Sept 23, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
NEW Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
No Wednesday Envelopes this week 
With temperatures expected in the high 80's late in the week,  students may wear PE uniforms on Thursday and Friday this week.  Friday is spirit wear day, so please keep the temperature in mind when selecting attire for that day
Thurs, Sept 24 - Spirit Wear on Sale in front of the school! Bring your check book!
Fri, Sept 25 - Spirit Day
                    - Home Mass 
1st, 5th and 8th)
Tues, Sept 29 - High School Information Night 

$5 Friday Lunch at the Gym! BBQ Hamburger or Hot Dog, plus chips and a drink!
Calendar These Dates
Home Masses (6PM to 10PM)
Fri, Oct 2 - 2nd, 3rd and 6th

Parish Fair  October 17-18
Pastor's Holiday on Mon, Oct 19. No School! 
The Pope has arrived in America!
Fri, Sept 25 is a Spirit Day here at AMS. Since that Spirit Day coincides with the arrival of Pope Francis on his journey to the United States, we will be celebrating his arrival here. I guess you could call it Holy Spirit Day!
Here are some of the exciting things you can expect:
Spirit wear - Students may wear AMS spirit wear or any clothing that celebrates a CATHOLIC institution or school.
Pope Francis Buttons - The Student Council will be selling Pope Francis buttons the days before Spirit Day.  The suggested donation for the pins is $3.  Proceeds will benefit Catholic Relief Services efforts on behalf of the Syrian refugee crisis.
Spot the Pope - During the day, "Pope Francis" just may pop up here at AMS and you better be ready for him.  Answer a question he may ask and you might just get a treat.
Have your picture taken with the Pope - What would a visit with the Pope be without a photo op?  Make sure you stop by and get a selfie with Francis.

We have a couple other surprises in store, too!
Morning Assembly Protocols 
Parents: For morning assembly, please stand to the sides of the student lines and not behind or among the students.  And please remain respectfully silent during the pledge of allegiance, prayer and all announcements.  We want to make sure that all (students and adults) can hear the important information for the day.
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Grades 5-8 Only (Oct 14-16) 
Last call to tell us your preference for Parent-Teacher Conferences.  If you haven't done so please use the link on your student's homeroom page and sign-up for conferences today.
An Evening with Wendy Mogel- Oct 6  
Please join us on Tues, Oct 6 at 7 pm in O'Donnell Hall for an evening with Wendy Mogel. We invite you to join us in reading her works. 

-Blessings of a Skinned Knee
is recommended reading for parents of TK-4th graders.   
-Upper School parents are invited to read Blessing of a B-.   
Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Did you have some pictures of the first day of school? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
Artisan Workshop (Grades 5-8 Only) 
Calling all 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th
Grade Artists! There is a new after-school program starting up just for you. Come to the informative meeting for artists and parents on 
Mon, Oct 5th in the School Hall from 3:00pm-3:30pm
The Artisan workshop will be held Mondays from 3:15pm-5:00pm in the School Hall. Sessions will be lead by AMS Junior High Art Teacher Vickie Sekits.
Participants will have the opportunity to explore a variety of art mediums and approaches, plus have plenty of free "Studio Time" to work on projects of your own choosing and at your own pace. Our goal is to foster creativity in all our students. 
A $50 fee will be collected at the start of each trimester session.  Supplies will be provided.
Questions?  Contact Mrs. Sekits.
The Blessing of the Bikes
The Blessing of the Bikes will take place on Thursday, October 8.  Please ride your bike to school that day as Msgr. Barry joins us to bless our bikes (and their riders) at morning assembly!
36th Annual Public Library Bookmark Contest! 
Calling all reading artists!
This year's theme is Ticket to Adventure!
Create your bookmark design about books or reading in COLOR.
Categories are:
       Kindergarten - Grade 2
       Grades 3 - 5
       Grades 6 - 8

Please follow this link to review contest guidelines and print the entry form (We also have some printed out in the school office).
All submissions must be returned to your County Library by October 31, 2015.

Parish Fair Silent Auction Donations  
Our Silent Auction is GREAT because of the great donations from our parishioners and our community businesses. THANK YOU!
Sign up for Fair Shifts NOW OPEN! 
This Year's Parish Fair is Oct 17th and 18th and we have plenty of shifts left to fill! We need volunteers for the Bounce Houses, Giant Slide and Obstacle Courses and well as House Goblins for the House of Horrors. (As a reminder, each AMS family is required to fulfill two shifts for the Fair.) 

