
New Zealand  

Family Violence Clearinghouse


Issue 42
June 2015
In This Issue
Newsletter clearinghouse

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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The Clearinghouse has published Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence, Issues Paper 8. Have you found the paper useful? We would love to hear your feedback - please email us.


Other news, views, and happenings in brief:
Submissions are currently open on:
Call for papers:
Read on for more new resources, news and events.

The NZFVC team

@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
University of Auckland


Reminder: the Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following means you get the latest news and events as we post them.   

Tip of the month

Quick links to project literature

You can use these links to find publications related to these projects in the Clearinghouse database:  

New Zealand

Christchurch Health and Development Study

Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study

New Zealand Violence Against Women Study

Pacific Islands Families Study


Project Mirabal

Publications that are related to family violence are included in the Clearinghouse database. More information will be available from a project's website or lead author..

New resources  


Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken. 

New Zealand
New Issues Paper from the Clearinghouse 

Hann, S., & Trewartha, C. (2015).
Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence (Issues Paper, 8). Auckland: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of Auckland. 
Key messages:
  • Community mobilisation is a complex and long-term approach but has the potential to transform communities.
  • Principles of community mobilisation include: a social change perspective; whole community engagement; collaboration; being community-led; and, a vision for a better world.
  • Community mobilisation approaches make theoretical and practical sense.
  • As a recent approach, the necessary components of community mobilisation are still emerging, and projects are learning as they go... Read more 


Reports, theses and resources


Insights MSD. (2014).  

The feasibility of using predictive risk modelling to identify new-born children who are high priority for prevention services.

Wellington: Ministry of Social Development
Summary: In response to a proposal in the White Paper for Vulnerable Children, this study assesses whether predictive risk modelling (PRM) tools that draw on linked administrative data can be used in practice to identify early new-born children at high risk of maltreatment as part of a strategy to prevent maltreatment occurring...
Related papers include: 


Blank, A., Cram, F., Dare, T., de Haan, I., Smith, B., & Vaithianathan, R. (2014).
Ethical issues for Māori in predictive risk modelling to identify new-born children who are at high risk of future maltreatment. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development....
Read more 


Dare, T. (2013).
Predictive risk modelling and child maltreatment: An ethical review. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development...
Read more 


Wilson, M. L., Tumen, S., & Simmens, A. G. (2014). Predictive modeling: Potential application in prevention services.

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 48(6), 509-519... Read more    

Use this link to search the Clearinghouse database for all papers and journal articles about using predictive risk modelling in New Zealand.  



Office of the Auditor-General. (2015).  
Whānau ora: The first four years. Wellington: Author  
Summary: The Office of the Auditor-General explains the focus of this report: "We focused our work on how the Initiatives have been carried out. The information in our report has not been brought together before. We identified how the Initiatives were funded, how much funding was available, and how much was spent..."

Mossman, E., Kingi, V., & Wehipeihana, N. (2015).
An outcome evaluation of Police Safety Orders. Wellington: New Zealand Police.
Summary: On 1 July 2010, Police Safety Orders (PSOs) were introduced as a new tool for Police in dealing with family violence. They enable frontline officers to take immediate action to protect victims of family violence when there is insufficient evidence for an arrest. The evaluation assessed the extent to which PSOs achieve their intended short- and longer-term outcomes with specific reference to four evaluation objectives.... Read more   



Patlakas, P. (2013).
Sexual assaults on gay and bisexual men: Barriers to reporting to the police. MSc (Psychology) thesis. University of Waikato.
Summary: This study examined the barriers gay and bisexual male survivors of sexual assaults face in reporting their victimisation to the police. This study aimed to address a lack of New Zealand based research on the topic and develop an overall representation of the various barriers... Read more  



Rainbow Youth, & It's Not OK Campaign. (2015).
You, me / us. Wellington: Authors.
Summary: The It's Not OK Campaign and RainbowYOUTH, along with community partner organisations, have collaborated to update a resource on healthy relationships for sexuality and gender diverse communities... Read more    


Journal articles

Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.

Dickson, S., & Willis, G. M. (2015).
Primary prevention of sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand: A survey of prevention activities. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, Advance online publication, 30 April 2015, (21 pages).
Summary: This article presents findings from a survey of primary prevention activities in non-Māori and bicultural communities within Aotearoa New Zealand... Read more  



du Fresne, K. (2015).
The ripple effect: Abuse prevention.
Listener, 14 March 2015, 16-25.
Summary: The Wairarapa's powerful, proactive approach to family violence is making a real difference. The author asks: Is this the model for the nation? Includes comment from Ruth Herbert, Minister of Justice Amy Adams, Jeremy Logan (Stopping Violence Services Wairarapa) and Gerry Brooking (Violence Free Network Wairarapa)... Read more 



Cussen, T., & Bryant, W. (2015).
Domestic / family homicide in Australia (Research in Practice, no.38). Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Criminology.  
Summary: This report presents data for the period 1 July 2002 through 30 June 2012 and provides an update to a 2003 report on this topic... Read more



Jones, L. M. (2014).

Improving efforts to prevent children's exposure to violence: A handbook for defining program theory and planning for evaluation in the new evidence-based culture. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
Summary: This handbook is intended to help implementing agencies (e.g. nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), development/foreign aid agencies, community-based organizations, not-for-profit agencies) make better use of existing research and plan for evaluation when designing and implementing child violence prevention programmes, and also to convey these intentions to potential funding organizations... Read more 



Jud, A., Jones, L. M., & Mikton, C. (2015).  

