Jan 6, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
TWO meetings Tonight! Wed, Jan 6: 
1) American Martyrs/Kindergarten Information Meeting
at 7PM in ODH
2) Mandatory Parent Meeting and Sign-up for NEW ALTAR SERVERS  
7:00 pm in the CHURCH

- Lower School Parent Teacher Conferences
- Jan 13-15 (Wed - Fri)
- Grades Pony - 4th have Minimum Day schedule (get out at 12:35PM, all other grades are on normal schedule)
- Look for your appointment notices in today's Wednesday Envelopes
- AMPA Dinner Dance
  - Sat, Jan 9th featuring music by the band, "Flashpants"
- Kinder/Pony Applications Due - Fri, Jan 15 by 3PM
- MLK Day - Mon, Jan 18 (No School!)

Rain or shine we will have BBQ Lunch at the gym this Friday after school
Calendar These Dates
Fri, Jan 22 - Spirit Day
Sun, Jan 31 - Catholic Schools Week begins
Fri, Feb 5 - School Mass 9AM
Wed, Feb 10 - Ash Wednesday! School Mass (Bring in last years palms anytime BEFORE Fri, Feb 5th to the school office or to the Parish Welcome Center)
Mon, Feb 15 - Presidents' Day (No School!)
Sat, Feb 20 - AMS 5K Race Day
Rainy Days, Dismissals, Arrivals, etc. 
Parents - The prospect of an El Nino winter and much needed rainfall is upon us! Carpool is the perfect solution for both arrivals and drop-offs. On rainy mornings, students may exit their vehicles and report directly to class. On rainy afternoons, Carpool is conducted from the School Hall where your student/s will be safe, warm and dry until you arrive! Try it!
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. Your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.
Altar Server Training: Mandatory General Parent Meeting  
Wednesday - January 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the CHURCH 
PARENTS: Is your 5th grade or older child interested in participating as an Altar Server at American Martyrs Church?
There is a mandatory meeting tonight for parents of future Altar Servers.  Training sessions are scheduled throughout the Winter and Spring of 2016.  
Any questions please contact Jeff and Joanne Harang.
Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences  Jan 13,14 and 15
Attention Parents of Students in Grades Pony thru 4th: 
In today's Wednesday envelope is an appointment slip for the day and time of your Parent/Teacher conference(s).  If your student did not have the envelope, please look in their backpack.
You will have 15 minutes for the conference with your teacher(s).  The schedule is tight so please be on time.  You will meet the teachers in their classrooms. 
If you have any questions or your slip is misplaced, please contact  Dawn Cooper and she will be happy to help you. 
Got Uniforms? AMS Uniform Recycle Program 
Have your kids outgrown their school uniforms? If so, please consider donating them NOW to our AMS Uniform Recycle Program.
Our Uniform Recycle Program takes gently used donated uniforms and we wash, dye and spruce them up and resell them at great prices!! Many items are like new but at half the price! All proceeds from this program go to our school library!
Donations can be left in the bin in the school office or in the Library
OUR NEXT SALE: Sun, Feb. 7th after the 7:00, 8:00 & 9:30 Masses in O'Donnell Hall

Questions? contact Debbi Drewry or 310-488-1265.

Thanks in advance for supporting this worthy cause!
Lost and Found  
Now that the colder weather has arrived, please make sure your children are checking the lost and found for their missing items.  Also, please be advised that lunch boxes/bags left behind will be disposed of at the end of each week to avoid any critters they may attract.  So make sure you are keeping track of your stuff!
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Do you have pictures we can use for the yearbook? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
AMPA Parent Party - This Saturday Night!  
      Jan 9th 6:30Pm till ... ?
Lots of food, cosmic beverages and a late night pizza run!!
Tickets $50/each includes 2 free drink vouchers.
For ticket sales or more info:
Please contact your Ultimate Party hostesses:
Girls Basketball
Varsity: Thurs. Jan. 7th (4) Home vs St. Catherine, Tues. Jan. 12 (3:45) @ St. Peter and Paul
JV: Tues. Jan. 12th (4) Home vs Mary Star, Wed. Jan. 13th (4) @ Nativity
6th: Tues. Jan. 12th (6) @ St. Anthony vs Holy Trinity 
5th: Tues. Jan. 12th (4) Blue vs St. Anastasia and (5) both games @ St. Anthony
Boys Basketball
Varsity: Mon. Jan. 11th (3:45) @ St. Margaret Mary, Wed. Jan. 13th (3:45) Home vs St. Lawrence Martyr
JV: Mon. Jan. 11th (4) Home vs Holy Trinity, Tues. Jan. 12th (5) Home vs Mary Star
6th: Thurs. Jan. 7th (5:35) St. Augustine @ St. Anthony, Sat. Jan. 9th (10) St. Sebastian @ St. Jerome
5th: Thurs. Jan. 7th (4:40) Blue vs St. Paul and (6:30) White vs St. Philomena both games at St. Anthony

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
American Martyrs Preschool Open House 
Where: The Preschool yard and classrooms 
When: Sat, Jan 16th - 10AM to 12PM, come by anytime during these hours. 
Who: Parents of children who will be turning 3 by Dec 2, 2016
Adults Only Please
click here for flyer
Heal the Bay
The next Heal the Bay / Matthew 25 Beach Clean-Up is Sat, Jan 16 at 10am. Meet us at the Manhattan Beach Pier every third Saturday of the Month during the school year. Please join us!