Fri, Sept 25 is a Spirit Day here at AMS. Since that Spirit Day coincides with the arrival of Pope Francis on his journey to the United States, we will be celebrating his arrival here. I guess you could call it Holy Spirit Day!
Here are some of the exciting things you can expect:
Spirit wear - Students may wear AMS spirit wear or any clothing that celebrates a CATHOLIC institution or school.
Pope Francis Buttons - The Student Council will be selling Pope Francis buttons the days before Spirit Day. The suggested donation for the pins is $3. Proceeds will benefit Catholic Relief Services efforts on behalf of the Syrian refugee crisis.
Spot the Pope - During the day, "Pope Francis" just may pop up here at AMS and you better be ready for him. Answer a question he may ask and you might just get a treat.
Have your picture taken with the Pope - What would a visit with the Pope be without a photo op? Make sure you stop by and get a selfie with Francis.
We have a couple other surprises in store, too!