Volume 2 / Issue 5 December 4 , 2013
National Drug Threat Assessment
The 2013 National Drug Threat Assessment Summary from the Drug Enforcement Agency provides an assessment of the threat posed to the United States by the trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs and attendant issues that confront our communities. The Summary further provides a strategic analysis of the domestic drug situation during 2012, based on the most recent law enforcement, intelligence, and public health data available for the period. It also considers data and information beyond 2012, when appropriate, to provide the most accurate assessment possible to policymakers, law enforcement authorities, and intelligence officials.
Addressing and Preventing Sexual Assault on Campus
Addressing and Preventing Sexual Assault on Campus, from the Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Education, describes research and best practices coming out of the field of public health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that supports the need for a comprehensive, coordinated approach to violence prevention. The Department of Education encourages campus and community efforts to increase awareness and engage in primary prevention campaigns.
Guidebook for Student Affairs Professionals and Teaching
Reflection in Action: A Guidebook for Student Affairs Professionals and Teaching (Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2014) is the second book in the new Stylus series, Actionable Research for Social Justice in Education and Society. This series was created to fill a void in the literature on colleges and their students: the gap between theory and practice in leadership, administration and teaching.
San Diego Union Tribune, November 27, 2013
Inside Higher Ed, November 27, 2013
The Atlantic, November 25, 2013
USA TODAY College, November 21, 2013
Erickson, D.J., Smolenski, D.J., Toomey, T,L., Carlin, B.P., Wagenaar, A.C. (November, 2013) Journal on the Study of Alcohol and Drugs
Cowley, A.D. (November, 2013) Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Weaver, C.C.,Martens, M.P.,Cadigan, J.M.,Takamatsu, S.K., Treloar, H.R., Pedersen, E.R. (November, 2013) Journal of Adolescent Health
Setodji, C.M., Martino, S.C., Scharf, D.M., Shadel, W.G. (November, 2013) RAND Corporation
National Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Summit
January 28-30, 2014, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security, on behalf of The University of Southern Mississippi, invites participants to this Summit. Addressing the key critical safety and security challenges, Summit small group discussions will include crowd dynamics/management, facilities design/environment, economic risks, innovation/technology, and compliance. Other issues to be addressed include staff development, game day issues, cost optimization, and building a safety and security-aware culture. At the conclusion of the Summit, attendees will receive a "Summit Best Practices Guide," - a compilation of their input, along with the Promising Practices for Securing College and University Spectator Events from Criminal Extremist Attacks, which describes components and concepts that may be adapted to complement an existing security plan. Learn more about the National Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Summit.
Understanding Assessment Principles through Survey Design Webinar
March 4, 2014, 4:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Join us for the 2013-2014 Investing in our Future Webinar Series covering the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Competency. In this webinar, you will learn basic principles of assessment such as the importance of purpose, choosing an appropriate method, reducing error, and maximizing generalizability, framed in a discussion of a familiar assessment method: surveys. Surveys, while commonly used, are increasingly designed locally by student affairs professionals, yet many people do not know how to design a good survey or how a poorly designed survey can affect the results of the assessment. This webinar will introduce participants to the basics of assessment, survey, and survey question design in order to help future professionals reduce measurement error and nonresponse error in their assessments. Learn more about the Understanding Assessment Principles through Survey Design Webinar.
17th Annual Regional HBCU Summit on Retention: Improving Retention at HBCUs: The Critical Role of Faculty in Student Success - Pedagogy, Strategies, and Outcomes
March 13-15, 2014, Ocean City, Maryland
The purpose of the Summit is to provide opportunities for representatives of all groups concerned about the persistence of African American students in higher education to come together to: address the problem of retention of African American students in colleges and universities, celebrate successful retention programs in higher education, and propose action plans to increase the persistence of African American students in higher education. Learn more about the Improving Retention at HBCUs Summit.
94th American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention
April 5-8, 2014, Washington, D.C.
The American Association of Community Colleges annual meeting attracts over 2,000 community college presidents and senior administrators, as well as international educators, representatives of business/industry, and federal agencies. This convention offers unprecedented professional development as well as the opportunity to network, share, and learn from professionals in the fields of education, business and industry, and the government sector. Learn more about the AACC Annual Convention.
19th Annual National Capitol Forum on Hispanic Higher Education
April 7-8, 2014, Washington, D.C.
Each spring, advocates for the higher education success of the nation's youngest and largest ethnic population group gather in Washington, D.C., to shape and promote an agenda for Congress and the country at the annual HACU Capitol Forum. Leaders of HACU member and partner colleges and universities join public policymakers, key federal agency leaders, allied organizations, corporate, community and philanthropic representatives at what has become a powerful national platform for winning public- and private-sector support for Hispanic higher education. Learn more about the National Capitol Forum on Hispanic Higher Education.
About NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest |
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Higher Education e-Digest addresses campus and community engagement, health, safety, and security. Regular contents include news from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and other federal partner agencies and organizations, salient research summaries, examples of effective field practices, announcements submitted by IHEs and other subscribers, and relevant upcoming events. The Higher Education e-Digest also highlights NCSSLE resources and the availability of ongoing services, including technical assistance, products, and tools.
Engagement | Safety | Environment
The Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. It is operated by the American Institutes for Research in collaboration with Child Trends; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; EMT Associates; the Silver Gate Group; and Vision Training Associates.