This Week (and Next) at AMS
No Wednesday Envelopes sent home today!
- Thurs, Feb 25 - 8AM Mass (Beans)
- Fri, Feb 26 - No School (Religious Congress)
- Mon, Feb 29 - Leap Day Add-On Stripes!
Since Monday is Leap Day (a day we add on to our calendar), it will also be an "Add-On Day". In conjunction with Read Across America Week, students may add on anything striped (socks, shirts, hair bows, etc.).
- 2:15 Stations of the Cross 4th grade
- Thurs, Mar 3 - Curriculum Night (STAR Testing & Assessment), 7PM in SK - Fri, Mar 4 - 8AM Mass (cereal)
Friday lunch at the gym during Lent will be CHEESE PIZZA
Mar 11, End of Second Trimester
Mar 25, Good Friday - Way of the Cross
(Reenactment of the Passion of Christ by our 8th grade students)
Easter Break -
12:35 dismissal on Holy Thursday, March 24, returning on Mon, April 4th
Mon, April 18 - 2016 AMS Golf Classic May 13, 14 & 15 - Sophisticated Snoop Tour
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. We will be publishing the participation levels each week in the Bulletin. As of today, the participation levels are as follows: Please remember, your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.
Get Ready for Read Across America!

Next week is Read Across America Week. Starting Mon, Feb 29 through Fri, March 4th. See this Parent Guide for RAA Week for more information and a calendar of special events.
And don't forget The Potato Parade at 10:45 on Fri, March 4th.
March 3 Curriculum Night - STAR Assessments
The subject of our curriculum night on Thursday, March 3rd from 7:00 to 8:00 will be further understanding of the results of our STAR Assessments after our recently completed third round of testing. The meeting will be in the St. Kateri room. Results of the latest testing will be coming home in the following Wednesday (March 9th) family envelope.
Science Fair - Next Stop, L.A. County Fair!
Congratulations to our student scientists who are now eligible to participate in the Los Angeles County Fair taking place Sat, March 19 at the Pasadena Convention Center:
1. Aidan Knollenberg- Which Desalinator Will Yield More Fresh Water? 2. Ryan Torii - How Does Tire Pressure Affect Gas Mileage? 3. Zoe Prodromides - Battery Power And Longevity Fruit Vs. Vegetable 4. Rowan Prodromides - How Does Eutrophication Affect Water When Extra Nutrients And Chemicals Are Added To It? 5. Aidan Donohoe - What Type Of Grass Produces The Most Amount Of Biomass Energy? 6. Matt Stillwell - Is It Better To Water Your Plants Once A Week For The Maximum Amount Of Time Or Is It Better To Water Your Plants Twice A Week For Half The Amount Of Time? 7. Avery Devore - What herb essential oil will exterminate Blue Bottle Flies the fastest? 8. Micah Worner - Natural Versus Chemical Preservatives 9. Brooke Charlton - How Are Our Minds Distracted By Testing? Partner Projects - 1. Kristof Corbell and Jeffrey Johnson - Which Tarp Attached To The Hovercraft Has The Highest Speed And Lift On A Slanted Surface, A Plastic, Polyurethrane, Or Vinyl Tarp? 2. Karly Condon and Bella LeSage - Does Growing Radish Sprouts And Alfalfa Sprouts, Aquaponically Versus The More Commonly Used Hydroponic Farming Method Result In The Greatest Mass Per Liter Of Water? 3. Sean Farrell and Jack Brearton - Does Grey Water Or Filtered Grey Water Provide The Same Nutrients A Plant Needs To Grow As Tap Water?
American Martyrs Night at LMU Baseball!
Friday, March 18th will be American Martyrs Night at LMU Baseball, 6:00pm vs Portland at Page Stadium at LMU. Students receive free admission if they are wearing a sports jersey. Parents/guests are $5 at the ti cket office. AMS ceremonial first pitch, autographs and more. Plan on joining us.
Golf Registration is Open! |
Online Registration is Open for the 17th Annual American Martyrs School Golf Classic to be held on Monday April 18, 2016
Enjoy golf and lunch and a cocktail reception held at the historic and beautiful Palos Verdes Golf Club. The perfect setting for a great day of golf! Additional fun, food and beverage will be on the course. Amazing one-of-a-kind Raffle and Awards at the Cocktail Reception
See this link for online registration and information!
Volunteers also needed
Call Catherine Cobb for details, 310-418-1051
Once again we will be collecting food staples for the pantry at St. Lawrence Brindisi.
Mon, 3/7 - 2:15 Stations of the Cross 4th grade
Thurs, 3/10 - 8am Mass (pasta)
Mon, 3/14 - 2:15 Stations of the Cross 5th grade
Thurs, 3/17 - 8am Mass (Mac N Cheese)
Mon, 3/21 (No Stations of the Cross)
Thurs, 3/24 - 8am Mass Holy Thursday Grade 6B
Fri, 3/25 - Good Friday, Way of the Cross presented by the 8th grade.

We are collecting NEW stuffed animals to go into Easter baskets for children residing at The Good Shepherd Center. This center serves approximately 1,000 homeless women and children annually, and houses up to 93 women and 45 children each night. Through comprehensive programs, they help homeless women every step of the way, giving them the tools and support they need to achieve self-sufficient lives.
Bring your plush bunnies, ducks, giraffes, etc to the school office before Mon, March 21. Thank you for donating to this worthy cause.
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos!

Do you have pictures we can use for the yearbook? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long!
Thank you. Sharon Suarez
Track Meeting - Wed, March 2nd at 5pm (in front of the gym)Students (6th-8th grade) and Parents Practice will start the following week - We need some extra help at practice and meets. Please let me know what you would like to help with. - Email Lou Ann Selsky if your son or daughter is planning on participating in track
Softball Tryouts: (Girls 6th-8th grade) Thurs. Feb. 25th 3-5p.m. and Thurs. March 3rd 3-5p.m.
Girs Soccer:
First game Sunday (12 noon) Home vs. Holy Trinity
Boys Soccer:
Starts the week of March 12th
Boys Volleyball: Tryouts Mon. Feb. 7th and Wed. Feb. 9th 3-5p.m.
Girls Basketball
6th: Tues. March 1st (6pm) vs AMS 5th
5th: Tues. March 1st (5pm) Blue vs St. Paul (6pm) White vs AMS 6th
Boys Basketball
Varsity: Congratulations for winning league and advancing to second round of playoffs.
6th: Sat. Feb. 27th (8:40) vs Notre Dame @ St. Jerome, Mon. Feb. 29th (5:45) vs St. Monica @ St. Jerome
5th: Thurs. Feb. 25th (4:40) White vs St. Anastasia @ St. Anthony, (7:25) Blue vs St. John Chrysostom both games @ St. Anthony , Wed. March 2nd (5:30) Blue vs Holy Trinity @ St. Anthony
$5 Lunch at the Gym - Cheese Pizza on Fridays during Lent
Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky

Get your tickets to The St. Sebastian Sports Project event
Honoring referee Derek Sanford on Sat, March 12th
at Vista Mar High School
Derek has refereed many AMS games and is committed to helping kids find joy through sports! Come help us honor Derek and raise funds for the SSSP, a non- profit organization providing sports equipment and programs for under-privileged Catholic schools in the Los Angeles area, on Saturday, March 12th For more information and to purchase tickets go to: