Volume 3 / Issue 16 May 27, 2015
Developing Data-Driven Strategies to Reduce Underage Drinking
The National Criminal Justice Training Center (NCJTC) and The Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) are offering a two-hour course which explores the benefits of collecting and analyzing available data from a variety of sources when trying to identify appropriate strategies to address underage alcohol use at the community level. The course will provide participants with an understanding of the values and process of making data-driven decisions regarding strategies with a focus on prevention and enforcement of underage drinking. To learn more and to register for this course, click here.
Suicide Among College and University Students in the United States
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has released Suicide Among College and University Students in the United States, an information sheet that summarizes the data available on suicidal thoughts, attempts, and deaths. The document also describes the risk and protective factors that are common among college and university students. To access this resource, click here.
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center is also providing a Bibliography of Suicide Prevention Research for Colleges and Universities, which lists survey results and studies relevant to campus suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Higher education staff, faculty, students, and others can use this research to support their suicide prevention efforts. To access this resource, click here.
June is National Safety Month
The National Safety Council is offering posters, fact sheets, and more to celebrate National Safety Month (NSM). Members of the National Safety Council can download all the NSM materials including member-exclusive content and non-members can sign up for free. To receive these materials, click here.
How-To Guide and Template MOU to Address Campus Sexual Assault on California College Campuses
California's Attorney General has announced steps to address sexual assault on California's college campuses. Law enforcement leaders, survivor and victim advocates, and Attorney General Kamala Harris have released a Model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU is comprised of a how-to-guide and MOU template for law enforcement agencies and institutions of higher education to improve their coordination, collaboration, and transparency in response to cases of campus sexual assault. To learn more and to access these documents, click here.
College Counseling for Latino and Underrepresented Students
The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) has released a report detailing the growth and under-representation of Hispanic students at two-year and four-year colleges. The report also examines the challenges of being a first generation undergraduate Latino student. The report presents results drawn from a national survey as well as observation of counseling at six high schools serving large numbers of underrepresented students. To learn more and to access this resource, click here.
The Cross Papers Fellowship
The League for Innovation in the Community College has announced the Cross Papers Fellowship. This fellowship continues to build on the success and usability of the Cross Papers and seeks to continue K. Patricia Cross's legacy of professional development on community college teaching and learning. To learn more about this fellowship and to apply, click here.
RADD 2015 College DUI Awareness Campaign
RADD, the entertainment industry's voice for road safety, has announced a new $800,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety that will allow them to continue building on the success that saw the RADD program grow from 19 to 32 participating college campuses in 2014. To learn more, click here.
Social Media, Web, & Mobile Interventions for College Drinking
Dartmouth Students Say Hard Alcohol Ban Just a Small Piece of Bigger Reform Puzzle
VPR, May 20, 2015
Campus Sexual Assault: More Awareness Hasn't Solved Root Issues
U.S. & World Report News, May 20, 2015
Threatened with Closure, One Historically Black University Charts a Path to Recovery
PBS Newshour, May 19, 2015
Columbia Student Carries Mattress at Graduation in Protest of Campus Rape Case
Time, May 19, 2015
Bernie Sanders Issues Bill to Make 4-Year Colleges Tuition-Free
USA Today, May 19, 2015
Ashbury Park Press, May 19, 2015
The Challenge of the First-Generation Student
The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 18, 2015
Latinas Leading the Way
Harvard Political Review, May 16, 2015
Carey, K.B., Durney, S.E., Shepardson, R.L. & Carey, M.P. (June 2015)
Journal of Adolescent Health
Dwyer-Lindgren, L. et al. (June 2015) American Journal of Public Health
Huh, D. et al. (May 2015) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Keith, D.R., Hart, C.L., McNeil, M.P., Silver, R. & Goodwin, R.D. (May 2015)
The American Journal on Addictions
Trenz, R.C., Ecklund-Flores, L. & Rapoza, K. (May 2015) Emerging Adulthood
Ham, L.S., Bacon, A.K., Carrigan, M.H. Zamboanga, B.L & Casner, H.G.
