September 28, 2016

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
 call (424) 327-9650 when your child 
is going to be absent.

 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
Look for your Wednesday Envelopes this week 

Thursday, September 29 - SLE Presentations at Assembly
Friday, September 30 - Home Mass - 2, 3 & 6
Wednesday, October 5 - AMPA Meeting, St. Kateri - 8:15 am
Friday, October 7 - School Mass - 8 am

$5 Friday Lunch at the Gym! BBQ Hamburger or Hot Dog, plus chips and a drink!
Calendar These Dates
Outdoor School -  October 11-14  -  Grade 6

Parish Fair -  October 15-16
Pastor's Holiday -  Mon., October 17 -  No School 

Upper School Parent -Teacher ConferenceWed. - Fri., October 19 - 21 
Star Testing - Parent Report
Students completed the first round of STAR testing the first two weeks of school. Pony through Grade 3 students took the Early Literacy test and Grades 2 through 8 took the Reading test and the Math test.

This first testing period establishes a benchmark score for each student. This score will provide teachers with a baseline score in which student progress throughout the year will be measured. This is a starting point for each student. 

Today, September 28th, we sent home the Parent Report, for each test taken.  It will provide you with basic information on how your student(s) performed on this benchmark test. A parent's guide to reading the report will be available on SchoolSpeak.

After the next testing period in October, we will send home the Diagnostic Test Report which will give more detailed information on how your student(s) is progressing and the skills that they know or areas that need additional support. We ask that parents wait to see their child's progress after the second testing period before reaching out to teachers. In the meantime, if a teacher identifies an immediate concern they will contact the parents.

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Upper School - Oct. 19-21, 2016
Thank you to all the parents who have filled out a conference request form.

We will schedule families at adjacent times and read carefully the requests that you make.

If we have not heard from you, we will send out a reminder email.  The link to the form is on the email.  Remember, if you have more than one student you need to fill out a form for each individual student.

Any questions or concerns, just let us know.  Dawn Cooper
Academic Decathlon
Academic Decathlon tryouts will be held on Monday, October 3 during Business Person's Lunch in 6A.  Academic Decathlon is open to all 6th, 7th, and 
8th graders.
Questions? contact Dr. Paz
Science Fair Information for 7th and 8th Graders
Some of the 7th and 8th grade students have already begun their science projects for the AMS Science Fair. If your child would like to be eligible for the LA County Science Fair and is using human subjects, vertebrate animals, cell/tissue lines, microbes or hazardous materials in their experiment, he/she must get pre-approval certification. The pre-approval forms are lengthy and must comply with LA County Science Fair safety regulations. The computer form is available on the LA County Science Fair website LA County Science Fair. It must be submitted before the Nov. 14, 2016 deadline. Before your child submits the form, please have him/her show it to one of the science teachers or me to make sure it is accurate.

I'm looking forward to working with our budding scientists.

Science Fair Coordinator
AMPA Meeting Wed, Oct 5 
Join us for our AMPA meeting next Wednesday, Oct 5 at 8:15am 
in St. Kateri. 

Come hear the exciting events planned for the year!  There will also be updates on Faith Families, Da Vinci Electives and STAR Testing.
All parents are members of AMPA.   Looking forward to seeing you there!  
Walking School Bus
Studies show that children that walk to school are more alert and ready to learn! 

Walking School Bus
Join fellow students on Wednesday, October 5 when American Martyrs will celebrate International Walk to School month and the 5th Birthday of Walking School Bus!
 Annual Public Library Bookmark Contest! 
It's time for the annual Public Library Bookmark Contest!
Calling all reading artists... this year's theme is READ FOR THE FUN OF IT!
Create your bookmark design in COLOR.   
Categories are:
  • Kindergarten - Grade 2
  • Grades 3 - 5
  • Grades 6 - 8
Please follow This Link to review contest guidelines and print the entry form.
All submissions must be sent to your County Library or AMS library by 
October 29, 2016.
The @AMParishFair Goes Social!

The Parish Fair is almost here!!  Oct. 15-16.  Follow the Parish Fair on Social Media for all the latest updates on Auction Items, Games, Food, Fun, and more...@AMParishFair on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.

Tickets will be sold this weekend after all Masses. 
Pre-sale price is a 20% BONUS . Tickets are good for food, drinks and games.
Fair weekend, tickets will be sold at the fair for $1.00.
See the flyer in your Wednesday envelope!!
Saturday Night Dinner Tickets

Tickets wil be on sale in front of O'Donnell Hall      
THIS Saturday, October 1, 4:30-6:30 pm
Steak or Fish adult dinners are $20/$15 for seniors.
Want to come but know you won't eat-purchase a seat at a table for $20.
Tickets can be purchased individually or as a table of 10.  You MUST know your food order options at the time of purchase.
Limit one table per person in line. Saturday Night Dinner Flyer
Check or credit card.
Questions? Seana Daniel
AMC's Got Talent!

Do you Sing?  Do you Dance?  Do you tell Jokes, Juggle or wear funny Pants??  Because if you do, we want YOU!
At this year's Parish Fair, on Saturday, October 15, from 10:30am to 12:00pm, we will have our American Martyrs Talent Show! 
  • Ages 1-18
  • Performance less than 3 minutes in length
  • Each act must be pre-approved by Entertainment committee
  • E-mail your info to, subject "AMGT"
  • Only 20 slots available for the first 20 (approved) performers
We look forward to you sharing your "talent" with the American Martyrs community! 

