Volume 3 / Issue 19 July 8, 2015
Survey of College Presidents: The View from the Top
The Chronicle of Higher Education's downloadable version of it's newest survey details the challenges facing American College Presidents. Topics include the overall state of the economy and financial sustainability of colleges, fundraising, online programs, trends for boosting revenue, the role that colleges should play in a student's career development, attitudes on the federal college rating system, and more. To download this free report, click here.
Virginia Commonwealth University Threat Assessment Webpage
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)'s Office of the Provost developed a website to assist faculty and staff in identifying and supporting distressed students. The comprehensive site lists the signs of emotional distress and troubling behavior along with brief descriptions and links to appropriate resources, policies, and reporting mechanisms. To access this website, click here.
Student Success: Building a Culture for Retention and Completion on College Campuses
The Chronicle of Higher Education has published a report on building a culture for retention and completion on college campuses. This latest report is based on a survey of college leaders and their practices for retaining more students. The report details the most popular approaches to student retention and completion, who is responsible for driving student-success efforts on campus, predictive models as well as other ways to leverage big data, and more. To access this resource, click here.
Using Technology to Reform Advising
Community College Research Center (CCRC) has released a guide on using new technologies that address challenges created by high student-to-advisor ratios and by student unfamiliarity with navigating college. The guide summarizes findings from a study that examined how six colleges planned for and began implementation of Integrated Planning and Advising Services (IPAS) and associated reforms, and how they addressed the challenges they encountered. To access this article, click here.
Supporting Pregnant & Parenting Students on Campus
PaperClip Communications is providing resources to prepare college campuses in support pregnant and parenting students, a Title IX compliance requirement. These resources will cover key information such as Title IX mandates regarding pregnant and parenting students, what is illegal for schools to do under Title IX, and creating a central resource for services and support. To learn more, click here.
App Aims to Put a New Face on Sexual Consent
USA Today, July 4, 2015
Making Campuses Safer a Must
The Bismark Tribune, July 4, 2015
'Honor Above All': Hazing Victim at Penn State Frat Opens Up in Lawsuit
USA Today, June 30, 2015
Outsourced Campus Judges
Inside Higher ED, June 30, 2015
How to Cut Student Drinking
The Wall Street Journal, June 30, 2015
Find Child Care Resources for Community College Students
US News & World Report, June 29, 2015
Former UC Berkeley Students Outline Claims in Title IX Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Contra Costa Times, June 29, 2015
What's Wrong with Going to a Community College? How Two-Year Colleges Can be Better than Four-Year Universities
The Washington Post, June 29, 2015
University Releases Sexual Misconduct Survey Results
The Michigan Daily, June 24, 2015
Samson, J.E. & Tanner-Smith, E.E. (July 2015) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Guo, G., Li, Y., Owen, C., Wang, H. & Duncan, G.J. (July 2015) Social Science Research
McGinley, M., Rospenda, K.M., Liu, L. & Richman, J.A. (June 2015) Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Turner, J.C. & Keller, A. (June 2015) Journal of American College Health
Patrick, M.E., Maggs, J.L. & Lefkowitz, E.S. (June 2015) Journal of Research on Adolescence
Gruenewald, P.J. & Mair, C. (June 2015) Addiction
The Racial Climate on Campus: Best Practices for Education, Response & Adjudication
Wednesday, July 22, 2-3:30 PM ET
PaperClip Communications is hosting a webinar on racial relations on campuses across the country. Many institutions report seeing a loss of civil community and a resurgence of student activism across the country in recent months. The webinar will address what can be done to improve campus climate, how to help majority students understand that diversity is a topic that pertains to everyone, and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
Active Incident Training: The Next Generation of Tabletops
Thursday, July 30, 2-3:30 PM ET
PaperClip Communication is hosting a webinar on conducting tabletop exercises to ensure campuses are as prepared as possible for a variety of looming potential threats, such as active shooters, radicalization, cyber threats, HAZMAT threats, and bomb threats. The webinar will address the broadened appreciation for the components of an active incident training program, a methodology to develop and assess the training programs taking place on campus, resources that will enhance the active incident training efforts, and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
Higher Education Access and Opportunity in a Shifting Legal Landscape
Tuesday, August 11, 2-3:00 PM ET
The American Council on Education's Center for Policy Research and Strategy -- in partnership with The Civil Rights Project at UCLA and Center for College & Career Success in Pearson's Research and Innovation Network, and with support from the National Association for College Admission Counseling, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, College Board, and Education Counsel -- embarked on a study to examine how legal challenges to race-conscious admissions are influencing contemporary admissions practices at selective colleges and universities. Diverse Education is hosting a complimentary webinar to discuss the key findings from the report. To learn more and to register, click here.
Title IX Documentation & Evidence: Strategies for Compliant Collection, Sharing & Storage
Thursday, August 20, 2-3:30 PM ET
PaperClip Communications is hosting a webinar on meeting Office for Civil Rights (OCR) mandates that higher education institutions designate a sole employee as the Title IX Coordinator, with no conflicts of interest and with specific training requirements. The webinar will examine the obligations set forth by the 'Dear Colleague Letter' and the 'Title IX Resource Guide', the requirements and responsibilities of the campus Title IX Coordinator, strategies to maximize this professional's visibility, and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
Support Muslim Students on Your Campus: Dispel Myths, Address Islamophobia & Break Barriers
Wednesday, September 23, 2-3:30 PM ET
PaperClip Communications is hosting a webinar on how prejudice and bigotry toward Muslim people can deeply affect Muslim students on campus. The presenter will address current realities related to Islam and Islamophobia, while considering the implications for how to address these issues on your campus. To learn more and to register, click here.
Commuter Students 2016
Wednesday, October 14, 2-3:30 PM ET
PaperClip Communications is hosting a webinar to examine issues related to commuter students and current and future commuter trends and practices. The webinar will discuss concrete ways to use high-impact practices to enhance commuter student success, strategies to engage all members of the campus community in responsibility for promoting commuter student success, best practices to maintain a personal approach, and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
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About NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest |
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Higher Education e-Digest addresses campus and community engagement, health, safety, and security. Regular contents include news from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and other federal partner agencies and organizations, salient research summaries, examples of effective field practices, announcements submitted by IHEs and other subscribers, and relevant upcoming events. The Higher Education e-Digest also highlights NCSSLE resources and the availability of ongoing services, including technical assistance, products, and tools.
The Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is operated by the American Institutes for Research in collaboration with Child Trends; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; EMT Associates; the Silver Gate Group; and Vision Training Associates.
The contents of NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest is developed and disseminated under a contract from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number ED-ESE-12-O-0035. The contents of this e-Digest do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the U.S. Department of Education, nor do they imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.