Oct 21, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
NEW Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
Thurs, Oct 22 - Spirit Wear Sale at morning drop-off
Thurs, Oct 29 - Make up Picture Day
Fri, Oct 30 - Halloween Parade (see School Speak for more info)
Look for your ordered Ghoul-O-Grams in today's Wednesday Envelopes.
Fill them out and return them ASAP!

$5 Lunch this Friday at the Gym - see you there!  
Calendar These Dates
Spirit Days  - Thurs, Nov 5 AND Fri, Nov 20 
Veterans Day - Wed, Nov 11 (No School)
End of First Trimester - Fri, Nov 20
Thanksgiving Break- Nov 23 - 27
Parish Fair Wrap-up
Another year, another fantastic Parish Fair. We are still recovering but want to send out a HUGE "thank you" to all those who volunteered and came to support the Fair.
Your Parish Fair Chairs
Have you Donated to the 2015 AMS Annual Giving Campaign? 
Our goal this year is 100% participation from all AMS families. Your gift, at whatever level is comfortable for you and your family, will provide immediate, unrestricted support to AMS and help us to contain tuition costs as well as fund strategic initiatives. DONATE NOW    

For more information on our Annual Campaign's goals and purpose visit our website  or click here

Most of all, we want to thank all of you for supporting our school with your time, talent, treasure, and prayers.

"Those who bless others will be abundantly blessed themselves." Proverbs 11:25 A
Spirit Wear for Sale! 
Have you seen how cute the Spirit Wear shirts are this year?
Bring your checkbooks or cash tomorrow morning! AMPA representatives will be selling Spirit Wear in front of the school office on Laurel starting at 7:30AM! Deck out your student or even your favorite teacher!
Questions? contact Shelley Ramirez, 310-944-4235 
Photo Make-up Day 
For those who were absent on Picture Day, are not satisfied with the original picture taken or for those students or teachers who are new to the school, we are having Picture Make-up Day on 10/29/15
If you are having your picture re-taken, please remember to bring back the original picture package that you received! Please include a note telling what you did not like about the original photo and what you would like us to do differently for the retake. See the flyer that came in your Wednesday envelope for more information.
Fair Toys Wanted!  
Adorable but unwanted Fair Toys (stuffed animals, balls, swords, etc. in good condition) are being collected for the O'Donnell Hall Christmas Project. 
Drop them off at the Barrera Home (1418 2nd Street, Manhattan Beach) and just leave at the front door any time.
Please don't bring the inflatables or dishes. Any cute fair toys that you think another child might enjoy and that you want to clear your house of are welcome! 
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Did you have some pictures of the first months of school? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
Girls Volleyball
Varsity: Wed. Oct. 21st (4pm) Home vs. Nativity, Last League game Thurs. Oct. 22nd (3:45) Home vs. Holy Trinity, Sat. Oct. 24th Tournament @ Marlborough all day
JV: Last League game Thurs. Oct. 22nd (3:45) Home vs. St. Margaret Mary
6th: outdoor school
5th: Wed. Oct. 21st Blue Team (6:20) vs Holy Trinity @ St. Anthony
4th: Fri. Oct. 23rd Blue Team (3pm) vs. St. Anthony @ St. Anthony, White Team (5:30) vs. St. Raphael @ St. Anthony
Flag Football
Varsity: Wed. Oct. 21st (4pm) Home vs. Westchester, Sat. Oct. 24th (9am) Home vs. St. Margaret Mary, Sun. Oct. 25th (1pm) @ Daniels Field vs Mary Star, Wed. Oct. 28th (4pm) Home vs. Century Academy
JV: Sat. Oct. 24th (11am) Home vs. St. Lawrence Martyr, Sun. Oct. 25th (4pm) @ Daniels Field vs Holy Trinity
6th: Sat. Oct. 24th (3pm) Home vs. St. Paul Apostle
5th: Fri. Oct. 23rd #2 team (4pm) Home vs Notre Dame, Sat. Oct. 24th #2 team (2pm) vs St. Jerome
4th: Sun. Oct. 25th #2 team (2pm) Home vs. St. Anastasia, #1 team ( 12noon) Home vs SPA
Cross Country 
CYO Championship Wed. Nov. 11th - registration is now open. Contact Coach Odello!
Check announcements in School Speak
Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
STEM Saturday at the Library 
Once a month the Manhattan Beach Public Library hosts a STEM Saturday.  It's free and geared towards students in grades 2 - 8.   The sessions are on the 2nd Saturday each month.  See facebook for more information   The remaining session is on Dec 12 (Building Blocks with Richard Woloski).  The 2016 sessions have not yet been posted.

Students need to pre-register and space is limited. 
36th Annual Public Library Bookmark Contest! 
Calling all reading artists!
This year's theme is Ticket to Adventure!
Create your bookmark design about books or reading in COLOR.
Categories are:
       Kindergarten - Grade 2
       Grades 3 - 5
       Grades 6 - 8
Please follow this link to review contest guidelines and print the entry form (We also have some printed out in the school office).
All submissions must be turned into your County Library by October 31, 2015.
St. James' Harvest Festival Oct 30, 31 & Nov 1
St James is sending out a special invitation to AMS to attend their Harvest Festival at the end of the month. They have many special events planned for families especially on Halloween night. For ticket sales and more information see this flyer.