Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
October 2014
Bloomingdale Body N Brain Yoga
369 W. Army Trail Road
Bloomingdale 60108
(630) 529-1633
Carol Liss
"Holistic Health Fitness"
JOINED 9/8/2014
CarMax - Javier Crespo
250 E. Golf Rd.
Schaumburg 60173
(630) 746-9580
Javier Crespo
"Offering Quality Used Cars"
JOINED 9/3/2014
Carol Stream Shell FillinUp/Dunkin' Donuts
106 E.North Avenue
Carol Stream 60188
(630) 462-1863
Ryan Razowsky
"Convenience Store/Dunkin Donuts/Gas Station"
JOINED 9/19/2014
Grease Monkey Center #205
835 E. Geneva Rd.
Carol Stream 60188
(630) 510-7080
John Dalbis
"Full Service Quick Lube Center"
JOINED 9/1/14
Proceed Innovative
1501 E. Woodfield Road Suite 200N
Schaumburg 60173
(847) 756-0835
Luke Moreno
"Website Promotion Google, Bing, Yahoo"
JOINED 9/18/2014
State Bank of Illinois
600 E. Washington Street
West Chicago 60185
Luke Oosterhouse
"State Bank of Illinois"
JOINED 9/29/2014
The Dailey Method - Wheaton
1985 Gary Avenue
Wheaton 60187
(630) 871-7331
Amy DalSanto
"Exercise Barre Studio"
JOINED 9/22/2014
The Tech Doctors, Inc.
213 W. Wesley St
Wheaton 60187
(630) 588-8325
Liz Merrinette
"Computer & Cloud Services"
JOINED 9/20/14
....Thank you for joining the CS Chamber!
Our Networking in the Morning is Tuesday, October 7th at 1st State Bank in Carol Stream. We start at 7:30am and finish up by 9am so you can get on with your day. Will you join us for some great networking? Sign up and get more info here...
We thank our friends at Entree' Kitchen for hosting our August 5th Networking in the Morning!! 
Our next Brown Bag Lunch 'N Learn will be October 22, held at COD/Carol Stream, 500 N. Kuhn Road from 11:30am until 1:00pm.
Speaker Rod Pickett will present "Generosity Marketing", teaching the ideas from "The Seven Levels of Communication" by Michael J. Maher. Sign up at this link.
You can also "Save the Date" for the next Brown Bag to be held on December 10th.
Sodas and chips are provided, compliments of COD, and we certainly thank our COD friends.
Dear Chamber Members,
This monthly eNewsletter supplements our printed edition that now comes out twice a year and is designed to keep you current with chamber events and opportunities.
Touch your iPhones, iPads, fire up your 'Droids, Windows phones, tablets, or take out your day planner and enter these events. If you know someone who would benefit from our organization, feel free to forward this to them.
The October 8th luncheon is a Multi-Chamber Progressive lunch. We'll be joined by several other area chambers and at the Bloomingdale Golf Club. The beauty of this event is that you progress, or move from table to table as you dine. Table captains will facilitate the introductions and conversations and you will actually meet three tables of business professionals. Of course, the time before it begins and after it ends are always jammed pack with more networking so don't forget to bring at least 50 business cards. A brochure table will be provided as well so feel free to bring any flyers, menus, or your latest offers. Registration is at 11 and we will begin at 11:30. Click here and sign up BEFORE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 5pm. No walk-ins will be able to be accepted due to the complexity of this format. We hope you understand. See you on October 8th! |
Our October 16th after hours event is our annual "Networking 2.0" where we invite you, the chamber members, as well as all our Social Media contacts, friends, followers, and fans. At 5pm registration begins, and the program runs from 5:30-7:30pm. Besides networking and pizza/soda, we will present a panel of four experts who will inform us of all the latest and greatest, cutting edge ideas and practices in Marketing, Social Media, Technology, Hardware/software. Our panelists are:
Amit Mehta
Fast OnSite Fast On Site Trusted Technology Experts
Paul Morrell
On The Beaton Path, LLC
Adam Nirenberg
Vision 96
...on Technology Consulting
Joe Skibbe
JRS Marketing Communications
The WIB Committee has been busy between the September Expo and the planning for 2015 -- most of the dates are chosen and speakers/programs are beginning to be slotted in. We will make you aware of those dates when we have firmed them up. We end the year with a full-on robust event on November 19, Polka Dot Progressive Luncheon -11:00am registration. 11:30 start, held at the Holiday Inn-Carol Stream - Many chambers involved and last year over 215 attendees. The philanthropy is non-perishable food items for the Bloomingdale Township Food Pantry. Also, bring flyers for the brochure table + 50 business cards. Men always invited, as well as non-members. Sign up by clicking here.
Thanks to all who participated in the 8th annual"What Women Want" Expo >>>> view a recap video here. |

A ribbon cutting ceremony is always a special day for our local businesses and a great opportunity to gather and celebrate.
On our calendar, we have three such events in October, with the possibility of adding two more. Be sure to mark your calendar for these dates and watch for upcoming announcements.
Mon., Oct 13, 9:30am
KL Family Dental
Thurs., Oct 23, 5:30pm
NorthCoast Wellness Ctr
Thurs., Oct 30, 11:30am
Round 1/Stratford Square
For this and more events, click here and sign up online, or contact the chamber office at (630) 665-3325.
Thank you for taking the time to read these updates from the chamber. Be sure to forward this to a business associate who could benefit from chamber membership.
Sincerely, |
Luanne Newman, Executive Director
Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce
o: 630.665.3325
f: 630.665.6965
Chamber Members can now include an ad in our monthly Constant Contact Newsletters (max of 4 per newsletter) for just $50. It is sent out the first week of the month and reaches approximately 600.
We offer Banner ads, labels, magnetic nametags, eBlasts, Enhanced ChamberMaster listings and more. The rates were looked at and adjusted (lower) last month.
Get the word out...let us help you! Contact the chamber office today, 630.665.3325.