Don't Forget to "Super Size" Your Prize At the Fair!! 
"Super Size" your prize is a great upgrade option for kids to get more valuable prizes when they win games at many of the booths at the fair!  
If a game booth offers a Super Size option, when anyone wins at a game booth they can "Super Size" their prize by getting a Super Size ticket (to put game winner's name and phone number). All completed tickets will be entered into a random drawing for a chance to win many fabulous prizes - like assorted gift cards and a grand prize of an iPad!  
There is no limit to the number of times a person may enter!  Winners will be selected throughout the day Saturday and Sunday with prizes varying -- and need not be present to win.
Parents please talk to your kids in advance and let them know of the fair's NEW Super Size Drawings and come up with a family plan on how to win exciting new prizes!
How to Donate Scrip for Super Size?
It's easy! While at the scrip office, you can donate scrip or gift cards directly to the "Super Size" prizes collection - just drop them in the box on the counter.  
We appreciate any size donation!  Thank you!
Lisa Baker & Kristin Penney
Co-Chairs for Super Size
Parish Fair Staffing 
We still need hundreds of volunteers and it's less than 3 weeks away.
(Reminder: School families are required to work 2 shifts!) We especially need for volunteers for the Bounce Houses, Giant Slide and Obstacle Courses as well as House Goblins for the House of Horrors.  Please sign-up today!
Click the green Sign Up button to get started.  
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Steinbeck  (650-804-1529) or Lisa Thompson (310-968-9032). 
Lucky 21 is Here! 
Lucky 21
Want to Win a new 2017 Lexus CT 200h, 
a hybrid vehicle?
How About $5,000 Cash?

Buy your Lucky 21 tickets today. Tickets are now on sale after all Masses and in the Parish Offices or download a Lucky 21 Form
Lucky 21 would like to congratulate the following Early Bird prize winners from our September 25th drawing.  Winners will also be fully entered in the main raffle for a new 2017 Lexus CT 200h, a hybrid vehicle, and other great cash prizes.
$100 Gas Card Winners
Michele Montgomery
Jon and Cathy Strauss
Two Lucky 21 Tickets Winners
Bob Boada
Kevin Welk
Want to join the winner's circle?  Buy your tickets today!
Please support American Martyrs church, school, SRE and outreach programs by participating in one of the year's biggest fundraisers.
Your Lucky 21 Co-Chairs
Mike and Sara Kersey 310-921-0142, Gia Esposito,  Kerry Thelen,  Cristina Thain, and Eloise O'Donnell.

CPK Day for AMS - Thursday, September 29
Flag Football 
Varsity: Wed. Sept. 28 (4pm) Home game vs. St. Anastasia, Sat. Oct. 1 (3pm) Home game vs. St. Peter and Paul, Sun. Oct. 2 (12 noon) Home game vs. Mary Star

6th: Fri. Sept. 30 (5pm) Home game vs. St. John Chrysostom, Sat. Oct. 1 (4pm) Home game AMS 2 vs St. Anastasia 5

5th: Fri. Sept. 30 (3pm) Home game AMS 2 vs St. Anastasia 5, Sat. Oct. 1 (10am) Home game vs St. Anastasia 6

4th: Sat. Oct. 1st (5pm) Home game AMS 2 vs St. Paul 1

Girls Volleyball
Varsity: Congratulations for winning the Annual AMS Invitational Tournament and a BIG thank you to all the parents for working the event. Wed. Sept. 28 (3:45) Home game vs. St. Margaret Mary, Tues. Oct. 4 (3:45) Home game vs St. John Fisher

JV: Wed. Oct. 5 (3:45) Home game vs St. Lawrence Martyr

6th: Thurs. Sept. 29 (3:45) @ St. Jerome White vs St. Anastasia and 
(6:45) Blue vs. Corpus
5th: Tues. Oct. 4 (5:25) @ St. Jerome vs St. Catherine

4th: Fri. Sept. 30 (1:30) Blue vs St. Anastasia 4 and (2:20) White vs 
St. Anastasia 3

CYO Tournament Sun. Oct.2 @ Arroyo Seco in South Pasadena

Beginner and Intermediate Player Training Program @ The Lakes in El Segundo Contact: email Josh Alpert  or call 310 503-5070

Cross Country
CYO Invitational Sun. Oct.9th

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
Calling All Singers Grades 4-8!
Did you know American Martyrs has a Children's Choir?
This afterschool program is for children in the community to learn choral music and share their skills with various events throughout the year in AM Church and in the broader community.

Mrs. Ellen Steinmetz is our choir director, and she is eager to have you join!
American Martyrs Children's Choir Grades 4-8 invited.

Thursdays 3:15-4:15pm in the Music Room by St Kateri Room.
For further information, contact Mrs. Steinmetz or call 310-372-3412
NEW VENDORS!!  American Airlines is back, with an online only ScripNow certificate at 6%.  Alsoavailable are Delta Airlines  at 4% and 
Southwest Airlines at 4% - also with an online ScripNow certificate. Go to for details and to order.

VISA gift cards in $50 and $100 denominations are now available to order, with a 1.25% scrip credit. Order them at and pick them up at our office. 
If you are new to Scrip now is the time to visit the Parish Office (across the street from the church) and see what this Fundraising program is all about. As a school family you have a $200 Scrip commitment - start now and you can easily meet that commitment (and earn Tuition Credit - ask us how)
The Buyout Option allows families to fulfill their scrip commitment by writing a check to AMPA. If you choose to opt out of purchasing scrip then your buyout payment is:
$200 - if received by October 1
$225 - if received by December 1
$250 - if received by March 15
$275 - after March 15.
We encourage families to participate in scrip because Scrip supports our local businesses and they support us. But we will also take your buyout check. 
It's time for the annual RE-REGISTRATION of your Ralphs card. EVERYONE must re-register their card at  

Scrip Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs, 7:45am-3:45pm | Friday, 7:45am - 1:00pm
Sunday, 8:30am-11:30am | Closed on Saturday