Dec 2, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
NEW Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
Tabula Rasa Shopping Day - Wed, Dec 2
Report Cards
- Fri, Dec 4
(Please Note: Report Cards will be accessible through School Speak on Fri, Dec 4th at 5:00PM. Hard copies of the report cards will NOT be sent home.)
School Mass - Tues, Dec 8 at 8:00AM - Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 
Christmas Concerts (7:00PM in the Gym) 
-Wed, Dec 9 - Grades 1,6-8 
-Thurs, Dec 17 - Grades 2-5 
Pick-up your Wreaths on Thurs, Dec 10 in the Church parking lot.  

$5 Lunch this Friday at the Gym - see you there!  
Calendar These Dates
Spirit Day - Dec 18
Christmas Break - Sat, Dec 19 - Sun, Jan 3
American Martyrs/Kindergarten Information Meeting - Wed, Jan 6 at 7PM in ODH
AMPA Dinner Dance - Sat, Jan 9 (see below for more info)

Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. Your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.
Tabula Rasa Shopping Day  - TODAY! Wed, Dec 2 
Come out and shop for your holiday gifts at the
3rd Annual AMS Tabula Rasa Fund-Sale!
And introducing their new sister-store, Yorktown.
We love this! They love this! 
Let them know at check out that you are from AMS and 10% is donated back from all your sales!!
919 A/E Manhattan Avenue, Downtown Manhattan Beach
Wed, Dec 2 - 
Hours: 10:00-7:00pm
Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences 
The Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences are taking place on Jan 13, 14 and 15. Scheduling Request forms can be found on School Speak in the "Announcements" section of your student's homepage/grade.  Please fill out this form to aid us in scheduling you and your student's teacher. At the end of the form you will press the submit button and it will say "Your response has been recorded." If you have more than one Lower School student in your family, you will be given the opportunity to start another form.
A SEPARATE FORM MUST BE FILLED OUT FOR EACH STUDENT. Families with more than one Lower School student will get adjacent conference times. We will do our best to honor your time requests.
Due to the rapidly approaching holidays, WE NEED TO HAVE YOUR RESPONSE BY WED, DEC 9, 2015.
This form is for grades Pony through 4th grade ONLY.

If you have any questions, please call or email Dawn Cooper or call 424-327-9562.   

Altar Server Training: Mandatory General Parent Meeting  
Wednesday - January 6, 2016
7:00 pm in the CHURCH 
PARENTS: Is your 5th grade or older child interested in participating as an Altar Server at American Martyrs Church?
There will be a meeting for parents of future Altar Servers to provide information regarding training requirements, training dates and sign-ups.  Training sessions are scheduled throughout the Winter and Spring of 2015.  
Any questions please contact Jeff and Joanne Harang. 

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year... for Scrip!
Parents -
  Look for an email from the Scrip Office with your Year-to-Date Scrip Statement - remember that Christmas is a huge buying opportunity!
Here is the Order Form of items we have in stock, plus there are lots of items that can be special ordered for stores across the country (Bloomingdale's, Dillards, Lord & Taylor, etc) and lots of regional restaurants - check out the list at - then you can order the cards online or just send us an email and we will have it in the Scrip Office in a few days. Some items you can even order online and e-Gift!

Don't forget that American Martyrs Gift Scrip makes a wonderful thank you gift for most everyone - you purchase it here at the office and the recipient comes in and redeems the scrip for anything we have in stock! Teachers, friends, kids, teens - we have something for everyone.
AMS Uniforms for American Girls Dolls 
In search of a special gift for your daughter, niece, or granddaughter? American Martyrs School uniforms are now available in doll size! Creatively handmade from re-purposed uniform fabric, the set includes a jumper or a skirt with blouse and matching headband for $40. Fits any 18" doll (such as American Girl).  Supply is limited and they are available for sale at AMS library.
All profits benefit our library!  
Advent Candles and Wreaths for Sale!

