Youth Ministry News
August 17, 2016

Have you ever sat down in a movie, watched the opening credits, thought, "This isn't for me," and left?

My guess is that if you buy that ticket then you're going to give the movie a shot at proving itself before you make the decision to walk out. For most of us the first five minutes of a two hour movie just isn't enough to know whether it's for you or not.

That's what Give Us 6 is about: we are doing something new with Youth Group this year and really want all of DCPC's youth to be involved with it but showing up to one Youth Group and checking out isn't quite enough time to give it a fair chance. And here's the other thing: our emphasis on Small Groups this year is dependent on you. Each Small Group has its own personality and every person participating helps to create that personality. If you're not there, that group is missing the image of God that is embodied in you. It's missing your hopes and fears and triumphs and tragedies and doubts and faith. And all of those things are what makes a Small Group really good.

That's why we're asking everyone to give us 6 weeks of Youth Group. If you give us 6 weeks, we'll give you everything we got and show you how your Small Group is a place where you can be known and heard and give back. You belong in this corner of Christ's church!
Time to Update Medical & Contact Information!

Now you can update your youth's medical & contact information online! Here's the link. Please note that you will need to submit a form for each child in your family.
Organ Donor Awareness Night @ Charlotte Knights!

Some very generous friends of our ministry want to donate tickets for us to go see the Charlotte Knights play on Organ Donor Awareness night (Wednesday August 24th)! If you want to go, let Matt know by Sunday (August 21st).
DCPCY Parents on Facebook

Our conversation on how we can Widen the Circle is continuing in the Facebook group! Join us for some great conversation on how to find and bring in other Christian adults to speak into the lives of our sons and daughters. You can find the group here.
Matt Wiggins, Staff Associate for Youth Ministry | Davidson College Presbyterian Church
 704-892-5641 | |