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Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Northern Vegans
October 2013 Newsletter


Monthly Dinner at Capers in the Landmark Inn


Join Northern Vegans for our monthly dinners every first Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome.


Next dinner at Capers in the Landmark Inn is on Wednesday, October 2nd at 6pm.


Please order vegan* options when joining us.

No RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome.   


The Landmark Inn is 230 North Front St. in Marquette

Their website is: http://thelandmarkinn.com/ 


They will be preparing some special vegan entrees for us, including gluten-free.


*Vegan omits all animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Anything from the plant kingdom is vegan.


Northern Vegans Seventh Annual Thanksgiving Vegan Potluck


On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th at 2pm, Immanuel Lutheran Church in Negaunee.  Our largest social event of the year!   


Mark your calendars!  More details in the November newsletter. 







Free screening of the award winning film Peacable Kingdom: The Journey Home 
Peaceable photo     
On Tuesday, October 22nd at 6pm at the Peter White Public Library
Community Room
Please come join us to watch this amazing film. Everyone welcome.
Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home is a 78 minute documentary and has been the recipient of multiple awards including the Audience Award at the Environmental Festival at Yale and the Best Documentary Award both at the Chicago's Peace on Earth Film Festival and the Moondance International Film Festival in Boulder, Colorado.  Elizabeth English, founder of the Moondance Film Festival, said "(this film) truly is a journey of inspiration; a journey to an enlightened consciousness."
"Our goal", says filmmaker James LaVeck "was to combine an intimate portrait of animal lives with an equally sensitive exploration of a seldom-discussed moral struggle experienced by many people growing up in farm culture." 
What people are saying about Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home:
"I felt 'whole' after watching the film. It makes connections that I don't encounter in everyday life. It made feel me larger than myself, like I am a part of something bigger." (21-year-old)

"Educational and inspiring. One of the most important educational pieces to understand our world and the possibilities for a peaceful planet." (56-year-old)

"Unforgettable images and stories. Wish everyone could see it." (68-year-old)

"This film reminds me to live with heartfelt connections to animals, people and the earth. I love the depth of the film. I truly felt connected to people working for change and felt sincere compassion for the animals... This film encourages gratitude. I would recommend it to all! Gratitude changes lives. Feeling the connections and becoming aware to make change is imperative." (21-year-old)

"This film is something everyone should be exposed to. It was done very tastefully and the images are so powerful." (20-year-old)

"This beautiful movie has helped to inspire, motivate and educate me. This film does such an amazing job of balance: balancing the horror of the lives of farm animals with the joy of those who have been rescued, balancing the disconnect of society with the stories of people who have opened their circle of compassion, the happy and the sad... such a powerful, beautiful and provocative film." (22-year-old)

We will need volunteers who can help prepare tasty vegan snacks or appetizers.  Finger foods would be the key.  For example: baked goods, cut up vegetables or fruit, hummus with crackers, falafels, nori rolls, the list goes on. 

Vegan omits all animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Anything from the plant kingdom is vegan.  

If you can graciously help prepare vegan foods for this event please contact us at: info@northernvegans.com.   Thank you! 
If you can help distribute posters please contact us at info@northernvegans.com
Thank you!





The Vegan Scoop

 Animals not property                      

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead


Borderland Vegans

Vegan Lunch at Hereford & Hops in Escanaba on Saturday, Oct. 12th at 1pm

Please RSVP by no later than October 5th.


Contact info to RSVP here: www.borderlandvegans.com/EVENTS.html  


Northern Vegans will have a library display at Peter White Public Library

for the whole month of October. Please come by and check it out. Free literature will be available.


Seeking parents who are raising vegan or vegetarian children to be apart of a playgroup in Negaunee.  Good for either preschoolers and homeschoolers.  I am raising a 5 year old vegan boy who is being homeschooled.  There will be fun activities for the children like story time, singing songs, and guided yoga as well as unstructured play both in and outdoors.  Times and days to get together are flexible and will be discussed by interested parties, but would like to start a bimonthly or weekly playgroup by the end of September or October.  Space is limited.  Please contact Carrie at info@northernvegans.com for more information.


Our Voices 

My Vegan Story by Kim C.

'So many people go through life exclaiming that they are "animal lovers" yet they continue to blissfully feast on the flesh of socially acceptable animals, I was one of them... Becoming vegan has done nothing but improve my life. Throughout a life long battle with obesity, I write this with 50 less pounds on my body.'
Read Kim's story Here (from Northern Vegans' Our Voices album)


Beautiful Baba Ganoush Recipe

Made from eggplant, this is a delicious Middle-Eastern spread. Yum!

Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes Beautiful Baba Ganoush Here


A Compilation of Long-Term Vegans: Our Powerful Message
This is very inspiring!   

james gorman  

James Gorman has been vegan for over 50 years
"I have been a vegan for most of my life, over 50 years, having been brought up this way by my mother. I wasn't aware of all the issues as a child - I only really understood that I was different to other children due to the plant-based foods and natural remedies my mother gave me - but since adulthood I have been vegan for one simple reason and that is the cruelty and violence that is inflicted upon animals at the hands of human beings."
Read More Here  
Check out Northern Vegans' Vegan Recipe Facebook Album
Beautiful photos and some awesome recipes. Yum yum!  More Here
Free Why Veganism? Leaflets, slips, and tear offs here: www.whyveganism.com

U.S. Vegan Population Doubles in Only Two Years

Vegan Dog Nutrition Group on Facebook:

All Vegan and natural dog food: http://v-dog.com/   

Is There Such Thing As a Dietary Vegan?
"If the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the word "vegan" is food, you're not alone.... it is easy to forget that there is much more to veganism than what we put in our mouths."  More here: http://www.theveganwoman.com/is-there-such-a-thing-as-a-dietary-vegan/      

Dr. John McDougall talks about diet and Multiple Sclerosis
This is an hour long video that is a must watch for those that have MS or if you know of someone who does.  You Tube Video Here    

Ask the Vegan Dietician Jill Nussinow:
How does fiber affect the nutritional content of a product?
Answer Here: http://vegfamily.com/dietician-jill/foods-with-fiber.htm (... Fiber is important and it's recommended that you get 20-30 grams each day. All whole plant foods contain fiber...")
Recommended Media:
Jazzy Vegetarian: lively vegan cuisine that is easy and delicious by Laura Theodore
Wonderful recipes and beautiful and inspiring photos
This is available at www.uplibraries.org and Michigan elibrary at www.mel.org
More at: http://www.jazzyvegetarian.com/ 

Health Tip of the Month (finding ways to heal naturally using animal-free/cruelty-free methods):

Are you staying well?  Natural Remedies at Jersey City Vegan's website along with a great selection of other links to natural, vegan remedies: http://jerseycityvegan.com/tag/natural-remedies/  Note: wearing gloves in public may seem extreme (this is suggested on Jersey City Vegan's website). Alternatively, make sure you don't touch your face when in public (ie: strive to get out of the habit of rubbing your nose and eyes in public and don't touch your mouth or the inside of your ears.).  Wash your hands as soon as you get home or before dining at a restaurant.  When washing your hands in a public bathroom try not to touch the handle of the faucet.  Use your elbow for a simple swivel one handle. Or if it is a twist one consider turning on the hot and cold knobs with paper towel over them.  Don't touch the handle to the door on the way out if you can avoid it (more germs on a door handle in a public bathroom than any other door knob/handle anywhere)! Use a paper towel to touch the handle on your way out or with some handles you can manage to use your elbow instead. Push doors on the way out is ideal, but often not available.  Rethink where you put your hands. It doesn't matter if you wash your hands 20 times a day (not good for your skin anyway).  It is how you use your hands and what it touches.  Remember that!  Good hygiene can help prevent the onset of colds and flus.  Interestingly, if you and everyone that lives with you gets in the habit of washing hands as soon as you get home, the same hygiene protocol no longer applies.  Rubbing your eyes in the sanctuary of your own home is totally fine. Unless, of course, you got a sick family member or friend living with you at the time.  The right hygiene protocol can lower your chances of getting sick, but regardless- most of us get colds on occasion anyway.  Natural and vegan remedies are, fortunately, always available to help us through our discomfort. 



Join Northern Vegans on Facebook
And "Like" us.



Stay informed of upcoming events here locally and nationally.  Keep yourself apprised of veganism on so many levels.  Get the latest vegan recipes and so much more!




Make Sure You Are Receiving Our Newsletters


We do notice we get the occasional bounces.  From nmu.edu users we have seen in the past particularly a large amount of them (something to do with their server).   If you are getting our newsletters each month, no need to take action.  But if you aren't then please do see the suggestion below. 


From Constant Contact:

We would suggest that you advice your recipients to contact the destination mail server with a message that the email address is not recognized as valid. They need configure their system to allow Constant Contact emails to reach their inbox. You may ask them to whitelist the following IP addresses (note: these addresses have been recently updated):








Highlight of the Month

Tribe of Heart Films




James Laveck and Jenny Stein are the co-founders of Tribe of Heart and producers of the award-winning documentaries The Witness and Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home. For the last ten years, their work has focused on the emerging new ethics of the human-animal relationship and the journey of awakening conscience.

"Our work as filmmakers has revolved around the awakening of conscience in the lives of ordinary people, and how this process leads to an understanding that we are all interconnected and that our choices can create more violence or more peace in the world. We have found that the stories that we have to share are universal, of interest to people of all walks of life, and around the world. We have seen that when approached with compassion and respect, audiences everywhere are willing to listen to new ideas and contemplate the possibility that there are important and even life changing facts and ideas they were not aware of before."


About Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, Laveck says:

"There is a sense of solemnity in the audience right after the film ends. Then, people begin to find the words to express their personal experience, it seems like there is a gradual transition to quiet joy that builds into an exciting sense of community. It's a wonderful experience. The film is ultimately about finding what dwells at the center of your heart, and living it."


More at:  http://www.tribeofheart.org/










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