Sept 16, 2015

  Parish     Sports   Calendar 
NEW Attendance Hot Line: 424-327-9650
Please call when your child is going to be absent.
 Up-Coming Dates
This Week (and Next) at AMS 
No Wednesday Envelopes this week 
Wed, Sept 16
- CPK Dine Out Night (no cooking tonight!)
Thurs, Sept 17 - School Picture Day
Fri, Sept 18 - Home Mass - Kinder, 4th and 7th

$5 Friday Lunch at the Gym! BBQ Hamburger or Hot Dog, plus chips and a drink!
Calendar These Dates
Home Masses (6PM to 10PM)
Fri, Sept 25 - 1st, 5th and 8th
Fri, Oct 2 - 2nd, 3rd and 6th

Parish Fair  October 17-18
Pastor's Holiday on Mon, Oct 19. No School! 

Do you really want more plastic swords, stuffed animals, inflatables, etc. in your house?
If not, please help us make SuperSize Your Prize a success!  Anyone who wins a prize at one of the booths at the Parish Fair will have the opportunity to trade that prize for a chance to win a more valuable prize in the SuperSize drawings that will take place throughout the fair.  Last year's prizes included gift cards to Jamba Juice, AMC, iTunes and Becker's, to name a few. 
Please consider purchasing additional scrip (any increment is appreciated!) and donating to SuperSize Your Prize.  Gift cards for any of the following would be amazing:
Coffee Bean
See's Candy
Barnes & Noble
Jamba Juice
Becker's Bakery
Chuck E Cheese
Peet's Coffee

Gift cards can be donated at the SuperSize box in the scrip office or contact 
Lisa Baker.  Thank you for your support and see you at the Fair!
Sign up for Fair Shifts NOW OPEN! 
This Year's Parish Fair is Oct 17th and 18th and we have plenty of opportunities for volunteers! Whether you're looking to help set up, man a booth, or work with the auction, there is something to suit everyone. As a reminder, each AMS family is required to fulfill two shifts for the Fair. Click the green Sign Up button to get started.  
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Steinbeck  (650-804-1529) or Lisa Thompson (310-968-9032).
Lucky 21 is Here! 
Lucky 21
Back by popular demand -
Win an all-new 2015 Volkswa
gen Convertible Beetle, $5,000 cash or other great cash prizes.
You can also buy tickets after all weekend Masses, at the Parish Center, in the school office or by submitting this Lucky 21 order form with your check made out to American Martyrs Church.  
*Early Bird Drawings - Sunday, September 27 and Sunday, October 4th. Get Your Tickets Now!
Parish Fair Silent Auction Donations  
Our Silent Auction is GREAT because of the great donations from our parishioners and our community businesses. THANK YOU!

Picture Day - Tomorrow!  Thurs, Sept 17  
We will be using the same photographer this year, Pictures With Class
and will be relying on the use of on-line ordering ONLY. (Code #0000418)camera
Look at this information form for more details.

Questions? Contact Katie Majcher .
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Grades 5-8 Only (Oct 14-16) 
On Schoolspeak today under your student's class you will find the form to sign-up for Parent-Teacher Conferences. If you have more than one student in the Upper School you will be given adjacent times for your conferences. You may ask for a conference with a maximum of 4 teachers. Sra. Usandizaga is setting up her own conferences as it is not possible for her to see all the 6-7-8th grade families during the Conference dates.
All of the teachers are available to you via email or phone whenever you have any questions.

Our Yearbook Needs Your Photos! 
Did you have some pictures of the first day of school? Use this link to upload them for the Yearbook! And keep them coming all year long! 
Thank you.
Sharon Suarez 
36th Annual Public Library Bookmark Contest! 
Calling all reading artists!
This year's theme is Ticket to Adventure!
Create your bookmark design about books or reading in COLOR.
Categories are:
       Kindergarten - Grade 2
       Grades 3 - 5
       Grades 5 - 8

Please follow this link to review contest guidelines and print the entry form (We also have some printed out in the school office).
All submissions must be returned to your County Library by October 31, 2015.
An Evening with Wendy Mogel- Oct 6  
Please join us on Tues, Oct 6 at 7 pm in O'Donnell Hall for an evening with Wendy Mogel. We invite you to join us in reading her works. 
-Blessings of a Skinned Knee
is recommended reading for parents of TK-4th graders. 
-Upper School parents are invited to read Blessing of a B-.   
This Sunday 
Logo - AMC Blue
Parish News From Patti Williams, Our Religion Coordinator
5pm Mass Saturday will be co-celebrated with newly ordained Bishop Robert Barron. Come and join the celebration!
This weekend is Catechetical Sunday. All of us are catechists, but those especially called are among our AMS faculty and the parish. Let us thank God for our religion teachers in the school and in SRE!
In honor of the special weekend, prayer books will be on sale for $5 for the children outside of Mass. Pick up a prayer book on your way into Mass and let your child celebrate along with you!
Student Offering Envelopes
Students in grades 1-8 brought home student offering envelopes for their use during the Sunday Mass. A few pointers about how to use the envelopes:
- Everyone, even little ones are stewards of our parish! Bring the envelope to Sunday Mass and put it in the collection basket.
- The amount of money is not important. This is a way to allow our young people to be a part of the liturgy on Sunday.
- Please do not use these envelopes to make your parish contribution. They are for the students, and they are not part of the regular church collection.

