This Week (and Next) at AMS
Back to School Nights - 7PM to 9PM, meet in O'Donnell Hall (ODH) before going to classrooms
- Grades 1-4 Tonight! Wed, Sept 9
- Grades 5-8 Thurs, Sept 10
Fri, Sept 11 - Pony Home Mass
Sat, Sept 12 - Outdoor Mass 5PM Wed, Sept 16 - CPK Dine Out Night (no cooking tonight!) Thurs, Sept 17 - School Picture Day
$5 Friday Lunch at the Gym! BBQ Hamburger or Hot Dog, plus chips and a drink!
Home Masses (6PM to 10PM) Fri, Sept 18 - Kinder, 4th and 7th Fri, Sept 25 - 1st, 5th and 8th Fri, Oct 2 - 2nd, 3rd and 6th
Parish Fair October 17-18 Pastor's Holiday on Mon, Oct 19. No School!
Sunday Mass is our Greatest Prayer
 This year, our school community is focusing on the importance of Sunday Mass in our lives as Catholics. Sunday worship and reception of the Eucharist is a spiritual practice which enriches the faith life of our whole community.
In order to keep our priority on the Sunday Mass as we meet in our daily religion classes, we are no longer attending the 8am daily Mass as a class. We will be speaking often of the worship experience ahead of us during the week.
The school will also be a part of the 9:30am Mass during the year, starting in November. We hope all our school families will make this a joyful way for us to celebrate all our children.
We will of course continue with the Student Body Masses monthly, as well as special days throughout the year, and look forward to the contribution of the students in leading these liturgies.
Our Friday good-bye will be common refrain for all of us - "SEE YOU AT MASS THIS WEEKEND"!
Patti Williams
Director of Religious Education
American Martyrs Catholic Community
Sign up for Fair Shifts NOW OPEN!
This Year's Parish Fair will be held on October 17th and 18th and we have plenty of opportunities for volunteers! Whether you're looking to help set up, man a booth, or work with the auction, there is something to suit everyone. As a reminder, each AMS family is required to fulfill two shifts for the Fair. The Parish Fair Volunteer Sign Up button will be posted to the AMS website today! An email will be sent out notifying you that the link has been posted.
Back by popular demand - Win an all-new 2015 Volkswagen Convertible Beetle, $5,000 cash or other great cash prizes.
Buy Tickets Now! Look in your white envelope for the flyer.
You can also buy tickets after all weekend Masses, at the Parish Center or by submitting the Lucky 21 order form with your check made out to American Martyrs Church.
Please support American Martyrs church, school, SRE and outreach programs by participating in one of the year's biggest fundraisers.
*Early Bird Drawings - Sunday, September 27 and Sunday, October 4th. Get Your Tickets Now!
Parish Fair Live Auction Items
 The school year might have just started, but planning for this fall's Parish Fair Live Auction has begun. Our goal is to create amazing, one-of-a-kind, never-seen-before experiences that you and your friends will be so awed with that you can't wait to bid against each other for them. But, guess what? We will do all the work to coordinate these extraordinary experiences, but we NEED your help in securing the right pieces of the puzzle.
Do you have connections/access to, or do you have a friend or colleague who does,
or would you want to help fund any of these fun items...
* A venue for an exclusive party or concert
* Seats on a private airplane or airplane tickets
* Airline miles or hotel rewards or better yet, simply a stay at a fabulous hotel
* Limo, luxury car or bus or any form of extraordinary transportation
* A boat or yacht for an overnight adventure
* An amazing home, maybe in a fabulous city or an exotic faraway place
you are able to share for a long weekend or a week or even two
* Tickets to a Broadway play, filming of a TV show or access to the set of
a new blockbuster movie
* Tickets, boxes or VIP experiences at top entertainment or sports venues
* A winery, distillery or craft brewery - better yet, all of the above
* A meet and greet with a friend who just happens to be a professional
athlete, famous actor or a professional musician (or even a fabulous band)
Our goal is to make this year's Parish Fair Live Auction the best one yet. If you can help make any of these ideas a reality, or have other creative items or ideas to contribute, please let us know.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Picture Day - Thurs, Sept 17
We will be using the same photographer this year, Pictures With Class, and will be relying on the use of on-line ordering ONLY. (Code #0000418) Look for this information form in your Wednesday Envelope. Want to Volunteer to help? Please contact Katie Majcher if interested.
