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 May 2016 
Upgraded Welsh Clinical Portal rolls out
Version 3.7 can access more content and includes new search technology
The latest version of the digital workspace for hospital doctors and nurses - the Welsh Clinical Portal (v3.7) - was released in March.
Now live in three health boards the new version will be rolled out to all health boards during May and June.
Upgraded with improved navigation and powerful new search technology, the new portal gives access to a growing range of content, including documents such as discharge letters, theatre notes, referral documents and other clinical letters. The depth of content available will increase as more documents are stored as e-forms rather than kept as a paper record.
Documents available through the portal will be stored in a national repository, known as the Welsh Care Records Service,part of the national approach to an integrated online health record. These documents can be searched using a combination of free text and / or the document's attributes.
Over the next few months access to the Welsh GP Record for scheduled patient care is planned to be switched on, providing essential information from the patient's GP-held medical history, including medications, previous test results and allergies.
This latest version of the portal will also enable future access to diagnostic reports for patients regardless of where in Wales these were produced.  Currently, only reports generated in that local organisation are available. 
Providing proper placement
How CCAPS is matching patients with disabilities to the right treatment
Delivering the best and safest residential care for people in Wales with mental and learning disabilities is being supported by a new digital system, developed by the NHS Wales Informatics Service.
The Commissioning Care Assurance Performance System (CCAPS) is designed for use by NHS and Local Authority Commissioners and helps them identify the best residential care - taking into account the cost per night, quality of care rating, distance from the preferred location and number of beds available.
It works in a similar way to insurance comparison sites, providing a one-stop view of the different residential options provided by independent hospitals in England and Wales and by some hospitals in NHS England.
The comparison capability has resulted in financial savings, resulting in the system being a finalist at the Health Service Journal Awards for Value in Health Care in 2015.
Read on our NHS Wales Informatics Service website from nurses and mental health clinicians how CCAPS is helping them give their patients improved quality of care.
Micromedex secured for further three years
Medicines database is used extensively every day by clinicians and pharmacists
NHS Wales Informatics Service has procured a suite of databases called Micromedex, covering the use of medicines, for a further three years (with the option to extend for three more).
For nearly ten years, Welsh healthcare professionals involved in prescribing, advising on or administering medicines (primarily doctors, nurses and pharmacists) have been using Micromedex daily to access nearly 40,000 documents every year.
The most useful database is "Drugdex" that includes information on drug dosage, indication, contra-indications, cautions, adverse effects, drug interactions, and more. There is a separate database on common alternative medicines (e.g. herbs) and facilities to check drug interactions and IV compatibilities.
Ewch i'n gwefan am fersiwn iaith Gymraeg o'r cylchlythyr hwn.
New Swansea office opens
Working alongside University
Our Swansea office is now based in the University of Wales Trinity Saint David's (UWTSD) Technium 2 building in the SA1 area of the city.
The move signals a new working relationship between NHS Wales and the University of Wales and will facilitate the development of a number of academic and professional initiatives (for example, offering opportunities for informatics staff to access continuing professional development through the University's award-winning Institute for Work-based Learning).
The stamp of the Dragon
National names for national services
We have new national names for many of our services and products.
The names give clarity between English and Welsh services, and make it easier to understand what our products do. The name changes have been approved by the NHS Wales Informatics Management Board.
Read more about all our programmes, projects and services on our NHS Wales Informatics Service webpages.
Informatics in Numbers
NHS Wales Informatics Service has three service desks.  Supporting over 70 services, over 27.000 users and over 500 GP practices.
Between all three they answer over 13,000 telephone calls a month, deal with over 4,500 incidents and monitor around 10,000 requests.
Special Delivery
WLIMS comes to Cytology
April was a busy month for the Welsh Laboratory Information Management System (WLIMS). Cytology labs across Wales (Magden Park in Llantrisant, and the Royal Gwent, Wrexham Maelor, and Singleton hospitals), have all gone live with WLIMS.
Dates are being discussed with health boards to deliver WLIMS to Histology and Mortuary departments.
Join the team
Searching for Informatics

We have vacancies for a Primary Care  Associate Medical Director, a Clinical Nursing Informatics Lead and more.
Gwybodeg yng Nhgymraeg

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nwisenquiries @wales.nhs.uk
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