Volume 2 / Issue 2 October 23, 2013
October is Domestic Violence Prevention Month
NCSSLE's website features resources aimed at informing and assisting those working to create safe, supportive learning environments for youth of all ages, including those attending institutions of higher education. The following resources can help prepare you to tackle the issue of dating violence prevention in your community. In addition, the U.S. Department of Justice funds the Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus Program (Campus Grant Program), which can help fund comprehensive, coordinated responses to these problems.
Preventing, Assessing, and Intervening in Teenage Dating Abuse - A Training for Specialized Instructional Support Personnel
This training toolkit addresses teenage dating abuse. It explores characteristics of both healthy and unhealthy dating relationships, provides strategies for assessing whether dating abuse is occurring and how to intervene when required, provides guidance on norms and policies schools may employ, and provides extensive resources to key support staff in addressing dating abuse.
Beyond Title IX: Guidelines for Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Higher Education
This 24-page publication offers campus-based practitioners recommendations for putting together a multidisciplinary team and developing consistent and integrated policies that address gender-based violence. The guidelines do not offer advice on Title IX compliance. Instead, the authors offer suggestions for developing a more comprehensive campus safety plan inclusive of prevention and response efforts and related policies.
Dating Violence Prevention Programming: Directions for Future InterventionsThis review examines possible new avenues for dating violence prevention programming among college students. The authors discuss clinical interventions that have shown to be effective in reducing a number of problematic behaviors, including motivational interventions, dialectical behavior therapy, mindfulness, and bystander interventions, and how they could be applied to dating violence prevention. The Red Flag Campaign The Red Flag Campaign is a public awareness campaign designed to address dating violence and promote the prevention of dating violence on college campuses. The campaign was created using a "bystander intervention" strategy, encouraging friends and other campus community members to "say something" when they see warning signs ("red flags") for dating violence in a friend's relationship.
Substance Abuse and Academic Achievement Webinar
Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 10:00am EST
You are invited to a U.S. Department of Education (ED) webcast of a live event which will include a presentation and discussion about substance abuse and academic achievement, and the national drug control strategy elements that focus on preventing such use among youth. The event is being Webcast live on EDstream: http://edstream.ed.gov/webcast/Catalog/catalogs/default.aspx.
No registration is required - simply click the link below to view the webinar. This event will be recorded and available on EDstream at a later time.
Presenters will include:
- Amelia M. Arria, Ph.D., Director of the Center on Young Adult Health and Development at the University of Maryland School of Public Health, to discuss the findings in the recent report "America's Dropout Crisis: The Unrecognized Connection to Substance Use."
- David K. Mineta, Deputy Director of Demand Reduction for the White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy, to discuss the National Drug Control Strategy, and the prevention elements focused on youth.
- Helen Hernandez, White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy (Drug-Free Communities Support Program) to discuss the role of education in community coalitions to prevent illicit substance substance use.
October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
Preventing Excessive Alcohol Consumption:
Electronic Screening and Brief Intervention (e-SBI)
This report from the Community Guide Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Public Health Scientific Services describes the use of electronic devices (e.g., computers, telephones, or mobile devices) to facilitate the delivery of key elements of traditional Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) to reduce excessive alcohol consumption uses. The brief intervention provided using e-SBI techniques may also include other common elements of SBI, such as motivational interviewing techniques (e.g., assessment of readiness to change, and emphasis on personal freedom to choose one's drinking patterns); or comparing an individual's own alcohol consumption with that of others (e.g., college students in the same school). In addition, e-SBI can be delivered in various settings, such as in health care systems, universities, or communities. The Community Preventative Services Task Force (Task Force) recommends electronic screening and brief intervention (e-SBI) based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing self-reported excessive alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems among intervention specialists.
The Enduring and Evolving Role of HBCUs
Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Education to the National HBCU Week Conference Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), "must not just survive but thrive," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told those gathered at the HBCU National Conference in Washington on September 26. Duncan spoke of the enduring contributions HBCUs have made to the country and said that the tremendous historic role of HBCUs must endure as well as evolve.