Emergency Contact/Medical Form
This year we are collecting the "goldenrod" emergency form information through School Speak.
- Please log on to School Speak and go to your child's profile.
- Click on "update your student's profile" page and scroll down to add information about physicians, medical background, insurance and emergency contact information.
- Don't forget to hit save.
If you have already updated this information for this year, I thank you. If you have not done this year, please make sure that you update this information for each of your children.
Because of the importance of this information, I ask that you do this as soon as possible. I will be running classroom copies of these forms this Mon, Sept 14. Please make sure that you have updated this important information by that time.
An Evening with Wendy Mogel- Oct 6
Please join us on Tues, Oct 6 at 7 pm in O'Donnell Hall for an evening with Wendy Mogel. We invite you to join us in reading her works. -Blessings of a Skinned Knee is recommended reading for parents of TK-4th graders. -Upper School parents are invited to read Blessing of a B-.
Mustang Players Returns! (Our after-school drama program)
Mrs. Laniosz and Mrs. Halushka are excited to announce the return of the Mustang Playe  rs. This popular after-school program helps students become more confident, enhances teamwork abilities and uncovers talents as we work towards our final musical production. For more information and registration see this form.
High School Information Night - Tues, Sept 29 Eighth graders and their parents are invited to attend High School Night on Tuesday, September 29. See this flyer for a list of schools that will be attending.
Graduation Trip to Washington, D.C. There will be an informational meeting about the Eighth Grade Graduation Trip in 8B on Tuesday, September 22 at 6:30 pm .
We currently have five students attending the trip next June but would happily like to see more students join us. The meeting on 9/22 will cover information about cost, attractions and transportation arrangements. Hope you will join us.
Mock Trial Meeting - Thurs, Sept 10 Seventh and Eighth Graders interested in this year's Mock Trial team should attend a informational team meeting during lunch on Thurs, Sept 10 in classroom 8.
The Scrip Office is back to school year hours:
Mon-Thurs, 7:45am-3:45pm | Friday, 7:45am - 1:00pm
Sunday, 7:45am-11:30am | Closed on Saturday
If you are new to Scrip now is the time to visit the Parish Welcome Center (across the street from the church) and see what this Fundraising program is all about. As a school family you have a $200 Scrip commitment - start now and you can easily meet that commitment (and earn Tuition Credit - ask us how)
The Buyout Option allows families to fulfill their scrip commitment by writing a check to AMPA. If you choose to opt out of purchasing scrip then your buyout payment is:
$200 - if received by October 1
$225 - if received by December 1
$250 - if received by March 15
$275 - after March 15.
We encourage families to participate in scrip because Scrip supports our local businesses and they support us. But we will also take your buyout check.
It's time for the annual RE-REGISTRATION of your Ralphs card.
All Ralphs contributions to our scrip program ended on August 31. The new term begins on September 1. All members who are currently enrolled in their program must re-register for the new term at or by using the scanbar letter at the register - get a copy of this scanbar letter at the Scrip Office. See specific instructions here.
Everyone's Favorite AMPA Fall Fundraiser!
Get excited and Happy! It's Catalog Time!
Otis Spunkmeyer catalogs have arrived and are in today's Wednesday envelope! Instructions for ordering and a listing of prizes are also included! Start shopping and selling ASAP! Pledge to sell at least 10 items and your school children receive Happy Monster key chains at a morning assemb ly! Send your pledge to the link below.
Orders are due September 30th. Don't forget: AMS receives 40 to 50% profit from your purchases.
Thanks a Minion!
All Athletes and Parents need to read the NEW Athletic Handbook posted on School Speak. (Look on the left side for "Quick Links" and click on "Athletic Programs Documents"
You will also find forms that need to be turned in:
- Permission Form
- Transportation Form
- Parents Code of Conduct (in Athletic Handbook)
- Student Athlete's Code of Conduct (in Athletic Handbook)
Girls Volleyball
Varsity: AMS tournament Sat. Sept. 26th all day
JV: AMS tournament Sat. Sept. 26th all day
6th: First practice Monday Sept. 14th 3-5pm
5th: Practice Friday 1-3
4th: First practice Friday Sept. 11th 1-3pm.
