Coal seam smoke
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Happy New Year!
January  2013
In This Issue
CFB Suffield Natural Area
Integrated Watershed Management Plan
Water Conservation Initiative

SEAWA and Friends!

Under Alberta's Water for Life Strategy, Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs) are multi-stakeholder, non-profit organizations that assess the conditions of their watershed and develop plans and activities to address watershed issues.

Alberta's WPACs are the source of new ideas and opportunities to help manage and protect our provincial watersheds.  

We encourage you to learn more about Alberta WPACs
 and water management and conservation here. 

Did You Know?

2013 is the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation.
  Check out the website here.

SEAWA Quicklinks

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Big news in the watershed...

Late last year Canada's Environment Minister Peter Kent announced that the Shallow Gas Infill Development Project proposed by Cenovus Energy at Canadian Forces Base Suffield National Wildlife Area in Alberta would not be granted federal approval to proceed.  Read more here.
IWMP logo

The draft Terms of Reference for the IWMP are ready for your input! If your organization would like a presentation on watershed management planning and what it means for our region please contact us. We would be happy to stop by. You can also provide any comments and submit questions to us through our website.  Read or download the Terms of Reference PDF here.
Invasive Species in Alberta

Pricing Canada's Environmental Market
A Canadian environmental and economic think tank estimated that Canada's air, water and biodiversity markets are worth between CAD $448 and $738 million annually.  Read more here.
"Use Only What You Need" 
The City of Denver thinks that "playful encouragement is a lot more memorable than lectures" and they embarked on a water conservation campaign that reduced water consumption by 20%! View their Photo Gallery.
Quick! Grab your calendar! Save these dates!

On January 14 SEAWA is hosting a half-day workshop on Watershed Hydrology and Risk Management. More information is available here. To RSVP please email 
Would you like to know more about SEAWA? All members are welcome to attend Board meetings. The next meeting will be held in the afternoon of January 16. Please email to reserve your spot at the table.

Join the Conversation
Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions you have about SEAWA, about land and water issues in the region, or about your personal connection to the watershed.
Contact Info
Maggie Romuld M.Sc., P.Biol.
Watershed Project Manager