Together, let us model stewardship for our young people, and hopefully find this a little way to connect them to our liturgy.

Scrip Sense 
The Scrip Office is back to school year hours:
Mon-Thurs, 7:45am-3:45pm | Friday, 7:45am - 1:00pm
Sunday, 7:45am-11:30am | Closed on Saturday
If you are new to Scrip now is the time to visit the Parish Welcome Center (across the street from the church) and see what this Fundraising program is all about. As a school family you have a $200 Scrip commitment - start now and you can easily meet that commitment (and earn Tuition Credit - ask us how)
The Buyout Option allows families to fulfill their scrip commitment by writing a check to AMPA. If you choose to opt out of purchasing scrip then your buyout payment is:
$200 - if received by October 1
$225 - if received by December 1
$250 - if received by March 15
$275 - after March 15.
We encourage families to participate in scrip because Scrip supports our local businesses and they support us. But we will also take your buyout check. 
It's time for the annual RE-REGISTRATION of your Ralphs card.
All Ralphs contributions to our scrip program ended on August 31. The new term begins on September 1. All members who are currently enrolled in their program must re-register for the new term at or by using the scanbar letter at the register - get a copy of this scanbar letter at the Scrip Office. See specific instructions here. 

Everyone's Favorite AMPA Fall Fundraiser! 
Get excited and Happy! It's Catalog Time!
Orders are due September 30th.    
Start shopping and selling ASAP! Pledge to sell at least 10 items and your school children receive Happy Monster key chains at a morning assembly! Send your pledge to the link below.
Don't forget: AMS receives 40 to 50% profit from your purchases.
Thanks a Minion!
Varsity: Thurs. Sept. 17th (3:45) home vs St. Lawrence Martyr, Tues. Sept. 22nd (3:45) home vs St. John Fisher
JV: Thurs. Sept. 17th (3:45) @ St. John Fisher
4th, 5th and 6th: Games will begin next week. Coaches will have schedules from CYO by the end of the week.
Flag Football
Varsity: Congratulations on winning the St. John Bosco Tournament. 
Varsity & JV: Holy Trinity Football Jamboree Sat. and Sun. Sept. 19th & 20th @ San Pedro Girls Softball Complex 
Teams 4th, 5th and 6th: Games will begin next week. Coaches will have schedules from CYO by the end of the week.

The Lakes golf program is back! Fridays 1:30-3pm for beginner to advanced players 1st-8th grade. Here is the link
To sign up go to the website above and click the "sign up box" on the lower left hand side. 

Go Mustangs

Lou Ann Selsky
Parish & Community
Seeking Parish Welcome Center Volunteers
Please join our parish staff ministry as a volunteer in the Parish Welcome Center. We are looking for those who can devote their time to serve as the first contact or friendly voice for visitors and life-long parishioners alike.  Volunteers will greet visitors; receive and forward phone calls; answer immediate questions; refer to parish and community resources and other like tasks.
Necessary skills: Phone management; basic computer use; good listening; and troubleshooting.      
Helpful gifts: Patience; compassion; professional, yet pleasant demeanor; and of course faith driven.
Volunteers will be asked to serve routinely for 2-4 hour shifts.  
If you are interested, please contact Jenny Attanasio / 310-545-5651. 
Calling All Singers Grades 4-8!  
The AM Church Children's Choir meets Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in the music room above O'Donnell Hall. Our next meeting is this Thursday, Sept.17th at 3:15. It is open to students attending any school in grades 4-8. We participate musically about once a month at the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass. No audition is necessary - just a desire to sing with the choir during these Masses.
Any questions, please call Ellen Steinmetz at 310-372-3412 or Patti Williams at 310-546-4734
  Please Join Us for Troop 713 Recruitment Carnival Night!
When: Monday, September 21st
Where: American Martyrs School Pkg Lot (1701 Laurel Ave)
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Volunteer Opportunities for your Student 
Jr High students
needed to volunteer at the Exceptional Kids dances for special needs teens at O'Donnell Hall.
Fri, Sept 18...Welcome Fall Dance 
Fri, Oct 30...Halloween Haunt Dance 
All dances run from 6:30pm - 9pm. 
For more information call 310-503-3936 or
Let's take care of our beaches!
All ages are welcome!  Matthew 25 joins Heal the Bay and Coastal Cleanup Day  
Sat, Sept 19, 9am - 12pm at the MB Pier.  Just show up to help out.
Thank you, Lynne Hook