Higher Education
Volume 2 / Issue 25
September 10
, 2014
In This Issue:
Sources of Consumption Data on Underage Drinking 
This new, updated practice-support tool includes data sources (primarily surveys) used to collect consumption data on underage drinking at the national, state, and local levels. Details include a description of the data source, methods and sample, geographic level for which the data is available, relevant survey instruments and questions, and available data and analysis tools.
NIC Presidential Commission on Alcohol Use within the Fraternity Experience
The North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) report details the development of three commissions to undertake a forward-focused, action-oriented evaluation on issues of critical importance to both higher education and the fraternity industry. Commissions focus on: alcohol use; hazing awareness and prevention; sexual violence and abuse prevention. The report details the information that will be produced by each commission, the length of time dedicated to each area of focus, who will on these commissions, and who will be in charge of each area of research.


Alcohol and Public Health: Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI)

ARDI is an online application that provides national and state estimates of alcohol-related health impacts, including deaths and years of potential life lost (YPLL). These estimates are calculated for 54 acute and chronic causes using alcohol-attributable fractions and are reported by age and sex for 2006-2010.
FEMA's Ready Campaign
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has created a number of digital media tools to help promote National Preparedness Month in order to reach families, communities, and workplaces and compel them take action in preparing a plan for when natural disasters strike.  

NPM 2014 Digital Engagement Toolkit
The 2014 National Preparedness Month theme is "Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare." The Ready Campaign established four universal building blocks of emergency preparedness: Be Informed, Make a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. The FEMA toolkit includes suggestions for engagement through social media as well as other resources.
For more news clips, visit Stay Connected on the NCSSLE website!


Why Campuses Can't Talk About Alcohol When It Comes to Sexual Assault

The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 4, 2014

I'M SHMACKED: Inside The Brand That Glorifies The Worst Parts Of College Partying

Business Insider, September 3, 2014  


Boston, MIT Officials Meet Over Fraternity Concerns

The Boston Globe, September 3, 2014


Trans Applicants Welcome

Inside Higher ED, September 3, 2014


NCAA Releases New Handbook

ESPN, September 3, 2014


Colleges See Gay Students as Growth Market

Time, September 2, 2014


Emerson College Develops Survey to Collect Data on Rapes on its Campus 

The Boston Globe, September 2, 2014


As Student Bodies Get More Diverse, Colleges Rethink Services

PBS News Hour, August 29, 2014


California Passes First-Ever Bill to Define Sexual Consent on College Campuses Time, August 28, 2014

Rinker, R.V.& Neighbors, C. (September 2014) Addictive Behaviors

Crosby, P. & Dalton, J.C. (September 2014) Journal of College and Character

Cullinan, M., Feeg, V.D., Moylan, L.B., Prager, L.S. & Smith, K.M. (September 2014) Issues in Mental Health Nursing


Flores, S.M. & Shepherd, J.C. (September 2014) The Annals 
Asencio, E.K., Merrill, M., & Steiner, M. (September 2014) Sociological Forum
Amar, A.F., Sutherland, J.L. & Sutherland, M.A. (September 2014) Journal of Forensic Nursing
Gibba, Z.G. & Devereuxb, P.G. (September 2014) Computers in Human Behavior
Artze-Vega, I., Richardson, L. & Traxler, A. (September 2014) To Improve the Academy
Canch�d, M., Davis, C., Deil-Amenb, R. & Rios-Aguilarc, C. (August 2014) Community College Journal of Research and Practice



Dealing with Difficult Student Employees: Strategies for Success
Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 2-3:30 PM ET 


This interactive webinar will address best practices and strategies for managing and working with student employees. The webinar will focus on how to: use specific training ideas to address expectations and work behaviors; manage conflict between student employees or student/professional staff; and hold students accountable for their work. Learn more about this webinar here


Missing Persons Policy: Best Practices for Compliance & Care
Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 2-3:30 PM ET 


This webinar will address the issues related to implementing appropriate missing student protocols under the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) and Clery Act reporting requirements. Learn more about this webinar here


Bullying in Academia: Prevention and Response

Thursday, November 13, 2014, 2-3:30 PM ET 


This webinar will focus on issues related to bullying in the campus workplace, such as: legal and liability issues; prevention and response strategies; early warning signs and risk factors; safety, health and disability issues; and dealing with a troubled/dangerous employee. Learn more about this webinar here


Transgender Students 2015: Strategies for Serving and Supporting
Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 2-3:30 PM ET   


This webinar will review specific strategies and best practices for making your campus community an environment that actively supports a growing transgender and other gender-nonconforming student population on today's college campuses.
Learn more about this webinar here



2014 BACCHUS Initiatives of NASPA General Assembly
November 13-15, 2014, Orlando, FL
The BACCHUS General Assembly is an educational and networking opportunity for peer health educators and their advisors. Specialized trainings will be available during the pre-conference sessions. Learn more about the conference here.

34th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience

February 7-10, 2015, Dallas, TX


The Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience provides an ongoing forum where higher education professionals can share experiences, concerns, and accomplishments related to supporting student learning, development, and success in the first college year.  Participants will share innovative ideas, programs, tools, and research critical to the learning, development, and success of first-year college students. Learn more about this conference here.


March 8-11, 2015, Boston, MA
The Innovations conference focuses on improving organizational teaching and learning, and discovering new approaches for enhancing the community college experience. The conference provides a forum for collaboration among academic experts and leading community college professionals, while granting participants access to the inventive and thought-provoking programs. Learn more about this conference here.
Upcoming Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2014 Town Hall Meetings Higher Education Initiative
For more information, contact Tom Colthurst.
University of Mount Union/Judgment Day
September 17, 2014, 7:30-8:30 PM ET, Kresge Dining Hall, Hoover-Price Campus Center, University of Mount Union, 1972 Clark Avenue, Alliance, OH 44601
Judgment Day will feature several campus and community speakers, including Judge Andrew Zumbar and Dean of Students John Frazier, along with an Alliance City Police presence. The event targets University of Mount Union students as well as other campus and community members and partners to have an educational dialogue about the consequences of underage consumption, both on campus and in the community. For more information, please e-mail rathospt@mountunion.edu
Additional town hall meetings in this series will take place in fall at Drexel University, Gallaudet University, Mississippi State University, Oklahoma State University, San Diego State University, UC Berkeley, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and Winston Salem State University. Watch this space for details. 


About NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest

The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Higher Education e-Digest addresses campus and community engagement, health, safety, and security. Regular contents include news from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and other federal partner agencies and organizations, salient research summaries, examples of effective field practices, announcements submitted by IHEs and other subscribers, and relevant upcoming events. The Higher Education e-Digest also highlights NCSSLE resources and the availability of ongoing services, including technical assistance, products, and tools. 

For More Information 
Visit http://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov

Engagement | Safety | Environment

The Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is operated by the American Institutes for Research in collaboration with Child Trends; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; EMT Associates; the Silver Gate Group; and Vision Training Associates.
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