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PEARL wishes you a happy, healthy, and successful 2015!
electricalnewsElectrical News

Test Your Remanufacturing IQ
The United States leads the world in producing, exporting, and consuming remanufactured goods, but how much do you truly know about the industry? In this quiz, learn facts such as the value of remanufactured product in America (hint: it's at least $13 billion), which country receives the most items from us, and how many people the sector employs full time....READ MORE 


Tips to Propel Your Online Sales in 2015
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2015 is the Year of the Sheep. Make it the Year of the Shepherd instead by refining your e-sales and marketing strategy to round up new customers. Learn where your customers hang out online, and why befriending IT professionals could be the smartest business move you make....READ MORE 

World-Record Circuit Breaker Deployed in India
ABB has manufactured and installed a 1200-kV circuit breaker - the highest AC voltage level in the world - at a test station in India to support the country's plans for an ultrahigh-voltage grid. Space-saving hybrid switchgear includes a gas-insulated disconnector, current transformers, and monitoring diagnostic equipment....READ MORE

Add Value for Customers through Labor Savings
To stay competitive, electrical distributors and remanufacturers must think of ways to help their customers beyond simply selling a product. In the case of construction contractors, for instance, ensure that all components are included  and explained to make less work for the construction crew. Other options include sending a representative to answer questions about installation and offering follow-up services....READ MORE

Shermco Industries Acquires Electrical Mechanical Services, Inc.
Shermco is building up its presence in the Midwest with the acquisition of Electrical Mechanical Services, Inc. (EMS) in St. Paul, Minnesota. Services offered by EMS include electric motor repair and remanufacturing, field and machining services, and vibration analysis, among others....READ MORE

Dec. 2014, Volume 70


PEARL Member Updates

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Around the Web
March 2-6, 2015 
Nashville, TN


18th Electrical Safety, Reliability and Sustainability Conference & Exhibition

April 24-27, 2015
Hyatt Regency Cleveland at The Arcade
Cleveland, OH 

aroundthewebImpact of Power Factor at Full-Load and No-Load Conditions
LinkedIn Transformer Professionals group discussion

LinkedIn Electrical Professionals group discussion
PEARL Committees
PEARL is now accepting applications for Level 1 Technician Certification. For more information, contact Mark Stone at
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