Nov 18, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
NEW Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
Next School Mass -  Fri, Nov 20   
End of First Trimester - Fri, Nov 20
Thanksgiving Break - Nov 23 - 27 (school resumes on Mon, Nov 30)
Report Cards - Fri, Dec 4
(Please Note: Report Cards will be accessible through School Speak on Fri, Dec 4th at 5:00PM. Hard copies of the report cards will NOT be sent home.)  

$5 Lunch this Friday at the Gym - see you there!  
Celebrate 5th Grade  this weekend on Nov 22nd at the 9:30am mass. All 5th graders will be participating in the various ministries in our liturgy. 5th Grade singers should arrive early
Calendar These Dates
Advent Begins - Sun, Nov 29
Christmas Concerts (7:00PM in the Gym)
-Wed, Dec 9 - Grades 1,6-8
-Thurs, Dec 17 - Grades 2-5
Christmas Break - Sat, Dec 19 - Sun, Jan 3
Have You Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign??
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. Your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives.
Attention Drivers!
The south side of 17th Street in front of the Spirituality Center is now a No Stopping and No Parking Zone. These changes made by the City of Manhattan Beach will allow for two-way traffic and ease traffic congestion. Please note the change. 
Thank you!
Lost and Found  
Now that the colder weather has arrived, please make sure your children are checking the lost and found for their missing items.  Also, please be advised that lunch boxes/bags left behind will be disposed of at the end of each week to avoid any critters they may attract.  So make sure you are keeping track of your stuff!
AMPA Christmas Wreath Sale -
Deadline Extended!
It is never too early to get in the Christmas spirit! And, what better way than supporting the Christmas Cheer Wreath Fundraiser. Our fresh 24" wreaths are just $20 and beautiful. Plus, they are donated so 100% of the sales go directly to our school.
To give everyone an opportunity to participate, the deadline for wreath orders has been extended. Please order your wreaths by this Friday, November 20 by printing and returning this flyer to the school office.
Pick-up your wreaths on Thurs, Dec 10 and deck the halls! Thank you!  
Bring Food Drive Items to Friday Mass
AMS School Mass this Friday at 8am will be a chance for our school to pray together and thank God for our many blessings.
In support of this weekend's food drive, please bring one food item to contribute to our sister parish, St Lawrence of Brindisi. Suggested items: Pasta, beans, rice, macaroni and cheese, cereal, or any non-perishable items. Many families are relying on our parish for their Thanksgiving meal next week.
Thank you for your generosity!
Advent Candles and Wreaths for Sale!

Advent Begins Sunday, Nov 29th!
Candles ($5.00) and Advent Wreaths ($10.00) are for sale in the SRE office!
AMS Family Directory Updating! 
Please check/update your School Speak information (addresses, phone numbers and emails!) We would like to update the Family Directory that is posted on School Speak before the Thanksgiving Break.
Thank You!
Tabula Rasa Shopping Day  - Wed, Dec 2 
Come out and shop for your holiday gifts at the
3rd Annual AMS Tabula Rasa Fund-Sale!
And introducing their new sister-store, Yorktown.
We love this! They love this! 
Let them know at check out that your are from AMS and 10% is donated back from all your sales!!
919 A/E Manhattan Avenue, Downtown Manhattan Beach
Wed, Dec 2 - 
Hours: 10:00-7:00pm
Library News 
We are excited to announce a new partner for our annual book fair - Pages, our independent Manhattan Beach bookstore! Pages currently hosts book fairs for all of the local MB elementary schools, MBMS, Chadwick and a few schools on the Westside. We are thrilled to be working with our community bookstore, a place where many of our families shop for books and attend author events. We are confident that Pages will provide us exceptional service, a wonderful selection of books, and a fantastic experience for our families right here in our own library.
Our book fair will be held during the first week of May. More details to follow in the Spring!
Keep on Fundraising! Gift Wrap and Photo Christmas Cards 
Genevieve's Photo Christmas Cards!
Your photo card purchase benefits our school. 
Please consider buying your cards through our fundraiser at  
Use our School Account Number: 13882
American Martyrs earns 40% profit on your photo greeting card order. 

