February 10, 2016

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
No Wednesday Envelopes sent home today!
-  Fri, Feb 12 - "Add-On Red or Pink Day!"
Add-On Days: Students may add-on non-uniform articles of clothing (hair ribbons, shirt, socks, sweater, sweatshirt, etc.) of designated color. (Parent Handbook, pg. 69)
- Mon, Feb 15 - Presidents' Day (No School!)
- Thurs, Feb 18 - 8AM School Mass
      - Music Assembly in O'Donnell Hall
- Sat, Feb 20 - AMS 5K Race Day  click here to register!

Friday lunch at the gym during Lent will be CHEESE PIZZA starting this week! 
Calendar These Dates
Fri, Feb 26 - No School (Religious Congress)
Mar 25, Good Friday - Way of the Cross
(Reenactment of the Passion of Christ by our 8th grade students)
Easter Break -
12:35 dismissal on Holy Thursday, March 24 and we return on Mon, April 4th
Mon, April 18 - 2016 AMS Golf Classic
May 13, 14 & 15 - Sophisticated Snoop Tour
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. We will be publishing the participation levels each week in the Bulletin. As of today, the participation levels are as follows:

Please remember, your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.

5K Registration & Call For Volunteers
Click Here to Register for the 5K!
Click Here to Volunteer for the 5K!
Don't want to run? You can still be a part of all the fun! We need volunteers along the race path, to hand out race bibs, sign runners up, give out t-shirts, etc! Be part of it all!  
AMPA General Meeting Minutes for February            click here
click logo for video
PLEASE Donate your old shoes to Soles4Souls
Together with Grades of Green, AMS will be collecting shoes NEXT week ONLY for "Soles4Souls". Bring your old (gently used) shoes and help us put shoes on the feet of over 300 million Children around the world who are shoeless. Look for collection bins in the school office, at registration pick up, at the AMS 5K and after all Masses February 20-21. Please tie laces together or rubber band to keep shoes in pairs. Thank you!

Lenten Mass Schedule 
Once again we will be collecting food staples for the pantry at St. Lawrence Brindisi beginning with Mass on Thurs, Feb 25.
Thurs, 2/18 8am Mass
Mon, 2/22  - 2:15 Stations of the Cross 5th grade
Thurs, 2/25 - 8am Mass (beans)
Mon, 2/29 - 2:15 Stations of the Cross 4th grade
Fri, 3/4  - 8am Mass (cereal)
Mon, 3/7 - 2:15 Stations of the Cross 4th grade
Thurs, 3/10 - 8am Mass (pasta)
Mon, 3/14 - 2:15 Stations of the Cross 5th grade
Thurs, 3/17 - 8am Mass (Mac N Cheese)
Mon, 3/21  (No Stations of the Cross)
Thurs, 3/24 - 8am Mass Holy Thursday Grade 6B
Fri, 3/25 - Good Friday, Way of the Cross presented by the 8th grade.
Bunny Time!
We are collecting new stuffed animals to go into Easter baskets for children residing at The Good Shepherd Center. This center serves approximately 1,000 homeless women and children annually, and houses up to 93 women and 45 children each night. Through comprehensive programs, they help homeless women every step of the way, giving them the tools and support they need to achieve self-sufficient lives.
Bring your plush bunnies, ducks, giraffes, etc to the school office before Mon, March 21. Thank you for donating to this worthy cause.
AMS Uniform Recycle Program 
A HUGE thank you for everyone that supported our Used Uniform Sale this past weekend. Many of you donated uniforms for the sale and many of you purchased them and LOTS of you did BOTH!
DON'T FORGET WE TAKE YOUR UNIFORM DONATIONS ANYTIME OF YEAR. Just drop off at the school office or Library. Also, you can purchase Used Uniforms any time of year in the Library.
Thank you and God bless!!
Debbi Drewry and Mrs. Donohoe
Student Art & Photography Contest 
The Neptunian Woman's Club of Manhattan Beach is sponsoring its 38th Student Art and Photography Contest for grades K-5 (art) and 6-12 (art and photography). Deadline for submission to the school office is February 22, 2016 before 3pm.  An awards ceremony will be held on Sunday March 6th, 2016 at 1pm in the Neptunian clubhouse.  
Please print put these forms to be attached to your submitted artwork:
Grades K-5 (Art only)
Grades 6-8 (Art & Photography) 

Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Do you have pictures we can use for the yearbook? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez
Proudly display your student's extracurricular activities or showcase their accomplishments, the choice is all yours! Personalization makes your student's 2015-16 yearbook unique to their story. 

Click Here to Personalize today before time runs out!
Girls Basketball
Varsity: CYO Playoffs Sat, Feb 13th (11am) @ SS. Pius/Matthias and Sun, Feb 14th(2pm) at St. Marys
6th: Tues, Feb. 16th (4pm) vs AMS 5th Blue @ St. Anthony
5th: Tues, Feb. 16th (4pm) vs AMS 6th @ St. Anthony
Boys Basketball
Varsity: Fri. 12th (1:30) Home vs OLG
6th: Thurs. Feb. 11th (5pm) vs St. Catherine @ St. Anthony
5th: Thurs. Feb. 11th (4pm) White vs Visitation and (6pm) Blue vs St. Philomena
Girls Soccer
Second day of tryouts Friday Feb. 12th 1-3pm
Boys Soccer
Tryouts Mon and Wed. Feb. 22 and 24th 3-5pm 
Varsity Boys Volleyball
Tryouts March 7th and 9th Mon. and Wed. 3-5pm 
Please email Lou Ann Selsky if you would like to tryout by Friday Feb. 19th 
CYO make up tournament Feb. 20th at Heartwell Golf Course

$5 Lunch at the Gym Friday 

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky

Parish & Community
Circle of Friends invites you to join us on Friday, February 12th at 7pm in the Holy Family House.   We are a small community made up of persons with intellectual disability, their family and friends, particularly young friends, who meet regularly in a Christian spirit to share friendship, pray together, sing, play, share a meal, and celebrate life. We look forward to seeing you there.
Questions? Contact Regina Dell'Oro  
Newbery Medal award winning author of The Crossover, Kwame Alexander, will be at Pages bookstore this Sunday, 2/14 to share his new picture book, Surf's Up.
Bring your valentine for some story-time with this AMAZING author! 
Please see attached flyer for more details or visit www.pagesabookstore.com