Oct 7, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
NEW Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
Thurs, Oct 8 - Blessing of the Bikes (see flyer here)
Tues, Oct 13 - 
Outdoor School Meeting (6th grade parents) 7PM in St Kateri Rm.

Oct 14, 15 & 16 - Upper School Parent/Teacher Conferences 
12:35 Dismissal for Grades 5-8 on all 3 days 
$5 Friday Lunch at the Gym! BBQ Hamburger or Hot Dog, plus chips and a drink!

In Today's Wednesday Envelope     (several important items)
#1 - Parent Teacher Conference Time Slips (for grades 5 - 8 ONLY) Look for these bright pink half slips for names and times of your scheduled appointments.
#2 -  Parish Fair Silent Auction Pre-assigned Bid Numbers
#3 - Manhattan Beach Parent Survey about Walking and Biking to School 
Calendar These Dates
Oct 17 - 18 - Parish Fair 
Mon,Oct 19 - No School! (Pastor's Holiday)
6th Grade Outdoor School - Oct 20-23  
Bike Safety Event - Thurs, Oct 8 
Kick off the 2015 back to school season with our Youth Bike Safety Event as we prepare the American Martyrs School students to be safer and smarter cyclists. The "Blessing of the Bikes" will take place at morning assembly!  Please ride your bike to school that day as Msgr. Barry joins us to bless our bikes (and their riders)
- Each student will receive a safe cycling booklet -  
Upper-School Parent/ Teacher Conferences Next Week
Conferences will be Wednesday 4:00 to 9:00, Thursday, 1:30 -5:30, and Friday, 1:30-5:00. Your appointment time came home in today's Wednesday Envelope.
Grades 6-7-and 8th Homeroom Teacher conferences will be in their classrooms.
 - Ms. Skorupa (6th / 7th grade Math) will be in the 5C classroom.
 - Mrs. Levy (6th / 7th grade Science) will be in the 5A classroom,
 - Ms. McKennon (6th / 8th grade Science) will be in the 5B classroom
 - Mr. McAusland (7th / 8th grade Math) will be in the Media Room.
All 5th grade teachers will be downstairs in the St. John Paul Building
 - Ms. Castillo (5A) will be in Mr. McAusland's math room
 - Mrs. Seth (5B) will be in Ms. McKennon's science room
 - Mr. Dansart (5C) will be in Ms.Sokupa's math room.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Problem-solving
If you misplace your appointment time or somehow it doesn't get home, please call Dawn Cooper and she will be able to help you.
We strove to honor everyone's requests as much as possible but if you have a problem with the timing of your appointments, please contact the teachers involved.
Thank You  
Dawn Cooper
 Student Council will be selling Ghoul-O-Grams this week only! Look for this form in today's Wednesday Envelope for details on this Halloween tradition. All orders and payments are due to the main office by Wed, Oct 14. 
Manhattan Beach Safety Survey 
The City of Manhattan Beach has asked us to gather information for some possible safety enhancements near our school.  Look for a printed survey in this week's Wednesday envelope.  Please take a few moments to fill out the survey and return it to school with the Wednesday envelope.  Thanks so much for your participation.
We need your responses! 
Home Mass - Thank You! 
Of course, we must thank our AWESOME team of Room Parents who planned, coordinated and executed Home Masses for our grades. We have an AMAZING team of parents, who have worked tirelessly to make these Home Masses happen! Please be sure to express your gratitude to your Room Parents-they rock! 
A HUGE thank you to all of our host families, who graciously welcomed us for Home Masses. Each Mass was a wonderful celebration of our faith and community, and we greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity.
Pony:                    Rick & Kara Siebert                                 
Kindergarten:        John & Jennifer Adams
1st Grade:             James & Tracy Horan
2nd Grade:            Jason & Patty Gordan
3rd Grade:            Mike & Tammy Winn
4th Grade:            Chris & Aarti McDonald 
5th Grade:            Arthur & Francesca Khachatourians
6th Grade:            Stacy and Jon Verbiest
7th Grade:            Gregg & Gina Hoffman
8th Grade:            Patrick & Mikelyn Dooley
Many thanks to our parish priests, Msgr. Barry, Fr. Joe, and Fr. Rick for celebrating the gift of the Eucharist with us. We are blessed to have them as shepherds for our community. As St. John Vianney put it: "A good shepherd, a pastor after God's heart, is the greatest treasure which the good Lord can grant to a parish." 
Oct 14 - AMS Walk/Wheel to School Day!  
October is International Walk/Wheel to School Month and AMS is celebrating! You can join the fun by making an extra effort to walk or wheel to or from school any day, but especially on Wednesday, October 14th when our school will participate in Walk and Wheel to School Day. Check out this website for more info and safety tips.
We're also celebrating the 4th "birthday" of the Walking School Bus on this special day!  If you want to walk with us that morning (or any day) contact Kelly Jacobs  or text Dawn Wilcox 310-560-7692. If walking, scootering or biking is not feasible for your family, join up with another family or two to carpool.  
Morning Assembly Protocols 
Parents: For morning assembly, please stand to the sides of the student lines and not behind or among the students.  And please remain respectfully silent during the pledge of allegiance, prayer and all announcements.  We want to make sure that all (students and adults) can hear the important information for the day.
36th Annual Public Library Bookmark Contest! 
Calling all reading artists!
This year's theme is Ticket to Adventure!
Create your bookmark design about books or reading in COLOR.
Categories are:
       Kindergarten - Grade 2
       Grades 3 - 5
       Grades 6 - 8

