Children's Health Insurance - E-News from Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
April 12, 2013
2013 Factbook Now Available
Earlier this week, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT released the 2013 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook. The Factbook reports on 68 indicators of child well-being. View all factbook indicators and data for your city or town.


Use the links below to explore selected indicators from the Health Section of the Factbook:

  • Children's Health Insurance
  • Access to Dental Care
  • Children's Mental Health
  • Highlights from the Health Indicators 

  • To order a hard copy of the Factbook, download and mail the Factbook Order Form or call (401) 351-9400. The cost of the Factbook is $21.40 ($20 plus tax); discounts for bulk purchases are available.
    Gun Safety
    RI State House On Tuesday, April 9, Rhode Island General Assembly leaders, Governor Lincoln Chafee, Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, and law enforcement officials unveiled a nine bill legislative package to improve gun safety and strengthen existing laws dealing with firearms violations. 

    To learn more about the issue of gun violence in Rhode Island, please see the 2013 Factbook's new Gun Violence indicator

    Repeat Teen Births
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a new national report on Preventing Repeat Teen Births, which found that nearly one in five births to teen mothers (ages 15 to 19) is a repeat birth. To learn more about this report, please see the GoLocalProv coverage here. For the latest Rhode Island data regarding repeat teen births, please see the 2013 Factbook's Births to Teens indicator
    Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange Community Letter
    Rhode Island Flag
    The Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange recently sent out an open letter to the community seeking partnerships with individuals and organizations in the coming months, to help consumers learn about, apply for, and enroll in coverage through the Exchange. 
    Save the Date - Health Coverage Workshop
    On May 22, 2013, the Rhode Island Health Coverage Project will host a workshop about Affordable Care Act implementation in Rhode Island for staff of community organizations who help connect people to health coverage. The event will take place at the Providence Marriott from 8:30am - 11:30am.

    Please be on the lookout for more information regarding this workshop from the Project in the coming weeks. 
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    In This Issue
    star2013 Factbook Now Available
    starGun Safety
    starRepeat Teen Births
    starRI Health Benefits Exchange Open Letter
    starSave the Date - Health Coverage Workshop
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    Rhode Island KIDS COUNT works to improve the health, education, safety, economic security and development of Rhode Island's children.