Lit Bits - Books In Common
Now in paperback: The Carry Home
Gary Ferguson delivers a powerful presentation, describing how nature allows us the space to reflect on self, and to help us discover our path in life. A naturalist for decades, Gary's award-winning and bestselling books address environmental threats, outdoor adventure, and the importance of nature in our lives. 

Discussion topics and themes:
  • nature as a portal to self-exploration and inspiration
  • importance of wild places to our mental health, economy, and future generations
  • getting to the other side of grief and loss 
  • ecology, wildlife, environmental stewardship
  • climate change and conservation biology
 The Carry Home is Gary's new memoir. It's a moving story of adventure, loss, and a chronicle of the mending, uplifting power of nature. He deftly weaves information about ecology and the rise of the environmental movement - and where it's headed - into a lyrical narrative of his own experiences in the wilderness, and how it ultimately helped him heal. He challenges readers to visit wilderness, to protect our environment, and to use the quiet inspiration and ruggedness of nature to support our life transitions.  
Gary will be traveling extensively throughout the U.S. in 2016. To have him visit your community for a speaking engagement, contact Books in Common.
Lit Bits from Books In Common

Books In Common
376 SW Bluff Dr. #9 Bend, OR 97702