
New Zealand  

Family Violence Clearinghouse


Issue 54
July 2016
In This Issue

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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Tēnā tātou katoa

The 2016 Data Summaries, a collation of family violence statistics from government and non-government agencies and research studies, will be published on our website on Friday 15 July. The Data Summaries are updated annually by the Clearinghouse.
News, views and happenings in brief:

The Government is consulting on:
The NZFVC team
@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
University of Auckland
Reminder: Sign up for News and Events Alerts to receive email notifications when we post news or events on our website.
The Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following also means you get the latest news and events as we post them.   
Tip of the month

Missed a seminar?

NZFVC and Superu recently hosted a seminar Intimate partner violence: Understanding the research on risk and protective factors in Wellington and Auckland, attended by a total of over 200 people.

An audio recording of the Wellington seminar and slides from the presentation can now be accessed from our website. 

Seminars we have hosted or co-hosted are found on the Seminars page, under the Events | E aha ana tab on the menu bar. Follow the links to individual seminars for presentations and other information provided by the speakers.
New resources  
Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken.  

New Zealand
Fanslow, J.L., Kelly, P., & Ministry of Health. (2016).
Family violence assessment and intervention guideline: Child abuse and intimate partner violence. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health.
Summary: This guideline is a practical tool to help health providers make safe and effective interventions to assist victims of interpersonal violence and abuse. It has been written as a generic health professional guideline, setting out principles of intervention that will apply to a number of health professions and a number of clinical settings. This document updates and replaces the Family violence intervention guidelines: Child and partner abuse published in 2002... Read more  
Katz, I., Cortis, N., Shlonsky, A., & Mildon, R. (2016).
Modernising child protection in New Zealand: Learning from system reforms in other jurisdictions. Sydney: UNSW Australia & Wellington, New Zealand: Superu.
Summary: This is a report commissioned by Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu) on behalf of the New Zealand Modernising Child, Youth and Family Expert Panel (the Panel). The aims of the paper are to compare various aspects of the current child protection systems in New Zealand with other jurisdictions around the world; identify common themes and tensions that these child protection systems are encountering and the ways that they have addressed (and are addressing) some of the important issues... Read more
Superu published a summary of the findings from this report: In Focus, May 2016... Read more  

Ministry of Social Development. (2016).
The Social Report 2016: Te prongo oranga tangata. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Social Development.
Summary: The Social Report is a government document highlighting the social health and wellbeing of New Zealand society as a whole. This broad report contains the following sections: people, health, knowledge and skills, paid work, economic living standards, civil and political rights, cultural identity, leisure and recreation, safety, social connectedness, life satisfaction, social wellbeing summary and social wellbeing of selected demographic groups." This is the 11th edition of the Social Report and the first one published since the 2010 report... Read more  
Nixon, P. (2016).
Practice review: Young people involved in the death of Mr Kumar. A report prepared by Paul Nixon, Chief Social Worker, Child, Youth and Family for Hon Anne Tolley, Minister for Social Development. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Social Development.
Summary: This report relates to the young people involved the death of Mr Kumar, a dairy owner in Henderson, who was stabbed on 10 June 2014. At the time of the offending, Child, Youth and Family had open interventions with both boys. A review was undertaken by the Office of the Chief Social Worker... Read more  
Office of the Children's Commissioner. (2016).
State of care 2016: What we learnt from monitoring Child, Youth and Family. Wellington, New Zealand: Office of the Children's Commissioner.
Summary: The State of Care 2016 report is the second annual summary from the Office of the Children's Commissioner to provide independent monitoring of Child, Youth and Family's policies, practices and services... Read more  
Journal articles

Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.

Buckingham, J.I., (2010).
Romantic and "real life" relationships in criminal law: Reconstructing red flags for dangerousness/lethality.
New Zealand Law Review, 2010(1): 93-150.
Summary: Criminal law analyses of lethal violence towards female intimates are examined in three domestic violence settings. These scenarios reveal internally inconsistent legal evaluations of domestic homicide and incongruity with internationally established patterns of risk.... Read more 
Clement, D. (2010).
Practice matters: Innovative practice in family violence.
Social Work Now, no. 45: 26-28.
Summary: This article focuses on the Whakakotahitanga family violence programme developed in Taumaranui in 2006, founded on the idea that to address family violence, communities and couples need to come together. This article describes the founding of the programme, how it works, who attends it and its outcomes... Read more  

Taonui, R. (2010).
Mana tamariki: Cultural alienation.
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 6(3): 187-202.
Summary: Māoridom has been rocked by a number of high profile child homicides in New Zealand. Many Pākehā (New Zealanders of European descent) commentators attribute this to deficits in Māori culture. Māori, on the other hand, tend generally to hold that the high level of Māori child homicide and abuse is a recent phenomena related to colonization... Read more 

Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2016).
Establishing the connection: Guidelines for practitioners and clinicians in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug sectors. Melbourne, Vic.: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Summary: These guidelines have been developed to build the capacity of workers in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug (AOD) sectors in Victoria, Australia to support shared clients who experience both sexual assault trauma and substance use issues... Read more  
Esposito, C. (2014?).
Child sexual abuse and disclosure: What does the literature tell us? Sydney, NSW: Family & Community Services.
Summary: Child sexual abuse is a global problem. Disclosure of abuse is a key to providing support and appropriate interventions. This paper reviews the current literature about disclosure and child sexual abuse with a focus on key messages for child protection workers and their practice... Read more

Lucas, P., Winter, R., Hughes, C., & Walsh, K. (2016).
Increasing men's awareness of the effects on children exposed to family and domestic violence: Family Violence Men's Education Project. Final report. Hobart, Tas.: The Salvation Army (Tasmania) & University of Tasmania, 2016.
Summary: This research initially set out to develop and test a best practice model of education to raise men's awareness of the impact of family violence on their children. Early in the research it became apparent that there was little documented best evidence available on which to base such a program, and that relatively few programs had been comprehensively evaluated... Read more  
Journal articles

Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.

Lane, W., Sacco, P., Downton, K., Ludeman, E., Levy, L., & Tracy, K. (2016).
Child maltreatment and problem gambling: A systematic review.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 58: 24-38.
Summary: This study systematically reviews research on child maltreatment and risk of gambling problems in adulthood. It also reviews adult problem gamblers' risk of abusing or neglecting their own children... Read more
Zilkens, R.R., Phillips, M.A., Kelly, M.C., Mukhtar, A., Semmens, J.B., & Smith, D.A. (2016).
Non-fatal strangulation in sexual assault: A study of clinical and assault characteristics highlighting the role of intimate partner violence.
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 43: 1-7.
Summary: This article reports the findings from a cross-sectional study using data routinely collected at time of forensic examination of 1064 women (age ≥ 13 years) referred to the Western Australian SARC between January 2009 and March 2015 alleging a recent sexual assault... Read more 
In the news 
Click on the link to read the news item.
Check for the latest News

Responsibilities under Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 in relation to family violence - 12 Jul, 2016
WorkSafe NZ has provided the following advice on managing risk under the the...

Report highlights issues with media reporting of violence against women - 12 Jul, 2016
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) and Our...

First social bond not progressing; funding cuts to Lifeline and Strengthening Families - 11 Jul, 2016
Media has reported that the first social bond will not progress and the...

Consultation open on bill amending child protection and care services - 11 Jul 2016
Submissions are now being invited on the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Advocacy, Workforce and Age Settings) Amendment Bill (close 28 July 2016)...

VAWnet resources: economic abuse; forced marriage; adults exposed to childhood violence - 7 Jul, 2016
In 2016, the US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women ...

World Health Assembly endorses global plan of action on violence against women and children - 7 Jul, 2016
At the World Health Assembly in May 2016, a global plan of action to address...

New cyber-law research centre to study Harmful Digital Communications Act - 7 Jul, 2016
The New Zealand Centre for ICT Law is scheduled to open at the University of...

Government submits latest CEDAW report - 7 Jul, 2016
Minister for Women Louise Upston has submitted the Government's latest report...

New Ethnic Communities Development Fund announced - 7 Jul, 2016
Ethnic Communities Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga announced the new Ethnic...

E Tu Whānau songs available online - 5 Jul, 2016
The 62 songs entered in the recent, first-ever E Tu Whānau Song Competition are...

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori: Te reo Māori in the NZFVC library - 4 Jul, 2016
Did you know that Māori search terms can now be used to search for research and...

New Privacy Commissioner guidance on information sharing - 30 Jun, 2016
The Privacy Commissioner has published a guide for multi-agency teams on...

New Community-Led Development Programme announced - 30 Jun, 2016
Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Jo Goodhew has announced a new...

Submissions on Social Workers Registration Act 2003 due by 13 July - 23 Jun, 2016
The Parliamentary Social Services Select Committee is conducting an inquiry...

Tertiary qualifications in violence - enrolments open, semester 2 - 22 Jun, 2016
The University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology are both...

Ministry of Health updates guidelines on violence for health workers - 21 Jun, 2016
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman has announced updated guidelines for health...

Children's Commissioner monitoring report calls for CYF to become more child-centred now - 20 Jun, 2016
The Office of the Children's Commissioner (OCC) has published its annual State...

UN Women accepting submissions to Commission on the Status of Women - 13 Jun, 2016
UN Women is accepting complaints, appeals or petitions related to violations of...
Upcoming events
Click on the link for event details. 

One day conference
Sydney, Australia

18-21 July 2016

21 July 2016 *NEW*

27 July 2016 
Shine training

16-17 August 2016

22-23 August 2016 *NEW*

30-31 August 2016
Shine - Advanced 2 day training

2-3 September 2016
6-7 September 2016 *NEW*
14-17 September 2016
15-17 September 2016 *NEW*