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Winter 2013   

In This Issue
Graham's Gab
Annual General Meeting
New Directors YK & QC
Outdoor Adventure Shows
New Float Plan for Success
Rapid Media Ad Discount
Transport Canada Project
Ontario Tourism Partnership
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   Board of Directors in Ottawa for meeting of PC's new Float Plan for Success - 3 Year Plan 

Graham's Gab


I predict that 2013 is going to be a banner year for Paddle Canada. There are so many good things happening with the organization, I hardly have time to tell you about them all.  The many items in this newsletter will highlight some of them. In one line, we continue to see record number of members, courses and new partnerships with government, non-profit environmental, youth and paddling groups.  
I will be attending the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show on Friday February 22. Dawn Callan (Paddle Canada Events Coordinator) will be there on Saturday and Sunday (February 24-25). Please drop by and say "Hello". Click on above link to get your discount coupon and more info on the show. I will also be at the Calgary Outdoor Adventure Show (March 23-24) and the Ottawa Show (March 16-17). Dawn Callan will be at the Vancouver show (March 1-2).  
This coming weekend I will also be attending and racing in the Eastern Telemark Ski Cup at Calabogie Peaks near Renfrew, Ontario (Feb 23-24).  Skiers from across Ontario, Quebec, and upstate New York will converge for a weekend of Free-Heel skiing fun and activities, which will be highlighted by Telemark Giant Slalom race on Sunday morning. Many of the skiers are also active paddlers.  

So until next time, stay in tight and stay upright.


Graham Ketcheson


Annual General Meeting - March 9, 2013


Paddle Canada's Annual General Meeting for the year 2012 will take place by conference call and online webinar on Saturday March 9, 2013.  Elections for the new directors to the board are in progress and will be finalized at the AGM for the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and the Northwest Territories. Elections 2012-13 Candidates


If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to info@paddlecanada.com or call 1-888-252-6292. Those on RSVP will be notified the week prior with details on how to access the conference call.  


View the 2012 AGM Agenda


View reports from 2011 AGM



Welcome New Regional Directors for the Yukon and Quebec


The start of the new year saw two new directors join the board: Jane Vincent from the Yukon and Jim Coffey from Quebec. Both have willingly filled vacancies for the interim until the next election, which is the 2013 AGM (March 2014) for both of these provinces.     


 Jim Coffey - Quebec  Read More
Jane Vincent - Yukon
Read More




Outdoor Adventure Shows 2013




Click on coupons here to get your discount to the show and view more info:


  • Toronto - International Centre -  February 22-24  
  • Vancouver - Convention Centre - March 1-2  
  • Ottawa - CE Centre - March 16-17  
  • Calgary - BMO Centre - Stampede Park - March 23-24








Paddle Canada's Float Plan for Success 2013 - Ottawa, ON




Last month the PC Board along with Chairs of the Program Development Committees, met in downtown Ottawa. The purpose was to finalize a new three year plan for the organization; something that hasn't been done since 2003.  Over 60 key stakeholders from the paddling community, in all provinces and territories were interviewed as part of the process.   Read More 




 We are excited to announce that Paddle Canada has been awarded a contract from the National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS) to produce a PaddleSmart 30-50 page manual and presentation by March 31, 2013. This program will join other successful volunteer community delivered programs under the AdventureSmart brand.  Launching of the trainer courses and development of outreach and additional instructor materials will follow in the years to come.
 This opportunity aligns itself very well with Paddle Canada's Three Year Float Plan for Success with it's focus on youth. The main target audiences of these programs are schools.  The task force committee is soliciting instructor input into this program development.  Read More...



National Industry Standards for Paddling


Last fall Paddle Canada approached Parks Canada about a proposal to establish a set of national standards for all paddle sports activities. In return Parks Canada wrote a letter of support back to us in January 2013, stating that they support this process and recommend Paddle Canada "participates in the consultations to establish national standards for all paddling activities".   
This document will serve Parks Canada better, helping them issue Business Licenses for paddling programs in their National Parks. The hope is that the set of standards will also be available as necessary, to help other federal, provincial government and municipalities in their own processes.  Read More

Psst!   Don't Forget To Ask For Your Advertising Discount in Rapid Media Magazines  

Rapid Media Magazines 
As part of our ongoing partnership with Rapid Media, current Paddle Canada members and associated businesses owned/managed by members, have the option of purchasing ads at a discount of 15% in Rapid Media magazines. 

