Children's Ministry News

Final Summer fun! Join Jenny Alexander and meet some friends for these final summer events:
All children (and their adults) are welcome!

TODAY August 4- Ice Cream Social at Whit's in Davidson 2 pm
August 18- Ice Cream Social at Carolina Cones 2 pm
August 23- Stories of Faith & Singing at church Room 201 at 11:30 am

Other dates to know:
August 21- New Baby Brunch, Jetton Hall classroom
August 28- Sunday School Teacher Training 3-5 pm, room 201
September 11- Rally Day! Sunday School (all ages) 9:45 in the sanctuary, one worship at 11, church picnic
You are invited to volunteer in children's ministry. Click here to see opportunities.

Calling all Babies and parents A special New Baby Brunch is set for 10 am on August 21st downstairs in the Jetton Hall classroom (across from room 12, the Nursery). This is an informal opportunity to meet other parents with babies (under 12 mo.). We will have some parent resources and information about our church nursery. We are blessed to welcome new babies into our church family.
Are you feeling a tug to teach? We are seeking Sunday School teachers for our Preschool, K-1 (Godly Play), 2nd-3rd Grade and 4th-5th Grade classes. This is a wonderful opportunity for relationship, spiritual growth, and service. You will join a team of faithful Christians who are committed to equipping our youngest generation with lifelong faith. What an exciting and worthwhile calling! Contact Jenny to sign up.
Goodbye to the Children's Library- Hello cozier classrooms
Join me in bidding the children's library a very fond farewell. What a delightful space and resource it has been for our children. The space is being transformed into an office and our books are finding a new home in our Sunday School Classrooms. The opportunity for children to see our books every week will be wonderful. Teachers and children alike will have quick access to age-appropriate collections, organized by topic. You are still welcome to check out books! Just date and sign the card then place it in the check-out box in the classroom.
SAGES Prayer Partners
To expand our intergenerational connections, and to demonstrate to the young people of DCPC the commitment the adults feel towards them, we are launching the SAGES Prayer Partner Ministry.
At DCPC, SAGES Prayer Partners is a ministry where senior adults commit to pray for a family of children for a year. Beginning with the new school year, SAGES Prayer Partners will be matched with children of a family who may be infant through college age. Contact information, important dates, interests and prayer suggestions will be provided.  SAGES Prayer Partners are asked to pray at least weekly for their assigned children. We will provide a monthly prayer calendar to suggest ways in which to pray.
Both SAGES Prayer Partners and the family may occasionally receive information passing along specific prayer requests or other special dates/events. And although, formal contact is not required or expected, SAGES and their prayer partner families are invited to communicate as much as they like, or are able to, in person, via phone, email or note cards. Many people have found it very rewarding to be connected through prayer to someone in their church family who they may not otherwise have known.
If you would like to become a SAGES Prayer Partner, please call the church office at 704-892-5641 or email Mary Margaret Porter and we will be in touch in the fall with information about your prayer partner family.

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Davidson College Presbyterian Church | 100 N Main Street | PO Box 337 | Davidson | NC | 28036