This Week (and Next) at AMS
AMS Re-registration Agreement for 2016-17 is available in the SchoolSpeak Announcements. Your signed agreement and check due to the front office by Mon, April 4th.
Thur, Mar 17 - 8AM Mass (Mac N' Cheese) & Add on Green Day!
Fri, Mar 18 - Digital Report Cards available online through
SchoolSpeak after 5PM.
- AMS Night at LMU Baseball! Sat, Mar 19 - La County Science Fair (at the Pasadena Convention Center)
Last Friday for Cheese Pizza at the Gym
Fri, Mar 25, Good Friday - Way of the Cross
(Reenactment of the Passion of Christ by our 8th grade students)
Easter Break -
12:35 dismissal on Holy Thursday, March 24, returning on Mon, April 4th
Mon, April 18 - 2016 AMS Golf Classic
Fri, May 6th - Grandparents' Day! May 13, 14 & 15 - Sophisticated Snoop Tour 8th Grade Graduation is June 2nd Summer Vacation starts on June 11th with dismissal after our 8am School Mass School starts (Summer ends) on Wed, Aug 24th for grades 1-8. Pony(pre-K) and Kindergarten start on Thurs, Aug 25.
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. We will be publishing the participation levels each week in the Bulletin. As of today, the participation levels are as follows:  Updates:
2nd Grade is still in the lead with 48 %, Kindergarten is close behind with 44% and 3rd Grade closing in with 42%
Please remember, your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.
Five months of hard work and studying paid off last Sunday as the the AMS 2015-16
Academic Decathlon Team captured 7th place overall in the annual LA Archdiocese Academic Junior High Academic Decathlon. Competing against over 100 schools, the team worked together to place 4th in the difficult Logic exam, while individual honors were earned by
Jerome Jackson (3rd Place - Current Events),
Allison Crudele (4th Place - Mathematics),
Katie Champion (5th Place - Science),
Aidan Donohoe (6th Place - Literature), and
Clara Mangali (8th Place - Religion).
Congratulations Team! Well done!!!
2016-17 Student Council Candidates Mandatory Meeting

All students who are interested in running for Student Council MUST ATTEND an information meeting on Tues, March 22
OR Wed, March 23 at 7:15 am in Mr. Tanski's room.
Only students currently in grades 5-7 are eligible to run for next year's student council.
American Martyrs Night at LMU Baseball!
This Friday, March 18, is American Martyrs Night at LMU Baseball, 6:00pm vs Portland at Page Stadium at LMU. Students receive free admission if they are wearing a sports jersey. Parents/guests are $5 at the ticket office. AMS ceremonial first pitch, autographs and more. Plan on joining us.
Sophisticated Snoop XXXXIII - May 13th-15th
Wanted - Home Tour Coordinators
Our 43rd Annual Home Tour is just around the corner... so now's your chance to sign up and enrich your life by being a coordinator.
Those of you who have done so in the past know how much fun it is so I know you'll be begging me to let you do it again this year.
If you haven't been lucky enough to have been a coordinator and would like to be one this year, just email, text or call me. If you don't have any idea what's involved being a coordinator, just call me and I'LL COERCE YOU... OOPS, I mean I'll explain what a coordinator does.
You'll get to relax in a beautiful, quiet, serene home and interact with parents who actually listen to you, opposed to you trying to communicate with your kids, to no avail, or refereeing fights and chauffeuring them to wherever they have to go (now your spouse gets to step in and take over). So run.... don't your phone and be the 1st in line to get one of the lucky spots as a coordinator.
Golf Registration is Open! |
Online Registration is Open for the 17th Annual American Martyrs School Golf Classic to be held on Monday April 18, 2016
Enjoy golf and lunch and a cocktail reception held at the historic and beautiful Palos Verdes Golf Club. The perfect setting for a great day of golf! Additional fun, food and beverage will be on the course. Amazing one-of-a-kind Raffle and Awards at the Cocktail Reception
Co-Charipersons Carrie Hayes & Catherine Cobb 2016 American Martyrs Golf Tournament
See this link for online registration and information!
Volunteers also needed
Call Catherine Cobb for details, 310-418-1051
Once again we will be collecting food staples for the pantry at St. Lawrence Brindisi.
Thurs, 3/17 - 8am Mass (Mac N Cheese)
Mon, 3/21 (No Stations of the Cross)
Thurs, 3/24 - 8am Mass Holy Thursday Grade 6B
Fri, 3/25 - Good Friday, Way of the Cross presented by the 8th grade.

