See Ya On The Net
Tips On How To Promote Online
Volume III - Issue 4



Last month we discussed things not to do on Facebook, so I thought you might appreciate a few tips on what to do on Facebook.


1.  Ask Questions


This is a great way to interact with your readers or followers.  I ask a different questions each day.  It gets my followers talking and I learn more about them. You can do the same.  


2.  Share inspirational images


I'm a sucker for inspirational quotes.  I create my own and share daily.  I share those that come over my feed.


Create a few images and share.  You can also create quotes from your characters too.  Introduce new readers to your characters.


3.  Let your fellow writers promote for the day.

Open your page for the day to your writer friends.  Let them post a link to their new book.  You get to help promote your friends and your readers are introduced to new books.


4.  Question/Answer Day


Pick a day to answer questions from your followers/readers. One author who is good at this is Michelle Monkou.  She's been answering questions this year.  I appreciate her sharing her writing wisdom.


5.  Offer A Freebie For Your Fans


Readers love freebies.  Create a short story just for them and post a link to read or download.


6.  Post pictures of events you attend


Have you attended a live event?  Share your pictures in your feed. Let your readers know what you've been up to.  Showcase the readers you met at the event.


7.  Join a reader's group


Want to meet new readers, join a group and participate as a reader not as a writer.  Let them know you the person and remember to have fun.

.  Create your own group


Invite your readers to join your group.  Host monthly book discussions. 

Give sneak peeks of your new books.  Post inspirational graphics, or share your book covers.  Treat them like super fans for being in your group.


9.  Create challenges for your readers


Host fun challenges with your readers, for instance, Denise Jeffries posted a squat challenge on her page.  A fun way to get in shape with her readers. You can create your own fun challenges for your readers.


10.  Talk to a new reader every day


Many writers are online but they aren't talking to readers.  I tell my clients to try to meet a new reader every day.  Talk to the people following you, not just the ones you talk to everyday.  Make it a habit to meet someone new each day.


These are a few tips that work for me.  I'm sure you've had a few yourself.  Stop by my blog and tell me about them:-


See Ya On The Net, 





P.S.  I'm publishing my first book this summer about online promotion.  I started an online group to help support it.  This is closed group where we share information about promotion.  I invite you to join.

Please let me know if this tip was helpful.  If you have a question about promoting online, send me an email - [email protected].  I'll be happy to answer it. 



 Next Issue June 7th


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LaShaunda C. Hoffman
Literary Advocate
Helping you reach new readers is my passion.

Do you need help
with your online promotion? 
 Let me help
you create a plan.