The HHUNY Hive 

   Volume 1 Issue 1                                                                               March, 2015 

Meet the HHUNY team!

  Back Row:   Helen Warnick, Arlene Pitts, Tara LoCastro, Joslyn Teter-McBride, John Lee

  Middle Row: Derek Ross, Linda Billotti, Beth Seeley, Nira Tobochnik,  Christine Mangione

  Front Row:   Sarah Harvey, Tracy Marchese, Adele Gorges

  Not pictured: Sharon Bauer, Kathy Berthod, Nicole Hirt
In This Issue
Did You Know?
You can receive alerts when your clients are hospitalized or admitted to the ER through your local RHIO. By using Direct Messaging, a free secure messaging platform provided by your RHIO, you can receive instant alerts on any clients that you have consented in the RHIO for your organization. To learn more about how to implement this process within your organization, please contact:

Nicole Hirt 

The Bee's Knees!
This month we would like to acknowledge
Natalie Pistor and Lynn Seaward for all their work at Finger Lakes Addiction Counseling & Referral Agency (FLACRA).

Natalie is amazing at locating those hard to find people, and has a great success rate with tracking down members from the DOH list. Please refer back to their HHUNY Best Practices webinar, 
Outreach & Engagement for tips and tricks. (PowerPoint can be found Here


We also received numerous positive comments and feedback on Natalie and Lynn's presentation, "Effective Outreach and Engagement Strategies" at the"Promoting Consumer Success and Performance Outcomes" Full Day Symposium on 1/20/2015. 


Congratulations Natalie and Lynn! Thank you for everything you do. 


For more information on FLACRA, please visit their website at 



top Welcome to The HHUNY Hive!
We are pleased to announce that we are re-launching a new and improved HHUNY Newsletter. By revamping the format and content, we hope you will find this monthly newsletter a valuable source of timely and relevant information. Inside, you will find links to helpful resources; new policies, procedures, and state initiatives; tips on using Netsmart CareManager more effectively; a listing of upcoming events such as trainings and HUB meetings; and much more!


Since The HHUNY Hive is meant as a helpful tool for you, in the next few months we will be asking you to fill out a survey providing us with suggestions for future content.


Please forward this newsletter to others in your agency who would find it useful, including any care managers who have not received it. They can Subscribe HERE.


Thank you for all of your hard work as a member of the HHUNY Network. 


Community Referrals

Community referrals are the best way to ensure a member receives needed services. In an effort to be as efficient and timely as possible, kindly ensure ALL of the requested information is included. 


This will eliminate the need for phone calls and emails to the referral source, and will speed the referral into the hands of the care management agency to begin outreach with the member.

*If Medicaid is not active, please contact your local SPOA for assistance with options. 

Below are links to the referral forms for each HUB, as well as a brief instructional guide for completing them. 

Spanish versions for each HUB can be found on the website:  Click here for Spanish referrals

Netsmart Nook
- Tips for users and nonusers regarding trackers and various IT questions

  • An eligibility check must be done for your client in ePACES before performing Outreach or Enrollment services.
  • To ensure successful billing for Care Management services, a Care Manager Note or Client Search Note and same month Attestation must be completed.
  • Only Informational Contact Notes are to be documented during Hiatus.
  • In the event a Medicaid Ineligibility determination has been found in ePACES prior to beginning Outreach, and your agency chooses not to pursue the client, a Rejection Reason must be completed for the client in question.  For Netsmart users, select "Reason for Opt-Out" with the reason of "Rejection:  Not Suitable Health Home Assignment." This will ensure the appropriate tracker is loaded to HCS. 
What's Buzzing? 

(List of upcoming trainings, meetings, etc)

HUB Meetings:

March 12, 2015
9:00-11:00am Finger Lakes Hub Meeting
Genesee River Restaurant & Reception Center
134 North Main Street, Mount Morris, NY 14510

March 16, 2015
10:00am-12:00pm Western Hub Meeting
255 Delaware Avenue, 4th Floor 
Conference Room
Buffalo, NY 14202

*Southern Tier Hub Meeting TBD, notification will be sent out via e-mail 

Netsmart (CareManager 2.0) Hands-On Trainings:

March 18, 2015
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 3rd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611

April 9, 2015 
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 3rd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611

April 23, 2015 
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 3rd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611

For above Netsmart trainings: 
*Everyone is invited to do a refresher course if necessary*
  • Please watch these two webinars prior to Netsmart Hands-On Training: 

Care Manager 2-Day Trainings: 

April 2, 2015 
9:00-4:00pm Training Session 1 part 1
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 2nd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611

April 16, 2015 
9:00-4:00pm Training Session 1 part 2
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 2nd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611

May 14, 2015 
9:00-4:00pm Training Session 2 part 1
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 3rd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611

May 28, 2015
9:00-4:00pm Training Session 2 part 2 
CCSI 1099 Jay Street, Bldg J, 3rd Floor 
Rochester, NY 14611


*Please pay close attention to other communications regarding events, as this is not an exhaustive list

*Dates are subject to change 

Medicaid Minute

It is the care managers' responsibility to check Medicaid eligibility coverage for each member assigned to them through ePaces. 

An individual with Medicaid is not automatically qualified for Health Home services. Click the links below to find eligibility requirements, coverage codes, and restriction exception codes to assist you in determining if a member can be enrolled. 

What's New? 
Children's Health Homes 

Tara LoCastro has joined NYCCP/HHUNY as the Director for Children's Health Home Contracts. In this role, Tara will support the implementation of Health Homes for Children in both Upstate New York and New York City. We are very excited about the development and implementation of Children's Health Homes across New York State!


To recap, the NYS Health Home program is being expanded to include services for children, which will be designed to provide youth and family-driven care coordination. DOH has released the final Health Home Application to Serve Children. Children who are enrolled in Medicaid and have; 1) at least two chronic conditions, 2) HIV, or 3) a SMI may be eligible to enroll in a Children's Health Home. SMI includes children with severe emotional disturbance (SED). Pending approval from CMS, "trauma and at risk for another chronic condition," will be added to the eligibility criteria. Risk is defined as one or more functional impairments or an out-of-home placement. Children's Health Homes will provide the same six core services as Adult Health Homes but they will be specifically tailored to serve the needs of children and their families. More information can be found on the DOH Website



Pending application approval, it is anticipated that HHUNY will provide state-wide management services support for Children's Health Homes of Upstate New York LLC (CHHUNY) and The Collaborative for Children and Families. CHHUNY is a recently formed venture among a number of child serving agencies across the state and represents a vast network of providers and support services. More information about CHHUNY can be found here: CHHUNY


Please let us know if you would be interested in joining the CHHUNY network as a care management provider and/or as a Provider Partner within the broader network that includes; mental health, substance use, inpatient and residential providers, as well as pediatricians, juvenile justice programs, social services, and schools. Agencies that would like to receive referrals based upon the work of care management agencies are encouraged to become a Provider Partner with CHHUNY.


If you have questions or would like to be added to the network, please contact:


Joslyn Teter-McBride at

For other questions regarding children's health homes, please contact:

Tara LoCastro at

Health Homes of Upstate New York | | HHUNYHIVE@HHUNY.ORG |