Click the green Sign Up button to get started.  
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Steinbeck  (650-804-1529) or Lisa Thompson (310-968-9032).
Lucky 21 is Here! 
Lucky 21
Back by popular demand -
Win an all-new 2015 Volkswa
gen Convertible Beetle, $5,000 cash or other great cash prizes.
You can also buy tickets after all weekend Masses, at the Parish Center, in the school office or by submitting this Lucky 21 order form with your check made out to American Martyrs Church.  
*Early Bird Drawings - Sunday, September 27 and Sunday, October 4th. Get Your Tickets Now!
Do you really want more plastic swords, stuffed animals, inflatables, etc. in your house?
If not, please help us make SuperSize Your Prize a success!  Anyone who wins a prize at one of the booths at the Parish Fair will have the opportunity to trade that prize for a chance to win a more valuable prize in the SuperSize drawings that will take place throughout the fair.  Last year's prizes included gift cards to Jamba Juice, AMC, iTunes and Becker's, to name a few. 
Please consider purchasing additional scrip (any increment is appreciated!) and donating to SuperSize Your Prize.  Gift cards for any of the following would be amazing:
Coffee Bean
See's Candy
Barnes & Noble
Jamba Juice
Becker's Bakery
Chuck E Cheese
Peet's Coffee

Gift cards can be donated at the SuperSize box in the scrip office or contact 
Lisa Baker.  Thank you for your support and see you at the Fair!
Everyone's Favorite AMPA Fall Fundraiser! 
Get excited and Happy! It's Catalog Time!
Orders are due September 30th.    
Start shopping and selling ASAP! Pledge to sell at least 10 items and your school children receive Happy Monster key chains at a morning assembly! Send your pledge to the link below.
Don't forget: AMS receives 40 to 50% profit from your purchases.
Thanks a Minion!
General Reminder
All students participating on a team must have paperwork on file. You can download the paperwork or pick up a hard copy in the gym. A $60 sports fee is for every sport.

Girls Volleyball
Varsity: Thurs. 24th (3:45) @ St. James, Sat. Sept. 26th AMS Tournament all day, Wed. Sept. 30 (4pm) Home game vs. SS Peter and Paul.
JV: Thurs. 24th (3:45) @ SS Peter and Paul, Sat. Sept. 26th AMS Tournament all day, Tues. Sept. 29th (3:45) Home games vs. Nativity.
6th: Tues. Sept. 29th (6:20) Blue @ St. Jerome vs St. Anastasia
5th: Mon. Sept. 28th @ St. Anthony (6:20) White vs Holy Trinity, (7:10) Blue vs. St. Paul 6th grade, Wed. Sept. 30th @ St. Anthony (3:50) Blue vs St. Catherine (5:30) White vs Holy Trinity 5th
4th: Fri. Sept. 25th (4:20) @ St. Anthony vs St. Catherine

Flag Football
Varsity: Sat. Sept. 26th (12noon) Home game vs SS Peter and Paul ( time could be moved to 1pm) Sun. Sept. 27th (1pm) Home game vs St. John Fisher. Wed. Sept. 30th (4pm) Home game vs Century Community
JV: Sat. Sept. 26th game cancelled with OLG, Sun. Sept. 27th (12 noon) Home game vs SS Peter and Paul
6th: Fri. Sept. 25th (5pm) Home game vs. St. Raphael,
5th: Fri. Sept. 25th (4pm) Home game vs. St. Paul the Apostle
4th: Sun. Sept. 27th (2pm) Home game vs. St. Paul the Apostle -1

CYO Tournament Sun. Oct. 4th

Join us for LUNCH AT THE GYM Fridays after school
BBQ hamburger or hot dog chips and a drink for $5

Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
Calling All Singers Grades 4-8!  
The AM Church Children's Choir meets Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in the music room above O'Donnell Hall. Our next meeting is this Thursday, Sept.17th at 3:15. It is open to students attending any school in grades 4-8. We participate musically about once a month at the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass. No audition is necessary - just a desire to sing with the choir during these Masses.
Any questions, please call Ellen Steinmetz at 310-372-3412 or Patti Williams at 310-546-4734
Volunteer Opportunities for your Student 
Jr High students
needed to volunteer at the Exceptional Kids dances for special needs teens at O'Donnell Hall.
Next one is on Fri, Oct 30...Halloween Haunt Dance 
All dances run from 6:30pm - 9pm. 
For more information call 310-503-3936 or email us here