This Week (and Next) at AMS
Back to School Nights - 7PM to 9PM, meet in O'Donnell Hall (ODH) before going to classrooms
- Grades 1-4 Tonight! Wed, September 7
- Grades 5-8 Thurs, September 8
Fri, September 9 - Pony Home Mass
Thurs, September 15 - School Picture Day
Hot Lunch is Back on Fridays ( bbq hamburger, hotdog or grilled cheese for $5)
Home Masses (6PM to 10PM) Fri, September 16 - Kinder, 4th and 7th Fri, September 23 - 1st, 5th and 8th Fri, September 30 - 2nd, 3rd and 6th
Parish Fair October 15-16 Pastor's Holiday on Mon, October 17. No School!
Picture Day - Thurs, September 15
We will be using the same photographer this year, Pictures With Class, and will be relying on the use of on-line ordering ONLY. (Code #0000418) To view this information form. Want to Volunteer to help? Please contact Katie Majcher if interested.
AMS Used Uniform Sale - Sunday September 11 |
Time to stock up on uniforms for the year!! Support our Library by purchasing from our Uniform Recycle Program. Gently used donated uniforms are washed, dyed and spruced up and resold at great prices!! Many items are like new but at half the price! All proceeds from this program go to our school Library! Sunday, Sept 11th after the 7:00, 8:00 & 9:30 Masses in O'Donnell Hall (It's pancake breakfast too so bring the family to eat while you shop!!) Questions contact Debbi Drewry at or (310) 488-1265
Thanks in advance for supporting this worthy cause!
The Walking School Bus is off and Walking!! |
Is the morning rush a little too hectic? Try walking to school! You'll find you only need to leave a little earlier and your children will arrive at school more alert and ready to learn! Plus, walking with friends is fun!! Our launch route is going 5 years strong now and we're looking to add new routes. If five families along a route get together you can walk one day and someone else will walk your children the other four days each week. AMS students in grades 5-8 can earn service hours by committing to walk with a route. To learn more about the Walking School Bus at American Martyrs contact Dawn Wilcox at
Mustang Players Returns! (Our after-school drama program)
An after school drama program offered to AMS students
We are very excited to announce the return of the Mustang Players. Mrs. Laniosz and Mrs. Halushka will teach this after school program. Mustang Players helps to promote students' confidence, enhances their teamwork abilities and discovers their talents as we work towards our production. The cost of this program is $75.00.
Mustang Players is offered to children in grades 1-3. Classes will be held every Tuesday starting September 20 at O'Donnell Hall. We will meet at the flagpole immediately following dismissal and walk together to O'Donnell Hall. Classes will go till 4:30 and it is important that your child is picked up from O'Donnell Hall promptly at that time. Our performances are scheduled for November 15th and 16th.
Mustang Players is a serious commitment. Students will be expected to attend every rehearsal and all performances. They will also be responsible for bringing their script to every rehearsal as well as practice singing the songs at home.
If you are interested in becoming a Mustang Player please fill out the attached form, include payment and return to the office NO LATER than Friday, September 16. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE THAT DAY.
High School Information Night - Tuesday, September 27 Eighth graders and their parents are invited to attend High School Night on Tuesday, September 27. 7th graders may attend, but please give priority to 8th graders in sessions that are crowded. More information is available on SchoolSpeak.
Graduation Trip to Washington, D.C./New York City - Tuesday, September 20 There will be an informational meeting about the Eighth Grade Graduation Trip in 8B on Tuesday, September 20 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will cover information about cost, attractions and transportation arrangements. Hope you will join us.
Mock Trial Meeting - Friday, September 9 The Mock Trial is still looking for 7th and 8th graders to round out a team for this year's competition. If you have an interest in theater or law, Mock Trial is right for you. The team meeting is this Friday, September 9 at 12:45 pm in 8B. The case has arrived and we will begin assigning roles on Friday.
Sign up for Fair Shifts NOW OPEN!