We are collecting NEW stuffed animals to go into Easter baskets for children residing at The Good Shepherd Center. This center serves approximately 1,000 homeless women and children annually, and houses up to 93 women and 45 children each night. Through comprehensive programs, they help homeless women every step of the way, giving them the tools and support they need to achieve self-sufficient lives.
Bring your NEW plush bunnies, ducks, giraffes, etc to the school office before Mon, March 21. Thank you for donating to this worthy cause.
Calling All Future Cheerleaders!
Do you have a child that likes to dance, perform or just entertain a crowd? Then the American Martyrs Cheer Squad may be just the right fit for them!
Please have your child join us for a cheer clinic on Wed, March 23 from 3:00 to 4:15. This clinic is open to anyone currently in Grades K-7 that would like to see what we are all about! We will learn a few cheers and dances, and have a mini "performance" for our parents afterwards! This will give anyone interested an opportunity to see if they would like to join our squad next year.
Girls should:
- Meet Mrs. Brown at the flagpole after dismissal
- Bring a light snack and extra water!
- Wear comfortable shoes (school uniforms are fine!)
Parents should:
- Register by emailing Mary Beth Brown and provide your daughter's name, current grade and an emergency contact number.
- Join us at 4:10 for a short performance outside the AMS gym so the girls can demonstrate what they have learned!
Any questions? Please ask!
Mary Beth Brown, 310-908-6481
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos!

Do you have pictures we can use for the yearbook? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long!
Thank you. Sharon Suarez
Congratulations, Valentina Labuschagne (2A)!
Over 200 local students submitted entries for the MB Public Library's annual bookmark contest and Valentina's was selected for Grades K - 2. Great job, Valentina!
Last Friday for Cheese Pizza at the Gym
Girls 6th Basketball:
Advanced to the finals and finished second place. Congratulations on a wonderful season.
CYO Fun Run Sat. March 19th @ Serra High School
Thurs. March 17th (3:45) Home vs SS Peter and Paul, Wed. March 23rd Home (3:45) vs Mary Star
Girls Soccer:
Fri. March 18th (3pm) Home vs St. Catherine Laboure, Sun. March 20th (12 noon) vs Visitation
Golf: CYO meet Sunday March 20th
Boys Soccer:
Sun. March 20th (4pm) Home vs St. Margaret Mary II
Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky

Registration is OPEN and early discount pricing ends March 31st.
The Fun starts June 13 and lasts until August 12. Returning for its ninth year, this year's camp Fun Directors will be Andrew Zahn and Scott McGarry. Early sign-up discount will start Thursday March 10th (click here!). For more information call Lou Ann Selsky @ 424 327-9578.

Circle of Friends invites you to join us on Friday, March 18th at 7pm in the Holy Family House. We are a small community who supports young people with intellectual disabilities. We are their family and friends, who meet regularly in a Christian spirit to share friendship, sing, play, pray together, share a meal, and celebrate life. We are looking for young people to join our circle and would love to see you on Friday!

IT'S A HAIKU HULLABALOO!- April is National Poetry Month! Students are invited to celebrate by entering the second annual "Haiku Hullabaloo" - this year administered through the Manhattan Beach Public Library and offered to ALL Manhattan Beach elementary schools. The theme is "Celebrating Manhattan Beach" and original entries are due by March 31st. Poems will be highlighted on the library's website & Facebook throughout April and all participants are invited to an "Open Mic" event at the MB Library on Saturday, April 16th from 2-4pm. Please see the attached flyer & entry form for more information.
 Summer at American Martyrs 2016
American Martyrs School is pleased to announce a partnership with Galileo Innovations Camps for Kids. Beginning this summer, American Martyrs will be home to Galileo summer programming. Galileo delivers a broad array of exceptional educational offerings for grades by offering programming for K-5th grades (Camp Galileo) and 5th - 8th grades (Galileo Summer Quest). Wrapped in four fresh themes for 2016, every week is an imagination-sparking adventure. Open to the Manhattan Beach community, AMS is happy to welcome Galileo to the South Bay. Registration is available at or call 1-800-854-3684.