Spooky Staff Spotlight
Dennis McPherson interviews Angie Garcia and Jewel Braynt, the new teen and YA librarians for the Alice Virginia & David W. Fletcher branch of the Washington County Free Library. Angie and Jewel talk about their new positions and the fun plans they have for the Smoovie app and the Scratch program.
![Angie Garcia and Jewel Bryant](https://thumbnail.constantcontact.com/remoting/v1/vthumb/YOUTUBE/c234f92e8b4a46b4af7faa2bf56754ba) |
Click the image above to view the interview.
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![Brainfuse Tutorial](https://thumbnail.constantcontact.com/remoting/v1/vthumb/YOUTUBE/fb2d73b3293944c8992dc5091ff1d2fa) | Click the image above to view a Brainfuse Tutorial |
BrainFuse might not save you from zombies (nor nourish you if you are one) but it is the perfect resource for living students looking for homework help, looking to sharping their academic skills or to prepare for a test. Brainfuse also provides resources for adult Learners, helping them to connect, learn and succeed.