For Rutgers' 250th Celebration, A New Shield


With a milestone anniversary quickly approaching, Rutgers University has adopted a new shield, one rich in symbolism that honors a story 250 years in the making. The shield recalls Rutgers' founding as Queen's College in 1766, the University's commitment to knowledge and scholarship, and its service to New Jersey. Learn more about the Rutgers shield.  





Rutgers 2030: Physical Master Plan Approved by Governors
Proposed Raritan River Footbridge

The Rutgers Board of Governors has approved Rutgers 2030, our first comprehensive physical master plan in more than a decade and the University's first to incorporate Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) in the planning process. The new physical master plan envisions system-wide development at Rutgers from 2015-2030 and is comprehensive in its scope, taking into account buildings, the natural and constructed landscape, transportation and infrastructure. More.  


Rutgers University-Newark Documents 'Newest Americans'
Slated to publish three times a year, the inaugural issue of Newest Americans features the work of professional journalists, documentary filmmakers, artists, research faculty and students. Stories are told through video, spoken word, personal blogs, graphic novels and photographs - all reflecting the authentic voices of a blended culture. It is an experiment in collaborative storytelling guided by RU-Newark. Experience these stories here.

Rutgers University-Camden Sows Oasis in Urban Landscape

Rutgers-Camden senior biology major Aisha Dorley  and master's student Timnit Kefela, both pictured at left, are working to invigorate the soil in a vacant lot in Camden and create an ecosystem complete with wildflowers that attract pollinator insects. The project marries science and art in an attempt to create thriving ecosystems in place of polluted vacant lots. Read about the project.
Upgrades for Rutgers Athletic Facilities Envisioned

Rutgers 2030, the physical master plan, envisions easy vehicular access to new and upgraded athletic competition venues for spectators and visitors. President Barchi spoke recently about that vision, and what is required to achieve it, in an interview with Read the story here.