Pitt Guide to Student Life
Many campuses experience "town-gown" tensions. The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) has started to take steps to ease those tensions by distributing a 16-page guide to student life that contains information on the history of its community, Oakland, tips on how to be a good neighbor and throw responsible parties, and advice on how to interact with landlords. The booklet was distributed to freshmen at Pitt orientation programs this summer, and officials with Oakland Planning and Development Corporation are handing them out to transfer students and those who live off campus. The goal is to educate students. This is critical because Oakland residents see a new batch of students every year. The university consulted community groups and Pitt's student government for input on what to include in the booklet. Both groups are pleased with the content and hope it will help bridge the gap between residents and students.
Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2013
Harris III, F., Wood, J. L. (September 2013) Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Reviewer: Strayhorn, T.L., Authors: Kim, E., Irwin, J.P. (Fall 2013) The Review of Higher Education
Musobal, G.D, Collazo, C., Placide, S. (October 2013) Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
Mason, M., Benotsch, E.G., Way, T., Kim, H., (October 2013) The Journal of Primary Prevention
Foster, D.W., Neighbors, C., Young, C.M. (October 2013) Addictive Behavior
Community College Conference on Legal Issues
January 21-23, 2014, Orlando, FL
Organized by Valencia Community College in Cooperation with the American Association of Community Colleges, American Council on Education, et al, the Community College Conference on Legal Issues is a dynamic three-day conference that addresses current trends and legal matters unique to community colleges. The conference will include general and concurrent sessions designed to speak to the various issues shaping the landscape of our learning institutions. Come join us as we learn from the experts and consider how each can apply what we learn in areas including: Campus safety and emergency preparedness; discrimination and harassment; considerations of race and diversity factors; student privacy issues; and ADA compliance.
Learn more about the Community College Conference on Legal Issues
APPLE Conference
January 24-26, 2014, Newport Beach, CA
The APPLE Conferences, developed and coordinated by the Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention at the University of Virginia, are the leading national training symposiums dedicated to substance abuse prevention and health promotion for student athletes and athletics department administrators. The goal of the APPLE conference is to assist colleges in promoting student athlete health and wellness by empowering teams of student- athletes and administrators to create an institution-specific action plan. Registration is for NCAA member institutions only.
Learn more about the APPLE Conference
Association for Student Conduct Administration Annual Meeting
February 5-9, 2014, St. Pete Beach, FL
The 2014 annual meeting of the Association for Student Conduct Administration will consider campus threat assessment, behavioral intervention teams, support for students of concern, community of practice, and other topics pertinent to campus judicial officers.
NASPA Annual Conference: Lead, Innovate, Transform
March 15-19, 2014, Baltimore, MD
NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education-announces a fresh, innovative approach to the NASPA Annual Conference that will redefine and surpass expectations from any previous conference experience! The event is a four-day gathering of student affairs professionals who come together to learn, grow, and be inspired.
Webinar: Policy Evaluation Tools for Injury and Violence Prevention
Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Policy strategies are paramount in addressing injury and violence prevention at a population-based level. Although policy has been used effectively in some areas of injury and violence prevention, there are some areas where the evidence base for policy strategies can be improved. Subsequently, policy evaluation can serve an important purpose along the entire chain of the policy process. In this webinar, the American Public Health Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control will discuss policy evaluation tools that can be used to assist with integrating policy into public health prevention efforts. Participants will also be exposed to state-level approaches to policy evaluation as showcased by experiences from Nebraska and Ohio. Register Now!
About NCSSLE's Higher Education e-Digest |
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Higher Education e-Digest addresses campus and community engagement, health, safety, and security. Regular contents include news from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and other partner agencies, salient research summaries, examples of effective field practices, announcements submitted by IHEs and other subscribers, and relevant upcoming events. The Higher Education e-Digest also highlights NCSSLE resources and the availability of ongoing services, including technical assistance, products, and tools.
Engagement | Safety | Environment
The Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. It is operated by the American Institutes for Research in collaboration with Child Trends; Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning; EMT Associates; the Silver Gate Group; and Vision Training Associates.