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Employee Training: Is It Worth It?
Doug Powell, PEARL President

As a small business owner, I have been on both sides of the training dilemma. My question like many business owners was this, "If I invest in employee training, will I really see the payback?" I'll admit that I've been skeptical over the years when it comes to employee training. I have seen too much employee training back fire on me. But, after thirty years of running a small business, I must concede that I'm a believer in employee training and an ongoing training investment offers various benefits for both the organization and the individual.

As an organization, I have seen how employee training can boost productivity. The business environment is dynamic, which means that technologies are constantly changing. Skills and technologies that were applicable a few years ago may no longer be efficient or meet the new standards in the industry today. Through an ongoing training program, employees can keep their skills finely tuned and on top of the latest technology and standard innovations. In addition, employee training programs improve employee satisfaction. An employee is more likely to experience job satisfaction if they do not struggle to carry out their roles in the work place.

At this year's annual PEARL conference, PEARL committed to deliver more technical training. Included in your registration will be electrical safety, fused and non-fused disconnects inspect and testing, how to test ground fault systems and basic transformer theory, and testing tips and tricks.  This training, plus the opportunity to test at the conference for both PEARL level and level II technical certification, makes the PEARL conference a great value for your technical employees.

Please make plans now to join us on April 6-9, 2017 at the Island Hotel in Newport Beach California for the 20th Annual PEARL Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition.  Plan to have your technicians in attendance to learn firsthand from industry subject matter experts.

Wishing you the best,

Doug Powell, PEARL President
electricalnewsElectrical News
Establishing a Hazard Communication Program
Every day at workplaces throughout California, employees work with or are incidentally exposed to hazardous substances that can harm their health or cause other safety hazards. In response to this reality, Cal/OSHA enacted the Hazard Communication Standard. READ MORE

IEEE-IAS Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Call for Papers
The IEEE-IAS Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Department has issued a call for papers for presentation at the 2017 53rd Annual I&CPS Conference, which will be held at the Crown Plaza Niagra Falls. READ MORE

Introducing the New Code
Every three years, the National Electrical Code (NEC) is revised and often expanded. As the 2017 NEC development cycle comes to a close, the final stages of the process unfold. READ MORE

RIC in Collaboration with RIT Announces Roadmap Workshop  

Remanufacturing Industries Council is pleased to announce, in collaboration with Rochester Institute of Technology, an in-depth roadmapping workshop to be held September 29 - 30, 2016 in Troy, Michigan. READ MORE

Basic Measuring of Resistance, Voltage and Current Using
Digital Multimeter
Digital multimeter has generally replaced the
 analog-type multimeter as the test device of choice for maintainers because they are easier to read, are often more compact and have greater accuracy. Digital multimeter performs all standard analog-meter measurement functions of AC and DC. Some offer frequency and temperature measurement. READ MORE

The PEARL$AFE Leadership Corner is focused on professional and leadership development and ways to increase your business's internal effectiveness. Contributions come from Leanne Edwards, president of Leadership Management International
The Secret to Being Lucky
Why do some people seem to have all the luck? They're always in the right place at the right time. Their businesses prosper. They get one fantastic promotion after another. In short, they enjoy phenomenal success. What explains it? Are they doing something special, or is good fortune selecting them by chance?

Before going further, let's clarify what we mean by luck. The dictionary defines luck as "accidental fortune, good or bad." A key element of luck, therefore, is that it is haphazard or coincidental.

For example, you win the lottery (good luck). Or a chandelier falls from the ceiling right onto your head (definitely bad luck). In either case, there's little or nothing you did to directly cause the outcome. This is the traditional definition of luck with which most of us are familiar. We'll call it "random luck."

Let's focus on the people who, time and time again, attain extraordinary results in their life. Often, we attribute their prosperity to random luck. However, after studying the lives of people who have achieved tremendous success, I've discovered that there's more to it than that. Indeed, these people seem to benefit from something I'll call "created luck." (For the rest of this article, we'll be referring to this type of luck.)

People who create their own luck have certain traits in common. Here are the keys for deliberately bringing luck into your life: 

PEARL Technician Certification Training Program Level II Underway
Questions for the second level of PEARL's Technician Certification Training Program are currently being reviewed and edited by the Certification Committee with hopes of launching Level II by the end of the first quarter in 2017. Level II technicians are defined as having the ability to work independently and able to inspect, test, and perform reconditioning procedures, following PEARL and other industry standards, on a wide range of electrical power equipment, and accurately interpret equipment drawings, specifications, and electrical schematics, at the component level, as it relates to the PEARL reconditioning standard. Technicians wanting to be certified at the second level will need to have already taken the Level I exam. For more information on the PEARL Technician Certification Training Program, click here.

September PEARL In-Person Board Meeting Scheduled
This September, the PEARL Board of Directors will be meeting in Boulder, CO for their bi-annual in-person board meeting. Taking place Saturday, September 10, at the Hotel Boulderado, the in-person board meeting allows the PEARL leadership to meet for a full day to work on important issues facing the organization. This trip will also include a site visit with PEARL member Widespread Electrical Sales.


Save the Date for the 2017 Annual Conference

Save the date for April 6-9, 2017, as PEARL heads to Newport Beach, California! This year's conference will have a sub-theme focused around disaster recovery. Sponsorship and exhibit details, hotel information, and schedule of events are coming soon!

See you in California!
Aug 2016,  Vol. 86


Leadership Corner


NECA 2016 Show
October 7-10, 2016
Boston, MA

Big R/ReMaTecUSA Show
October 29-30, 2016
Las Vegas, NV
aroundthewebComplete Guide To Wind Power Plants For Engineers

LinkedIn Electrical Professionals group discussion

LinkedIn Transformer Professionals group discussion

PEARL is now accepting applications for Level 1 Technician Certification. For more information, click here, or contact

PEARL offers some of the most competitive advertising rates in the industry with the PEARL$AFE monthly newsletter. Reach over 11,000 people with your ad! Click here to review the e-Newsletter media kit. Have questions? Contact PEARL at


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Professional Electrical Apparatus Recyclers League | 4255 South Buckley Road, #118 | Aurora | CO | 80013