Please follow this link to review contest guidelines and print the entry form (We also have some printed out in the school office).
All submissions must be turned into your County Library by October 31, 2015.
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Did you have some pictures of the first day of school? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
  The @AMParishFair Goes Social! 
For Fair updates follow us @AMParishFair   
Parish Fair Pre-sale Tickets 
Pre-sale order forms are due this Friday, Oct 9th to the school office.  Tickets will be distributed thru the Wednesday Envelope next week (Oct 14th) or purchase your tickets after all masses this weekend.
Pre-sale price is 3 for $1.00
Tickets are good for food, drinks and games.
Fair weekend - tickets will be sold at the fair at 2 for $1.00

Parish Fair Silent Auctions  
New Online Auction
Attention American Martyrs Community! The Parish Fair ONLINE auction opens for bidding this Fri, Oct 9 at 9AM until Thurs, Oct 15 at 10PM. Don't miss out on many great items. Over 200 silent auction items are online! 
Hotel stays at Bacara, The Marriott, and Belamar, Certificates for surf camps, LA Kings Tickets and Dodger tickets, Restaurant Gift Certificates and much, much more! 
Silent Auction (in the Gym)
We have amazing tickets, get away and new and once loved couture items like bags, accessories, clothing and shoes. Oh and Alps amazing wines!

Live Auction at the Saturday Night Dinner! 
Get set for the all the action and excitement! 
Unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experiences...Italy like you've never experienced it, a night at the Century Club that you will never forget and a private jet to Napa Valley!
 ...Stay tuned for more! 
Parish Fair Information  
We are excited to announce we will have BINGO at the Fair.  Come and play for free!  We will be playing at the following time and dates:
Sat. 12-12:30, Sun. 10:30-11 then 2:30-3:30 pm
Saturday Night Dinner Tickets
We still have a few tickets left so, come listen to AMC Cantor Nathan Shrake's band Grilled Cheese Soundwich! 
Steak or Fish adult dinners are $20/$15 for seniors.  Want to come but know you won't eat- purchase a seat at a table for $20.
Questions? contact Rebecca Foster

AMC's Got Talent!
Do You???  If you have a Talent, share it with American Martyrs at this year's Parish Fair!  E-mail us! parishfair@americanmartyrs.org   

Granny's Kitchen
Granny's Kitchen is looking for volunteers to donate items (please include a recipe or a simple listing of all ingredients) or work inside Granny's in addition to runners- signup online!

