Why Do I Need a Free Permit to Plant My Own Tree in the Parkway?
Residents interested in planting a replacement tree in the parkway in front of their homes are asked to complete the Village no fee application.
When many trees of the same species are planted together, diseases and pests can do their damaging work more easily. For example, maples are a very popular tree but a row of maples could easily be wiped out if there is any kind of a threat to maples in the future.
The best defense against losing a whole species of trees, (similar to how the ash trees have been lost) is to diversify the urban forest canopy. The Village can assist and work with you to select trees that will do well in your particular area.
Remember the permit is free. The Village just wants to make sure we plant a variety of trees that will do well in the parkways.
If you want information about choosing trees or planting trees the Village website has lots of information. You can also see an update on the Emerald Ash Borer removal schedule.
Village Arborist Shawn Walkington can also be reached at (847) 540-1696.