June 1, 2016

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
or email: ams@americanmartyrs.org
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
Thurs, June 2 - 8th Grade Graduation  
Graduation Mass 9AM - 10AM 
Graduation Brunch 10 AM - 12 PM (ODH)
Graduation Ceremony 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM (Church)
Graduation Dance 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (ODH)
Thurs, June 9 - Field Day/Kinderthon (12:35 dismissal!) 
Fri, June 10 - End of Year Mass, 8AM (Uniform dress)
Please Note: Students are to report directly to church on that morning.  Carpool will be open and any students that are dropped off in the school yard will be chaperoned up to church, but students are not to report to the classroom. ECC will be open regular hours for those registered.

see you in September.......
Calendar These Dates
Summer Vacation starts on June 10th with dismissal AFTER our 8AM School Mass
School starts (Summer ends) on Wed, Aug 24th for grades 1-8. Pony(pre-K) and Kindergarten start on Thurs, Aug 25.
Fall Used Uniform Sale:
Sunday, Sept. 11th after the 7, 8 and 9:30 masses in O'Donnell Hall.

Planning ahead for next school year?
You will find some important dates to calendar here: 
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. We will be publishing the participation levels each week in the Bulletin. As of today, the participation levels are as follows:
Continue to send in those contributions! 
2nd Grade continues to lead with 65%
6th - 59%
Kindergarten - 56%
3rd & 4th - 53%
1st - 52%
7th - 51%
5th & 8th - 49%
Pony - 48%

Our school has reached 54% participation rate as a school! School-wide participation in the Annual Giving Campaign is a testament to the community's strong commitment to the mission of the school and to the goals of a Catholic education.  Achieving 100% participation builds community, identifies solidarity, and often inspires significant additional gifts.  All Annual Giving Campaign gifts, large or small, make a collective impact, which benefits each and every student. Please contribute today to get us to 100%.

Principal's Message
It is always a bittersweet time of year, as we have to say goodbye to some in our community...
Mrs. Sonya Ross (Pony)has decided to stay home with her child this coming year. We wish her many blessings in this time with her family and know she will visit us often!
Ms. Mercedes Llanas (1C) will be returning home to Texas at the end of this school year. We thank her for her year of service to American Martyrs and we wish her the best of luck. Ms. Bridget Bettwy will return to AMS as the 1C teacher. Ms. Bettwy was an instructional aide in the 2nd grade from 2013 - 2015. Last year she taught 2nd grade at St. Anthony School in El Segundo. We are excited to have Bridget return!
Mrs. Kelly Odello (6A)and her husband are moving to Woodland Hills. We are happy for the Odello family and wish them the best in their new home. Mr. David Paradzik will be staying onboard at American Martyrs as one of the 6th grade homeroom teachers. Mr. Paradzik has been the long-term sub since March. Prior to AMS, Mr. Paradzik taught at Sierra Canyon School.
The following changes will also take place for the 2016-2017 academic year:
Lizzie Semmer (4A) will be moving to Pony. Colleen Atkinson (4th Grade Aide) will become the 4A teacher. Mrs. Atkinson has been an aide in 4th grade since August 2014 and a substitute teacher since September 2012. Mrs. Atkinson took a break from teaching to raise her children and is ready to return to the classroom full-time. Prior to American Martyrs, Mrs. Atkinson served as a 3rd grade teacher in San Francisco.
Patrick Walker (3B) will join the 6th grade team. Donna Villani (4thGrade Aide/Pony Long-term sub) will become the 3B teacher. Prior to AMS, Mrs. Villani taught 2nd grade at St. Charles Borromeo in North Hollywood and in New Jersey.
I am so proud and honored to be working with such wonderful educators!
Thank you,
Dr. Friel
Final Report Cards
The final report card for the 2015-2016 school year will be available on SchoolSpeak  after 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14, 2016.  The report cards will be in digital form which you can print if you wish.  
To access your student(s) report card select on the left hand side your student's homeroom and scroll all the way down to click on the report card.  You will be asked to click on the "I accept" button. 
AMS will not be printing out the report cards. 
AMS Yearbooks are here!
The Yearbooks have arrived and they are beautiful!
They are to be distributed to classes some time next week.
We still have a number of them for purchase ($50) in the school office. Don't wait any longer! 
State Science Fair Honors
The California State Science Fair was held May 23-24, 2016 at the California Science Center in Exposition Park. There were 941 participants from 421 schools throughout the State. Three of our Seventh grade girls participated.
Avery Devore entered her project, What herb essential oil will exterminate Blue Bottle Flies the fastest. Karly Condon and Bella LaSage won an Honorable Mention for their project, Does growing Radish sprouts and Alfalfa sprouts aqua-ponically vs. the more commonly used hydroponic farming method result in the greatest mass per liter of water?
Congratulations girls on your stellar representation of American Martyrs School
2016-17 Parent Service Sign-ups
Parent Service Sign Ups for the 2016-2017 Academic Year due Friday, June 10th.
Yes, that's the last day of school. As part of your commitment to AMS, each family is required to commit to a Parent Service Position for the 2016-2017 academic year. Please use this online form to submit your top three choices for your Parent Service Position. Your family will then be assigned to one Parent Service Position for the coming school year. Please refer to this Parent Service Descriptions document for more details about the Parent Service Positions available to your family. Even if you know what your Parent Service Position will be next year, all families must complete the attached form to avoid being pestered with follow up emails! Please review this document for logistical details about signing up.

