Jan 20, 2016

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
- Spirit Day - Fri, Jan 22 (wear your AMS spirit wear T-shirt with your uniform)
- STAR Testing starts on Monday Jan 25 until Feb 5th. Look in SchoolSpeak for more information.

Rain or shine we will have BBQ Lunch at the gym this Friday after school
In preparation for Ash Wednesday, please bring last year's palms to the school office or to the Parish Welcome Center BEFORE Fri, Feb 5th.

FYI - They are used to create the ashes distributed on Ash Wednesday. 
Calendar These Dates
Sun, Jan 31 - Catholic Schools Week begins (Get Ready!)
Fri, Feb 5 - School Mass 8AM
            - Our Annual AMPA Ice Skating Party 2:15 - 5 PM at Toyota Sports Center. 
Wed, Feb 10 - Ash Wednesday! 9AM School Mass
Mon, Feb 15 - Presidents' Day (No School!)
Sat, Feb 20 - AMS 5K Race Day click here to register
2016 AMS Golf Classic - Monday April 18, 2016
May 13, 14 & 15 - Sophisticated Snoop

Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. Your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.

What is National Catholic Schools Week?
National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation.
Daily Themes
Sunday - In Our Parish
Monday - In Our Community
Tuesday - In Our Students
Wednesday - In Our Nation (National Appreciation Day For Catholic Schools)
Thursday - In Our Vocations
Friday - In Our Faculty, Staff and Volunteers (Teacher & Principal Appreciation Day)
Saturday - In Our Families

 Click here for a list of Student Activities including Information and Signup forms for Bingo Night, In-N-Out Lunch and Ice Skating!

CSW is also a time we celebrate our teachers and staff. 
Show your appreciation for our teachers and staff, sign up for a recess shift or help with a lunch.  Lots of volunteers are needed to make this week a success!!
Look for sign-up sheets coming this week or click here for early access! 
Thank you in advance for your support and participation.
Library News - Story Time in the Library
Curious about what we read aloud each week in the library?             
Check out your child's library read aloud book list on our school website, under academics/library (or click here). 

Lists will be updated each week with our new stories.
Ask your child if they have a favorite!

Got Uniforms? AMS Uniform Recycle Program 
Have your kids outgrown their school uniforms? If so, please consider donating them NOW to our AMS Uniform Recycle Program.
Our Uniform Recycle Program takes gently used donated uniforms and we wash, dye and spruce them up and resell them at great prices!! Many items are like new but at half the price! All proceeds from this program go to our school library!
Donations can be left in the bin in the school office or in the Library
OUR NEXT SALE: Sun, Feb. 7th after the 7:00, 8:00 & 9:30 Masses in O'Donnell Hall

Questions? contact Debbi Drewry or 310-488-1265.

Thanks in advance for supporting this worthy cause!
Student Art & Photography Contest 
The Neptunian Woman's Club of Manhattan Beach is sponsoring its 38th Student Art and Photography Contest for grades K-5 (art) and 6-12 (art and photography). Deadline for submission to the school office is February 22, 2016 before 3pm.  An awards ceremony will be held on Sunday March 6th, 2016 1pm in the Neptunian clubhouse.  
Please print put these forms to be attached to your submitted artwork:
Grades K-5 (Art only)
Grades 6-8 (Art & Photography) 

Mustang Players (Session 2)
Please look for information regarding Mustang Players in January 27th Weekly Bulletin. Registration for children in grades 1 -8 will be open from January 27th - February 5th. Classes will meet on Tuesdays and start February 9th.
Rainy Days, Dismissals, Arrivals, etc. 
Parents - The prospect of an El Nino winter and much needed rainfall is upon us! Carpool is the perfect solution for both arrivals and drop-offs. On rainy mornings, students may exit their vehicles and report directly to class. On rainy afternoons, Carpool is conducted from the School Hall where your student/s will be safe, warm and dry until you arrive! Try it!
Lost and Found  
Now that the colder weather has arrived, please make sure your children are checking the lost and found for their missing items.  Also, please be advised that lunch boxes/bags left behind will be disposed of at the end of each week to avoid any critters they may attract.  So make sure you are keeping track of your stuff!
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Do you have pictures we can use for the yearbook? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
Girls Varsity Soccer Tryouts
Friday Jan. 29th and Friday Feb. 5th from 1-3 on the field.
6th-8th graders are eligible to try out.
Girls on the Varsity and JV Basketball team can only try out when their season is complete.  

Girls Basketball
Varsity: Thursday Jan. 21st  (4pm) Home vs Holy Trinity. Last Home Game
JV: Wed. Jan. 20th 3:45 @ St. Lawrence Martyr, Monday Jan. 25th (3:45) @ Holy Trinity (Bogdanovich Park) Tuesday Jan. 26th (5pm) Home vs St. Margaret Mary
6th: Tuesday Jan. 26th (4pm) @ St. Anthony vs St. Anastasia
5th: No games this week

Boys Basketball
Varsity: Wed. Jan. 20th (3:45)  Home vs. St. James, Monday Jan. 25th (4pm) @ St. Peter and Paul
JV: Friday Jan. 22nd (1:30) Home vs OLG, Monday Jan. 25th (3:45) Home vs St. Lawrence Martyr
6th: Thursday Jan. 21st (4:40) @ St. Anthony vs St. Philomena, Sat. Jan. 23rd (1pm) @ St. Jerome vs St. Mark
5th: Thursday Jan. 21st (3:45) Blue vs St. Anastasia and (6:30) White @ St. Anthony vs St. Paul

Golf: Good Luck to our golf team competing in the CYO Golf Tournament Sunday Jan. 31st

Lunch at the gym no matter the weather
Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
American Martyrs Junior High Fun Night (7th & 8th Grade)
Saturday, February 6
1pm - 10pm
Permission slip and Medical Release required 
Monies and forms due by Feb 1st
Students must come and go by bus - NO EXCEPTIONS
Forms available at the Families in Faith website.  
Circle of Friends invites you to join us on Friday, February 12th at 7pm in the Holy Family House.   We are a small community made up of persons with intellectual disability, their family and friends, particularly young friends, who meet regularly in a Christian spirit to share friendship, pray together, sing, play, share a meal, and celebrate life. We look forward to seeing you there.
Questions? Contact Regina Dell'Oro