Advent Began Sunday, Nov 29th!
Candles ($5.00) and Advent Wreaths ($10.00) are for sale in the SRE office!
Missionary Childhood Association Appeal 
The children will be receiving their mission boxes for the Missionary Childhood Association. This is our annual Advent appeal to raise money for the children who are less fortunate than us. Our money will be sent to assist the children in missions that need our help. The Missionary Childhood Association is the only missionary organization where children help children. French Bishop Charles de Forbin-Janson founded this Catholic association in 1843. He was convinced that children rich in faith and love were capable of playing their part in the Church's mission of helping others in need. Truly, Christ was born for us all and we encourage our students to help these children of God. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile mission appeal.
Many blessings,
Betty Seth
AMS Mission Coordinator
There will be class containers so that we can watch our "love for our neighbor" grow just as Jesus asked us to do. Encourage your children to share with those in need.
Lost and Found  
Now that the colder weather has arrived, please make sure your children are checking the lost and found for their missing items.  Also, please be advised that lunch boxes/bags left behind will be disposed of at the end of each week to avoid any critters they may attract.  So make sure you are keeping track of your stuff!
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Did you have some pictures of the Halloween Parade? Teacher Costumes? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
AMPA Parent Party - Save the Date! 
      Jan 9th 6:30Pm till ... ?

Lots of food, cosmic beverages and a late night pizza run!!
Tickets $50/each includes 2 free drink vouchers.
For ticket sales or more info:
Please contact your Ultimate Party hostesses:
See Party Flyer here!
Note: Katy and Dawn will be outside the office selling tickets this Thursday, 12/3 and Friday 12/4.  Katy will throw a "sugardayne" cookie party for the GRADE who has the most parents attend the party.
Bowling: CYO Bowling Championship Sunday Dec. 6th 12 Noon at Del Rio Lanes in Downey
We have 40 bowlers (please arrive at 11:30) Good Luck!
Girls JV: Parent Meeting Thursday Dec. 3rd 4:40
Boys and Girls 5th Grade: First practice Friday Dec. 4th 1-3pm
Girls 6th grade: First practice Monday Dec. 7th 3:15-4:30
Boys 6th grade: Looking for volunteers for coaching. Contact Lou Ann Selsky.  
Flag Football
Congratulations to our Varsity Flag Football Team for Back-to-Back Championships in CYO!  This team also played in the FIYA league and got to the finals in the Coliseum two years in a row.  
See you Friday for Lunch at the Gym!

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
American Martyrs Children's Choir Needs You! 
An Invitation for children who enjoy singing:
The American Martyrs Church Children's Choir meets on Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in the music room above O'Donnell Hall. It is open to students attending any school in grades 4-8. We participate musically about once a month at the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass. No audition is necessary - just a desire to sing with the choir during these Masses. Any questions, please call or email Ellen Steinmetz at 310-372-3412  or Patti Williams at 310-546-4734  
Christmas Sing-A-Long in the Church

Women's Cornerstone Retreat 
When: January 29th & 30th, 2016
Registration Period:  Registration will be open 12/5-12/16/15.
Registration Options:
-       Register online via a link at
-       Register in person after all Masses, Dec 5-6,2015
or Submit an Application to Parish Office or by 12/15.
Brochures with Registration Applications will be available in the Parish Office, Church Vestibule, and after Masses on December 5th & 6th, 2015.
Contact Info: Mitzi Henry by phone 925-354-4101 or email
As each one has received a gift,
use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace"
                                                                                           1 Pt 4:10 
We ask ALL parishioners to make or renew their commitments each year. During this year's renewal, as we place special emphasis on giving of our Treasure or Tithing, we should also keep in mind the need we have to give of our Time in prayer and Talents in ministry.  Fill out a commitment card in the church vestibule, or online here.
Thank you for your support and commitments to our parish community.
 -- Members of the Stewardship Commission