April 20, 2016

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
or email: ams@americanmartyrs.org
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
AMS EARTH WEEK-APRIL 18-22 Click here for a flyer of activities! 
Thurs, April 28 - Student Council Speeches & Election
                      - Curriculum Night 7PM (St Kateri)
 Sun, May 1 - Fri, May 6  AMS Library Book Fair 
$5 Lunch at the gym hamburgers, cheese burgers and hot dogs.     
Calendar These Dates
Fri, May 6th - Grandparents' Day
Sat, May 7 - First Communion 
May 13, 14 & 15 - Sophisticated Snoop Tour  
 Mon, May 30
- Memorial Day (no school) 
Thurs, June 2 - 8th Grade Graduation
Summer Vacation starts on June 10th with dismissal after our 8am School Mass
School starts (Summer ends) on Wed, Aug 24th for grades 1-8. Pony(pre-K) and Kindergarten start on Thurs, Aug 25.
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. We will be publishing the participation levels each week in the Bulletin. As of today, the participation levels are as follows:
2nd Grade continues to lead with 53%, but several grades are right behind!
K- 47%, 3rd - 46%, 4th - 45%, 6th & 7th - 43%, 1st - 40%, and Pony & 5th - 39%!
Please remember, your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.

We Were Blessed With More Than just Gorgeous Golf Weather!
Many thanks to our generous sponsors, our dedicated volunteers and most of all to our incredible Co-Chairs: Catherine Cobb and Carrie Hayes!

Last Chance To Order Your Yearbook!                               Click Here
Opening Night for the Mustang Players 
The Mustang Players will be performing Alice's Adventures with Idioms on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:30 P.M. in O'Donnell Hall. We will also have two more shows on Wednesday, April 27th at 9:00 A.M. and 2:10 P,M, Please come support our talented children.
Also, Mustang Players please remember we have rehearsal on Thursday, April 21st from 3:00 - 4:30 P.M. and Monday, April 25th from 3:00-4:30. Both rehearsals are MANDATORY.  
Curriculum Night - Thurs, April 28 
April 28 from 7-8 PM will be our last curriculum night for this school year.  The topic will be scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year.  Please join us in the St. Kateri Room and get up to the minute and factual information on scheduling plans for next year as we continue to develop our Vision Plan for AMS.
AMPA Board Elections 2016-2017 Form
The American Martyrs Parents Association (AMPA) is seeking candidates for the Members at Large (MAL) positions for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year.  MAL's represent their respective grades at the AMPA Board and General meetings.  Being an MAL is a great way to help the school and to get to know other parents.  Please complete this application form on the attached link if you are interested - newcomers are welcome!  
2nd Annual AMS Grandparents' Day 
American Martyrs School is celebrating it's 2nd Annual Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day on Friday May 6th from 8am to 11am. If your Grandparent attended last year, they have most likely already received an invitation in the mail. If not Click Here to RSVP.  Any questions?  Please contact Kerrie Thompson
The AMS Library Book Fair is Almost Here! 
Come support our library's biggest fundraiser of the year. From May 1-6, we will be hosting a book fair in partnership with Pages, our local MB book store. We'll have a wonderful selection of books to meet all your reading needs. We look forward to seeing you in the library!  

Got Any Candy? 
Senora Lizcano is looking for candy donations to fill the pinata for the festivities of Cinco de Mayo! Donations can be dropped off at the office anytime between now and then! Candy must be of the wrapped variety.
2016 Home Tour Pertinent Tidbits
Sophisticated Snoop Home Tour - May 13th-15th
Staffing - If you signed up for staffing, a coordinator will send an email in the next few days or let you know which house you've been assigned and what day & time.
Ticket - Tickets will be sent home in the weekly envelope next 
Wednesday.  If you signed up to sell 10 additional tickets in lieu of staffing, they will also be sent home next week.  However, if you'd like to have them sooner, you can pick them up in the school office on Friday.  Just send me an email that you want to pick them up rather than wait until next Wednesday and I'll leave them in the office for you.  
Publicity - We want you to help promote the Tour. Pull up this flyer and send to everyone you know.  Take this same flyer that is in the family envelope to work and post it in a window or on bulletin board.
Pick up a stack of the postcard size flyer that's also in your envelope from the school office and take to your doctor, dentist, yoga studio, or any service industry business and leave a stack on the counter
This is a condensed version of "My Tidbits". Click here to see a sheet with more details. 
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding any of the above