(May 2015) Addiction Research & Theory
Mahmoud, J.S.R. et al. (May 2015) Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing
Silveira, J.M. & Hudson, M.W. (April 2015) Journal of Research in Music Education
Helping Underserved Populations: Assessing Skills and Behaviors to Improve Student Success
Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 1-2:00 PM ET
Diverse Issues in Higher Education is hosting a webinar on helping underserved populations to employ skills and behaviors to improve the odds of success. Research shows that many groups, such as first-generation college students and minority students, have been traditionally underserved by institutions of higher education. The webinar will discuss a skill-and behavior-based approach to student success, using holistic and non-cognitive assessment and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
Making a Business Case for Campus Diversity
Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 2-3:00 PM ET
Diverse Issues in Higher Education is hosting a webinar on how diversity in institutions of higher education can be a business advantage, as well as ways to employ policies that make diverse constituents feel holistically included. Participants will learn best practices for developing a business case for campus diversity, knowledge of the difference between diversity and inclusion, how to develop buy-in by various institutional stakeholders, and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting
June 4-6, 2015, New Orleans, LA
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) is hosting a conference with American Democracy Project (ADP), The Democracy Commitement (TDC), and the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) to strengthen and deepen the civic learning and engagement work that institutions across the country are committed to. Attendees will exchange knowledge, develop a sense of community around shared civic learning, and engagement work. To learn more and to register, click here.
Conference on College Men
June 18-20, 2015, Amherst, MA
The Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) is hosting a conference to bring together educators in the field of men and masculinities research and practice. This conference will challenge attendees to critically reflect on how their own identification and expression of gender influences their work with college and university students. To learn more and to register, click here.
The 2015 NASPA Assessment and Persistence Conference
June 25-27, 2015, Boston, MA
The 2015 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Assessment and Persistence Conference is designed to promote student learning and success by strengthening assessment, improving educational quality, and developing intentional persistence programming. The conference has been designed to address important issues such as providing an environment and education that encourages student persistence, especially for under-served, low-income, adult, part-time, and minority students. To learn more and to register click here.
New Media, Innovative Strategies, Important Connections: 2015 College Media Conference
June 29-July 1, 2015, Washington D.C
The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) is hosting a conference to help campus communications professionals develop techniques that work, prepare media materials that produce results, and make contacts with some of the nation's top reporters, editors, producers, bloggers, and digital media experts. Participants will learn first-hand from representatives of major organizations how to approach key reporters who cover higher education related topics, create and pitch story ideas to editors and freelancers, and more. To learn more and to register, click here.
Past Achievements, Present Successes, Future Aspirations: 25 Years of NAME
October 1-4, 2015, New Orleans, LA
The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) conference will be celebrating the past achievements in multicultural education and will discuss the future of multicultural education. The conference will also evaluate and celebrate that multicultural educators are now ambassadors of multiculturalism. To learn more and to register, click here.
2015 ATIXA/SCOPE Joint National Conference
October 6-9, 2015, Philadelphia, PA
The Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA) and the School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (SCOPE) will be holding a joint national conference. In recognition of the Violence Against Women Act re-authorization and the implementation of Campus SaVE Act enforcement, ATIXA and SCOPE will come together to share knowledge and community across the fields of Title IX and prevention education. To learn more and to register, click here.
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
October 31- November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL
The American Public Health Association (APHA)'s Annual Meeting & Exposition will strengthen the profession of public health, share the latest research and information, promote best practices and advocate for public health issues and policies grounded in research. To learn more and to register for this event, click here.
Seventh Annual NaBITA Conference and Sixth Annual NaBITA Campus Threat Management Institute
November 17-21, 2015, San Antonio, TX
The National Behavioral Intervention Team Association (NaBITA) is hosting its seventh annual conference and its sixth annual NaBITA Campus Threat Management Institute. The conference will provide valuable, substantive, sustaining, and energizing dialogue for professionals from various disciplines who are engaged in the essential function of behavioral intervention in schools, on college campus, and in corporations and organizations. To learn more and to register, click here.
How can we improve the Higher Education e-Digest?
About NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest |
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Higher Education e-Digest addresses campus and community engagement, health, safety, and security. Regular contents include news from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and other federal partner agencies and organizations, salient research summaries, examples of effective field practices, announcements submitted by IHEs and other subscribers, and relevant upcoming events. The Higher Education e-Digest also highlights NCSSLE resources and the availability of ongoing services, including technical assistance, products, and tools.
The Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is operated by the American Institutes for Research in collaboration with Child Trends; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; EMT Associates; the Silver Gate Group; and Vision Training Associates.
The contents of NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest is developed and disseminated under a contract from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number ED-ESE-12-O-0035. The contents of this e-Digest do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the U.S. Department of Education, nor do they imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.