Thank you for your service to AMS!
George oj Fansmith
AMS Parent Service
Scrip Summer Hours
Scrip is open in the Trailer all summer long, hours are 9am-3pm (Friday til 1pm) beginning Monday June 13. Sunday hours are still 8:30-11:30am

Murad is closing their Spa & Salon at the end of July - use your gift cards NOW. There will no longer be a Murad location to redeem them. The scrip office will not take any in return.

Great new North MB locations - Fishbar $50 cards at 10% and OBs Pub & Grill $5 chips at 10%.

AM Gift Scrip (4%) is a wonderful Thank You gift for teachers, staff and volunteers. You purchase the cards from us and the receiver can come into the scrip office and redeem them for ANYTHING we have in stock!

Don't forget Travel Scrip this summer - Delta Airlines and Southwest Airlines and Hyatt Hotels are the most popular. But there are also cruise lines, other hotels and car rentals and even some online travel sites.

Email us with ANY questions or special orders, Scrip@AmericanMartyrs.org
Outdoor Mass & Concert (click image for band info)

Congratulations to our Boys Volleyball and Soccer teams!
Two-in-One Night!   
On Thurs, May 26th the Boys Varsity Volleyball team won the championship game with a two set win over Corpus Christi School. The volleyball team was battling at Providence High School in Burbank.

Meanwhile, at Cathedral High School in downtown Los Angeles, the Boys Varsity Soccer team won their championship game over Holy Angels School.  After an exciting game in regulation time, the game ended in a tie and the boys won with three successful penalty kicks in a row.
Go Mustangs!
AMS Pre-Season Sports Camps 
These camps are optional and meant to help students feel comfortable and prepared for tryouts the first day of school. 
No signs ups required. Come the first day and be ready to have fun.
Girls Varsity Volleyball Camp (7th and 8th grade)  
Monday - Friday Aug. 15-19th 9am-12pm  Cost $130
Girls Volleyball Camp for 5th and 6th grade 
Monday - Friday Aug 15 -19th 1-3pm Cost $80
Girls Volleyball Camp for 4th grade
Monday and Tuesday Aug. 22 and 23rd  9-11am  Cost $35
Boys Varsity Football Camp (7th and 8th grade)
Monday and Tuesday Aug. 22 and 23rd 9-11am Cost $35 
Parish & Community
Summer at American Martyrs 2016
American Martyrs School is pleased to announce a partnership with Galileo Innovations Camps for Kids. Beginning this summer, American Martyrs will be home to Galileo summer programming. Galileo delivers a broad array of exceptional educational offerings for grades by offering programming for K-5th grades (Camp Galileo) and 5th - 8th grades (Galileo Summer Quest). Wrapped in four fresh themes for 2016, every week is an imagination-sparking adventure. Open to the Manhattan Beach community, AMS is happy to welcome Galileo to the South Bay. Registration is available at www.galileo-camps.com or call 1-800-854-3684.  
Registration is OPEN!
 The Fun starts June 13 and lasts until August 12. Returning for its ninth year, this year's camp Fun Directors will be Andrew Zahn and Scott McGarry. Early sign-up discount! (click here!).  For more information call Lou Ann Selsky @ 424 327-9578.
Daisy Girl Scout Troop Invitational Meeting
Do you have a Kindergarten girl?  Would you like for her to be involved in Girl Scouting? 
Please join the leaders of other AMS Girl Scout troops for an informational meeting about forming a Daisy Girl Scout Troop for next year's first graders,
Wednesday, June 8th immediately after morning assembly (8:10 a.m.) in the Spirituality Center, 770 17th St., MB (former convent across from AMS).
The meeting will last approximately one hour.  Hope to see you there!
Patty Dodd's Boys & Girls Volleyball Clinic
August 8th - August 12th (5th - 8th grade)        
August 8th - August 11th (2nd - 4th grade)

For More Info Click Here