Big Data – Are We to Repeat the Past?
RFID. While its roots are generally traced back
to World War II, Radio Frequency Identification technology did not
find a supply chain toehold until the 1970s when the first patents
were issued. That was the same time frame in which the U.S.
Government’s Department of Energy asked the Los Alamos National
Laboratory to develop a system for tracking nuclear materials.
Part of their solution included transponders in trucks and readers
at facility gates. Here was RFID in its infancy.
So what’s happened since? In a 2003 article written by a senior
consultant specializing in Internet services, he predicted that
"bar code’s days are numbered. There’s a new technology in
town . . . that is going to be a big part of our future."
The operative word here being "future."
Skip to 2012 and an article appears on the website of Supply
& Demand Chain Executive with the title: Early Adopters
Seeing Biggest Gains from Item-Level RFID. The opening sentence
read, "2012 may be a watershed year for radio frequency
identification technology . . . ." The next paragraph references
input from an Accenture survey and states "adoption of RFID is
gaining traction."
Really? Some 40 years after the first patents and 10 years
after it was forecasted to be "our future," RFID is just now
"gaining traction!"
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Driving Profitability by Uncorking Operational Bottlenecks for
Manufacturers and Distributors |
Manufacturing Nugget of the Month
Closing the Skills Gap – Where can manufacturers look for skilled employees?
First appeared in the November 2013 newsletter of the Aerospace and Defense Forum
The Schwartz Profitibility Group wants to wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014
About the
Lee Schwartz, Principal and founder of the Schwartz Profitability
Group (,
is a consultant, author and speaker who has been uncorking
operational bottlenecks for manufacturing and distribution companies
for almost 13 years, saving them time and money, and boosting their bottom line.
His consulting and operational turnaround work helps clients find solutions related
to process improvement, supply chain management, inventory control, workflow
design and operational performance improvement. Prior to launching his consulting
practice, Lee spent over 20 years with manufacturers and distributors, many in senior
management positions of CEO and President. Lee can be reached by
phone at (310) 450-2628 or by e-mail at