Debbie Walmer     (310) 292-1959    debwalmer@yahoo.com 
Are you a Sound Engineer/Producer/Wizard? 
Do you know your way around a soundboard, can mic up performers and like to turn it up to 11? If so, (or even close), The American Martyrs Parish Fair needs you!
American Martyrs Parish Fair is the biggest fundraiser of the year.  And a big part of this FUN fundraising effort is the Daily Entertainment Schedule and Saturday Night Live Auction Dinner. The Fair Sound Genius oversees and manages the sounds for the Fair, from cueing music for Dancers to running levels for Bands.  So if you like to work with sound, and like the thought of helping your Parish, please contact Chris Brown, bufandcb@aol.com.
Congratulations for taking 1st place in the CYO Golf Tournament.
Girls Soccer
Girls are playing for the Championship Wed. April 20th (5:30) @ American Martyrs!  Please come out to support our team.
Boys Soccer
Next game is not until May 6th
Sunday April 24th  CYO prelims at St. Pauls HS 
Thurs. April 21st (3:45) @ St. James
Boys Volleyball
Varsity: Mon. April 25th (3:45) @ Nativity
JV: Mon. April 25th Home ( 3:45) vs St. Margaret Mary, Wed. April 27th Home (3:45) vs St. Lawrence Martyr
6th: Thurs. April 21st (5:30) Blue vs St. Paul (6:20) White vs Corpus Christi @ St. Jerome, Tues. April 26th (6:20) White vs St. Paul @ St. Jerome
5th: Thurs. April 21st (4:40) Blue vs St. Catherine @ St. Jerome, Tues. April 26th (3:50) Blue vs Corpus Christi (5:30) White vs St. Catherine @ St. Jerome

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
Baby Goods Drive                 
Mother's Outreach Ministry (M.O.M.) will be collecting clean, gently used items to be donated to St. Lawrence of Brindisi and a local Women's Shelter.
Collections after ALL MASSES April 23rd & 24th outside of the B&B Room.
CONTACTS: Renee Nuthall, 310-245-9772
                      Linda Cronkite, 310.291.2451  
Strollers, cribs, car seats, books, unused and sealed baby food and formula, baby/toddler and maternity clothes, etc.
Summer at American Martyrs 2016
American Martyrs School is pleased to announce a partnership with Galileo Innovations Camps for Kids. Beginning this summer, American Martyrs will be home to Galileo summer programming. Galileo delivers a broad array of exceptional educational offerings for grades by offering programming for K-5th grades (Camp Galileo) and 5th - 8th grades (Galileo Summer Quest). Wrapped in four fresh themes for 2016, every week is an imagination-sparking adventure. Open to the Manhattan Beach community, AMS is happy to welcome Galileo to the South Bay. Registration is available at www.galileo-camps.com or call 1-800-854-3684.     
Registration is OPEN!
 The Fun starts June 13 and lasts until August 12. Returning for its ninth year, this year's camp Fun Directors will be Andrew Zahn and Scott McGarry. Early sign-up discount! (click here!).  For more information call Lou Ann Selsky @ 424 327-9578.
Circle of Friends invites you to join us on Friday, May 13th at 7pm in the Holy Family House.   We are a small community made up of persons with intellectual disability, their family and friends, particularly young friends, who meet regularly in a Christian spirit to share friendship, pray together, sing, play, share a meal, and celebrate life. We look forward to seeing you there.
Questions? Contact Regina Dell'Oro at goldcroms@gmail.com
5th Annual Beyond Borders 
 Breakfast Burritos Sunday!
Sunday, April 24 at 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM in O'Donnell Hall 
Delicious homemade breakfast burritos,
The Knights of Columbus is hosting the annual Burrito Breakfast on Sun, April 24 after all morning Masses at to support Guatemalan mission trips through Hope Renewed International.  Please come to O'Donnell Hall for a delicious home-cooked breakfast burrito, salsa bar, fruit and coffee/juice/milk.
Later that day, Jeff Ware (Executive Director of Hope Renewed in Guatemala) and Adam Gutierrez, will give a presentation in the St. Kateri Room at 6:30 PM
These men have phenomenal stories to share. Do not miss this opportunity! 
Pizza and refreshments will be provided. 
For more information: 
Jay Perreault - (310) 433-8739
Rob McGarry  - (310) 463-8488