Please contact ads@rapidmedia.com and/or call (613) 758-2042  


Transport Canada Funding Project  

Expansion of Paddle Canada Services: National Paddling Week, Symposiums & Instructor Development (Canada Wide)  


Paddle Canada is pleased to be working on a second project with Transport Canada (TC) on the Boating Safety Contribution agreement which started April 1, 2012 and will wrap up March 31, 2013. For every dollar PC spends on eligible project expenses, TC reimburses us 75 cents, up to a $50,000 maximum.  PC's share of the project is approximately $16,750.  
With TC's support we have been, and will continue to be able, to increase awareness around paddling safety, instilling a positive behavioural change in beginner paddlers.  
The project has been hugely successful to date seeing 20-30% growth in courses offered and participant numbers with the SUP program taking top spot with 134% growth over 2011 season. 

Ontario Tourism Partnership 

Paddle Canada continues to manage a contract on behalf of Ontario Tourism and has been doing so since October 2011.  The project supports development of web content (stories and photos) on various websites including www.ontariooutdoor.com , social media sites and in calendar print format that links back to web based media.  
Some of the many benefits for PC are:
  • participation in the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show with a booth in the Ontario Outdoor pavilion
  • mutually beneficial promotion opportunities between both organizations of quality outdoor and paddling experiences in Ontario.   
  • Paddle Canada retains a small administrative fee for service.


Protecting the Peel Watershed


First Nations and conservationists have been working for some years with a Yukon government planning commission  that was mandated to develop a land use plan for the Peel River watershed. The Peel watershed contains the Wind, the Snake and the Bonnet Plume Rivers which make the Yukon a destination of choice for those who value pristine wilderness and who in turn help to create a sustainable economy for Yukoners.


Unfortunately, the current government now appears to want to ignore this work, and First Nations rights, and is promoting a seriously flawed plan weighted in favour of mining interests.  By signing the CPAWS electronic letter of support you may help to convince the government that it should adopt the more balanced approach recommended by its own commission.



Rideau Canal Big Canoe Brigade Summer 2013  

From way out in the west (Edmonton, AB), Mark Lund and committee have been organizing a brigade of large fur trade canoes to transit the Rideau Canal, from Kingston to Ottawa, this August 5-16, 2013, with paddlers from all across North America. The 2013 Rideau Canal Brigade follows in the tradition of the 2008 David Thompson Canoe Brigade and more recent brigades in 2011 and 2012.  We expect 80 to 100 paddlers on this brigade will spend two weeks paddling the canal and enjoy all that the Rideau Canal area has to offer to tourists.   
Paddle Canada plans on participating and registering a big canoe crew as part of this event.  


Paddle Sea to Sea - A Call for Submissions

PC Instructor member Andy Convery has an exciting project underway and is looking for your help.  Send him your objects that are imbued with your personal paddling stories. In turn, Andy will use those objects to create the great Canadian paddle - the Paddle Sea to Sea.  As a paddle maker, paddler and artist, Andy will use the material you send him to build a paddle that tells our collective story. 


Thanks for reading

Until next time, keep your stick in the water.


Graham Ketcheson

Executive Director 


Paddle Canada Sponsored Events:


Atlantic Paddling Symposium in Saint John, New Brunswick

 http://www.atlanticpaddlesymposium.com/  - May 10 - 13, 2012 - Registration Now Open!


Pacific Paddling Symposium in Victoria, British Columbia

http://www.pacificpaddlingsymposium.ca/   - May 31, June 2, 2013


 National Paddling Week - National

http://www.nationalpaddlingweek.ca/  - June 15-23, 2013 - Registration Now Open to Event Hosts!



Other Events:


Western Paddling Symposium at Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, BC

http://www.ridgewilderness.com/Symposium.php - June 7-9, 2013


 2013 Rideau Canal Voyageur Canoe Brigade - Kingston to Ottawa, ON

http://members.shaw.ca/marklund/013%20Rideau%20Canal%20Brigade/index.htm  - August 5-16, 2013


Bay of Fundy Sea Kayak Symposium - near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
http://www.bofsks.com/ - September 20-22, 2013

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Contact Info


Paddle Canada | Pagayer Canada -- PO Box 126, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4V6

1-888-252-6292  613-547-3196  Fax: 613-547-4880

Skype, Twitter, and Facebook: paddlecanada   

info@paddlecanada.com    www.paddlecanada.com 


Office Hours  

Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 pm EST (closed weekends & statutory holidays)