
See the video of Billy Ray after he was born. http://youtu.be/W6LIi05ai3s 
(Earth Day is on April 22nd)







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