Mixed Bags!
For Gifts and Wrapping Paper! Shop online and use our code 45091 for great products and to help AMS too. 
Artisan Workshop Opportunity 
Calling all 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Artists! There is a new after school program starting up just for you. 
The Artisan workshop will be held on Mondays after school from 3:15pm-5:00pm in the School Hall. Sessions will be lead by our very own artist extraordinaire (and AMS Junior High Art Teacher) Vickie Sekits.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore a variety of art mediums and approaches plus have plenty of free "Studio Time" to work on projects of your own choosing and at your own pace.
A $50 fee will be collected at the start of each trimester session.  Supplies will be provided.

This is an incredible opportunity to explore your talent and experiment with new mediums.  
Any questions, please ask Mrs. Sekits.
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Did you have some pictures of the Halloween Parade? Teacher Costumes? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
AMPA Parent Party - Save the Date! 
January 9th 6:30Pm till ... ?

Lots of food, cosmic beverages and a late night pizza run!!
Tickets $50/each includes 2 free drink vouchers.
For ticket sales or more info:
Please contact your Ultimate Party hostesses:
Cross Country
All runners did a great job and Dane Kemple and Cormac Carew placed 3rd in their division.
Flag Football
Varsity: CYO final 4 playoffs Sat. Nov. 21st (2pm) at Notre Dame HS Sherman Oaks, Sundays game will be (1:30 or 3) @ Notre Dame HS Sherman Oaks
FIYA League playoffs: Wed. Nov. 18th (3:30) @ Rancho Cienega, if we win next game is Thurs. Nov. 19th (4:30) @ Rancho and win or lose next game LA Coliseum Sun. Nov. 29th 10:30 or 11:30 
5th: Fri. Nov. 20th #2 team (3pm) Home vs St. Anastasia, Sat. Nov. 21st #1 team (1pm) Home vs St Jerome
4th: Sat. Nov. 21st  #2 team(10am) Home vs. St. Paul the Apostle, Sun. Nov. 22nd #1 team (12 noon) Home vs Notre Dame
Boys Basketball
Varsity and JV: Tryouts Mon Nov. 30th and Wed. Dec. 2nd 3-5pm 
6th: Practice to start first week in Dec. Date TBA
5th: First practice Friday Dec. 4th 1-3pm. Practices will be on Fridays.
Girls Basketball
Varsity and JV teams: Congratulations to both teams. Games will start in Dec.
6th: First practice Monday Dec. 7th 3:15-4:30. Practices will be on Mondays. 
5th: First practice Friday Dec. 4th 1-3pm. Practices will be on Fridays.
6th-8th graders CYO Bowling Championship Sunday Dec. 6th 12 noon at Del Rio Lanes in Downey
The cost is $30 and registration closes Nov. 19th
Register by handing in your registration fee $30 with your name and grade. Bring to school office or the gym.
This does not count for the Dawn Cooper award
Hot Lunch at the Gym this Friday

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
American Martyrs Children's Choir Needs You! 
An Invitation for children who enjoy singing:
The American Martyrs Church Children's Choir meets on Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in the music room above O'Donnell Hall. It is open to students attending any school in grades 4-8. We participate musically about once a month at the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass. No audition is necessary - just a desire to sing with the choir during these Masses. Any questions, please call or email Ellen Steinmetz at 310-372-3412  or Patti Williams at 310-546-4734  
Childrens Books Available During Mass 
Faith-based Books for Kids are available in the Brides'/Cry Room of the Church for use both within the Cry Room and in the Church.  Books are to be returned to the cart at the end of Masses.   (Personal family books left in Church by mistake will be held at the Parish Center for 4 weeks.  If unclaimed, they will then be donated to St. Lawrence of Brindisi.)

Book donations are being accepted; please drop them off at the Parish Office.  (Faith-based books are preferred.  Books with other themes will be donated to our sister parish.)   Contact:  Mary Hornickel; 310-466-3820.
MOM's Wine Raffle 
The Mothers Outreach Ministry is having a Wine Raffle to benefit Saint Lawrence of Brindisi's Literacy Center. Ticket Prices are $10 for 1 or 3 for $20. They have created baskets for all different taste buds. See this flyer for more information and to order tickets.

Xmas Family photo fundraiser every weekend in November.  Beach & Park settings available. $20 sitting fee. AMS get $15 for every family + 10% on orders. You get a FREE 5x7.
Book appointment 310.540-7123 or call Shelley from APMA with questions.