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Steady Waters Forecast for Electrical Industry in 2015

The upcoming year looks to be a promising one for the electrical business based on a variety of solid economic indicators. Industrial production is expected to advance at around 3% in 2015, while both nonresidential construction markets and utility capital spending likely will remain modest. Furthermore, a sustained decline in energy prices will prove mostly beneficial....READ MORE 


NEMA Updates Standard for Electrical Equipment Enclosures to 1000V   The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published NEMA 250-2014 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum). The standard covers the requirements to protect enclosed equipment against specific environmental conditions, excluding those such as condensation, icing, and corrosion. NEMA 250-2014 clarifies the previous version's requirements of enclosure drainage and ventilation....READ MORE 

Must-Have Electrical Mobile Apps to Make Your Job Easier
Smartphones and tablets have given electrical professionals yet another convenient tool in their belt. From calculators that allow users to calculate any single motor to determine maximum overcurrent, overload, and more to a handy, easy-to-search digital companion to the 2014 NEC Edition, these eight mobile apps help support electrical work tasks....READ MORE

Business, Environmental Case for Remanufacturing Gains Proponents
With remanufactured products costing up to 40% less than their new counterparts, businesses and consumers alike are becoming more open to purchasing reconditioned goods. A tightening availability of raw materials and rising costs for end-of-life disposal are further driving companies to embrace remanufacturing....READ MORE

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James White 
Electrical expert James White will be the keynote speaker at the 18th Annual Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition, April 24-27, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Cleveland at The Arcade in Cleveland, Ohio. White, training director at Shermco Industries and a principal member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code Making Panel 13 of the National Electrical Code, will discuss the latest changes to the 2015 NFPA 70E standard for electrical safety in the workplace....READ MORE


Jan. 2015, Volume 71


James White to Keynote Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference

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March 2-6, 2015 
Nashville, TN


18th Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition

April 24-27, 2015
Hyatt Regency Cleveland at The Arcade
Cleveland, OH 

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LinkedIn Used Electrical Equipment Dealers group discussion

Quick Estimation of the Short-Circuit Current at the End of a Feeder
LinkedIn Electrical Professionals group discussion
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