Parish Fair Staffing 
We still need hundreds of volunteers and it's less than 2 weeks away.  We especially need for volunteers for Sat and Sun 2:30 to 5 pm shift. Please sign-up today!
 Reminder: School families are required to work 2 shifts!  
Click the green Sign Up button to get started.  
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Steinbeck  (650-804-1529) or Lisa Thompson (310-968-9032). 
Feeling Lucky? 
Lucky 21
Purchase your Lucky 21 tickets now!  Tickets will also be sold after all Masses!  
You can also buy tickets at the Parish Center or pick up
this form in the school office. Make checks out to American Martyrs Church.  
Do you really want more plastic swords, stuffed animals, inflatables, etc. in your house?
If not, please help us make SuperSize Your Prize a success!  Anyone who wins a prize at one of the booths at the Parish Fair will have the opportunity to trade that prize for a chance to win a more valuable prize in the SuperSize drawings that will take place throughout the fair.  Last year's prizes included gift cards to Jamba Juice, AMC, iTunes and Becker's, to name a few. 
Please consider purchasing additional scrip (any increment is appreciated!) and donating to SuperSize Your Prize.  Gift cards for any of the following would be amazing:
Coffee Bean
See's Candy
Barnes & Noble
Jamba Juice
Becker's Bakery
Chuck E Cheese
Peet's Coffee

Gift cards can be donated at the SuperSize box in the scrip office or contact 
Lisa Baker.  Thank you for your support and see you at the Fair!
General Reminder
All students participating on a team must have paperwork on file. You can download the paperwork or pick up a hard copy in the gym. The $60 sports fee is for each sport.

Congratulations! for taking 2nd place in the Fall CYO Tournament

Girls Volleyball
Varsity: Practice only
JV: Thurs. Oct. 8th Home (3:45) vs Holy Trinity
6th: Thurs. Oct. 8th @ St. Jerome White team ( 3:50) vs St. Monica Blue team (4:40) vs Visitation, Tues. Oct. 13th @ St. Jerome (3:50) White team vs Visitation and (5:30) Blue team vs St. Jerome 
5th: Mon. Oct. 12th @ St. Anthony (3:50) White team vs Notre Dame and ( (6:20) Blue team vs St. Anthony, Wed. Oct. 14th @ St. Anthony (6:20) White team vs St. Paul
4th: Fri. Oct. 9th @ St. Anthony White team(4:20) vs St. Catherine and Blue team ( 5:10) vs St. Catherine 
Flag Football
Varsity:Tues. Oct. 13th Home (4pm) vs Holy Trinity, Wed. Oct. 14th Home (4pm) vs Culver City
JV: Sat. Oct. 10th Home (11am) vs St. Margaret Mary
6th: Fri. Oct. 9th Home (3pm) vs SLM
5th: Fri. Oct. 9th Home ( 5pm) #1 team vs St. Raphael, Sat. Oct. 10th Home ( 3pm) #2 vs. St. Anastasia 
4th: Sat. Oct. 10th Home (4pm) #1 vs St. Monica, Sun. Oct. 11th Home (4pm) #1 vs St. Dominic Savio, (5pm) #1 vs St. Martin  
Cross Country
Good luck to our team who will be running in the CYO Invitational Meet on Sun, Oct 11th 
Join us for LUNCH at the GYM Friday !

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
Around the Parish this Weekend  
- Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel Mark 10:17-27 "For human beings this is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God."
- Special Mass Saturday night for all sixth grade families 6:30pm with blessing of your bibles! Please come and invite your friends. (Yes, it does count for Sunday obligation).
- Children's Liturgy Has Moved! 2nd Sunday of the month, this weekend
Sunday October 11th during the 9:30am Mass. Children in grades 1-6 are invited to celebrate the liturgy planned with you in mind. Meet in the St Brigid/Brendan room and join your parents at the presentation of the gifts.
The new Children's Liturgy schedule will now be the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Please join us!
- Look for the Catholic Children's Prayer Books in the entry to the church, to help follow the Mass responses, or bring your own copy. The cost is $5 if you would like to take it home.
ARTICLE IMAGE - Recommended Width = 150px Have a clear and concise message. Screen real estate is valuable on mobile, so keep the content here simple and focus on the essentials. Think about the goal of your email. Do you want people to shop online, come into the store, share a sale with friends via Facebook - or maybe you just want them to read an article on your website? Whatever your goal, it's important to make sure you have one before hitting send. Optional Link