This Year's Parish Fair will be held on and we have plenty of fun opportunities for volunteers! Whether you're looking to help set up, man a booth, or work with the auction there is something to suit everyone. As a reminder, each AMS family is required to fulfill two shifts for the Fair. The Parish Fair Volunteer Sign up link will be posted on the AMS website today! If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Steinbeck (650)804-1529, Lisa Thompson (310-968-9032) or Sequoia Boehm (310-628-2911.)
Lucky 21 ticket sales will begin after all Masses NEXT WEEKEND, September 10-11. You can also buy tickets at the Parish Office or download an order form at See the flyer in your Wednesday envelope.
Parish Fair Live Auction Items
The school year might have just started, but planning for this fall's Parish Fair Live Auction has begun. Our goal is to create amazing, one-of-a-kind, never-seen-before experiences that you and your friends will be so awed with that you can't wait to bid against each other for them. But, guess what? We will do all the work to coordinate these extraordinary experiences, but we NEED your help in securing the right pieces of the puzzle.
Do you have connections/access to, or do you have a friend or colleague who does,
or would you want to help fund any of these fun items...
* A venue for an exclusive party or concert
* Seats on a private airplane or airplane tickets
* Airline miles or hotel rewards or better yet, simply a stay at a fabulous hotel
* Limo, luxury car or bus or any form of extraordinary transportation
* A boat or yacht for an overnight adventure
* An amazing home, maybe in a fabulous city or an exotic faraway place
you are able to share for a long weekend or a week or even two
* Tickets to a Broadway play, filming of a TV show or access to the set of
a new blockbuster movie
* Tickets, boxes or VIP experiences at top entertainment or sports venues
* A winery, distillery or craft brewery - better yet, all of the above
* A meet and greet with a friend who just happens to be a professional
athlete, famous actor or a professional musician (or even a fabulous band)
Our goal is to make this year's Parish Fair Live Auction the best one yet. If you can help make any of these ideas a reality, or have other creative items or ideas to contribute, please let us know.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
The Scrip Office is back to school year hours:
Mon-Thurs, 7:45am-3:45pm | Friday, 7:45am - 1:00pm
Sunday, 7:45am-11:30am | Closed on Saturday
If you are new to Scrip now is the time to visit the Parish Office (we are in the Temporary Trailer just west of the Gym) and see what this Fundraising program is all about. As a school family you have a $200 Scrip commitment - start now and you can easily meet that commitment (and earn Tuition Credit - ask us how)
The Buyout Option allows families to fulfill their scrip commitment by writing a check to AMPA. If you choose to opt out of purchasing scrip then your buyout payment is:
$200 - if received by October 1
$225 - if received by December 1
$250 - if received by March 15, 2017
$275 - after March 15, 2017.
We encourage families to participate in scrip because Scrip supports our local businesses and they support us. But we will also take your buyout check.
It's time for the annual RE-REGISTRATION of your Ralphs card.
All Ralphs contributions to our scrip program ended on August 31. The new term begins on September 1. All members who are currently enrolled in their program must re-register for the new term at See specific instructions here.
All Athletes and Parents need to read the NEW Athletic Handbook posted on School Speak. (Look on the left side for "Quick Links" and click on "Athletic Programs Documents"
You will also find forms that need to be turned in:
- Permission Form
- Transportation Form
- Parents Code of Conduct (in Athletic Handbook)
- Student Athlete's Code of Conduct (in Athletic Handbook)
Flag Football, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country and Golf are all practicing and getting ready for the CYO season to start.
A couple of key dates:
Varsity Flag Football will participate in the Holy Trinity Football Jamboree Sept. 17th and 18th at the San Pedro Girls Softball Complex
Varsity and JV Girls Volleyball will participate in the Annual American Martyrs Volleyball Tournament on Sat. Sept. 24th.
Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
24 Hours of Prayer at American Martyrs Church Begins September 16 at 5PM through 5PM on Saturday, September 17. Signup in the vestibule of the Church.