Flag Football
Varsity: Parent meeting Monday Sept. 14th 4:50 on the bleachers
JV: Parent meeting Tuesday Sept. 15th 4:50 on the bleachers
6th: Practice Tues/Thurs until games start
5th: First practice Friday Sept. 11th 1-3pm on the field
4th: Practice Thursday
The Lakes golf program is back! Fridays 1:30-3pm for beginner to advanced players 1st-8th grade. Here is the link
To sign up go to the website above and click the "sign up box" on the lower left hand side.
Cross Country
First practice Monday Sept 14, 3:10-4pm. Meet at the lunch tables ready to run. Parents please pick up in front of the gym 4 (arrive at 3:55)
Open to 5th -8th grade. If 4th graders would like to participate we need parent volunteers. Coaches Mata and Odello Go Mustangs
Lou Ann Selsky
Seeking Parish Welcome Center Volunteers
Please join our parish staff ministry as a volunteer in the Parish Welcome Center. We are looking for those who can devote their time to serve as the first contact or friendly voice for visitors and life-long parishioners alike. Volunteers will greet visitors; receive and forward phone calls; answer immediate questions; refer to parish and community resources and other like tasks.
Necessary skills: Phone management; basic computer use; good listening; and troubleshooting.
Helpful gifts: Patience; compassion; professional, yet pleasant demeanor; and of course faith driven.
Volunteers will be asked to serve routinely for 2-4 hour shifts.
American Martyrs Outdoor Mass
Join us for the Outdoor Mass!
Saturday, September 12
5:00pm Mass on St. Elizabeth Field
Bring your beach chairs and blankets (and sunglasses/hats)
There will be a seating section for Seniors and others with Special Needs.
Stay for Dinner on the Blacktop after Mass.
There will be food to purchase (from Britt's BBQ) or "Bring Your Own" Food & Drink
Adults ($10) Chicken, Pulled Pork, Brisket or Hot Link Sandwich or Rib Meal or Veggie Meal -- comes with side and a drink
Kids ($6): Hot Dog, Hamburger or Chicken Nuggets -- comes with chips and a drink
For those needing assistance, there will be Shuttle Service between the O'Donnell parking lot and the field.
Park and then meet in front of O'Donnell Hall.
Catch up with your friends, Connect with some new ones.
Rest in Peace, Kay Giery
Kathryn Giery
August 4, 1920 - August 13, 2015
To our devoted and loyal afternoon Scrip Lady, thank you
for your 15+ years of service for our School and Preschool families. Kay celebrated her 95th birthday on Tues, Aug 4 by coming into work at the Scrip Desk.
We will certainly miss you!
Rosary - Sunday, September 13, 7:00pm
Funeral Mass - Monday, September 14, 1:00pm
In lieu of flowers please donate to USO NW online
or send to 1780 International Blvd. PMB#313, WA 98158
Please Join Us for Troop 713 Recruitment Carnival Night!
When: Monday, September 21st
Where: American Martyrs School Pkg Lot (1701 Laurel Ave)
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Volunteer Opportunities for your Student
Jr High students needed to volunteer at the Exceptional Kids dances for special needs teens at O'Donnell Hall.
Fri, Sept 18...Welcome Fall Dance
Fri, Oct 30...Halloween Haunt Dance
All dances run from 6:30pm - 9pm.
For more information call 310-503-3936 or
Let's take care of our beaches!
All ages are welcome! Matthew 25 joins Heal the Bay and Coastal Cleanup Day
Sat, Sept 19, 9am - 12pm at the MB Pier. Just show up to help out.
Thank you, Lynne Hook
SoulCycle Back-to-School Ride- Sept 15, 8:30 AM
Join us for a fun and healthy way to kick off the school year at the new SoulCycle in Manhattan Beach!
SoulCycle is generously donating the class; however we are collecting voluntary donations to give back to the school!
For more information and to register by Sept 12, click here