Toolkit on mapping legal, health and social services responses to child maltreatment. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
Summary: This toolkit contains tips, recommended practices and resources for academics and decision-makers in child protection who are interested in conducting national or regional surveillance of agency response to child maltreatment and child maltreatment incidence through the collection of administrative data... Read more  



Kirkwood, D. (2012).
'Just say goodbye': Parents who kill their children in the context of separation (Discussion Paper, no. 8). Melbourne, Vic.: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV).
Summary: This discussion paper examines the motives and background to 'filicide' - the killing of children by a parent. While these deaths are often described in the media as 'inexplicable', this new research identifies a link between the killing of children and violence against women. The paper considers international research, Australian Institute of Criminology data and case examples of both fathers and mothers who kill their children... Read more 



Parkinson, D. (2014).  

Women's experience of violence in the aftermath of the Black Saturday bushfires. PhD thesis. Monash University, Melbourne, Vic.
Summary: This thesis documents the first Australian research to interview women about their experiences of domestic violence after catastrophic disaster. As such research is rare in developed countries, it addresses a gap in the disaster literature... Read more    



Sturgeon, S. (2015).   

Strangulation assessment, evidence collection, and documentation guidelines for forensic nurse examiners: A pilot project. Louiseville, KY: ScholarWorks@Bellarmine.
Summary: Accurate and thorough physical assessment, with accompanying documentation, are essential components for appropriate legal intervention for victims in all strangulation cases... Read more 



Journal articles


Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.    


Bagwell-Gray, M., Messing, J. T., & Baldwin-White, A. (2015).  

Intimate partner sexual violence: A review of terms, definitions and prevalence.
Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Advance online publication, 4 January 2015, (20 pages).
Summary: Intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) is a significant aspect of intimate partner violence (IPV). While intimate partners commit one third of sexual assaults, IPSV is often overlooked in studies about IPV and in research on sexual violence... Read more  



Campbell, R., Greeson, M. R., Fehler-Cabral, G., & Kennedy, A. C. (2015).
Pathways to help: Adolescent sexual assault victims' disclosure and help-seeking experiences.  

Violence Against Women, Advance online publication, 1 May 2015, (24 pages).
Summary: In this study, the authors conducted semistructured interviews with 20 adolescent sexual assault victims who sought post assault help from the medical and legal system to understand young survivors' disclosure and help-seeking processes... Read more  



Choi, K. W., & Sikkema, K. J. (2015).  

Childhood maltreatment and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders: A systematic review.  

Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Advance online publication, 17 May 2015, (27 pages).
Summary: A systematic review was undertaken to synthesize empirical literature on the relationship between maternal histories of childhood maltreatment and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs)... Read more   



Darwinkel, E., Powell, M., & Sharman, S. J. (2015).  

Police and prosecutors' perceptions of adult sexual assault evidence associated with case authorisation and conviction.  

Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, Advance online publication, 18 January 2015, (8 pages).
Summary: This study examined the association between the quality of verbal evidence in cases of sexual assault reported by adults and professionals' (police and prosecutor) ratings of the likelihood that the cases will result in a conviction at trial... Read more    



Davis, E. (2015).  

Survivor-led ethics in multi-agency work.
DVRCV Advocate, Autumn-Winter 2015, 28-33.
Summary: With the roll-out of Risk Assessment Management Panels (RAMPs) imminent in Victoria, Erin Davis looks at the UK experience and describes how a feminist ethical framework and survivor-led practice is essential for multi-agency initiatives that address high-risk family violence... Read more   



Falb, K. L., Annan, J., & Gupta, J. (2015).  

Achieving gender equality to reduce intimate partner violence against women.

The Lancet Global Health, 3(6), e302-e303.
Summary: This year marks 20 years since 189 countries signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and committed to prioritisation of women's empowerment and gender equality. This editorial introduces the article by Heise and Kotsadam (below) in this issue of The Lancet Global Health... Read more 



Heise, L. L., & Kotsadam, A. (2015).  

Cross-national and multilevel correlates of partner violence: An analysis of data from population-based surveys.  

The Lancet Global Health, 3(6), e332-e340.  

Summary: Little is known about the factors that drive the geographical distribution of partner violence or how macro-level factors might combine with individual-level factors to affect individual women's risk of intimate partner violence. The authors aimed to assess the role that women's status and other gender-related factors might have in defining levels of partner violence among settings... Read more 



Goodmark, L. (2013).

Transgender people, intimate partner abuse and the legal system.  

Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 48, 51-104. (Open access).
Summary: The unique experiences of transgender persons subjected to abuse have not been the focus of legal scholarship; instead, the experiences of transgender people are often subsumed in the broader discourse around domestic violence in the LGBT community. This is the first law review article to concentrate specifically on intimate partner abuse and the transgender community... Read more 



Kiss, L., Schraiber, L. B., Hossain, M., Watts, C. H., & Zimmerman, C. (2015).  

The link between community-based violence and intimate partner violence: The effect of crime and male aggression on intimate partner violence against women.  

Prevention Science, Advance online publication, 26 May 2015, (9 pages). (Open access).
Summary: Both intimate partner violence (IPV) and community violence are prevalent globally, and each is associated with serious health consequences. However, little is known about their potential links or the possible benefits of coordinated prevention strategies... Read more  



Macy, R. J., Ogbonnaya, I. N., & Martin, S. L. (2015).

Providers' perspectives about helpful information for evaluating domestic violence and sexual assault services: A practice note.  

Violence Against Women, 21(3), 416-429.
Summary: This practice note presents findings from a statewide survey of domestic violence and sexual assault agency directors (n = 80; 77% response rate), regarding their opinions about the outcome information that should be collected from victims during evaluations of five commonly provided services: legal advocacy, medical advocacy, group services, individual counseling, and shelter... Read more 



McCauley, H. L., Silverman, J. G., Decker, M. R., Ag�nor, M., Borrero, S., Tancredi, D. J., . . . Miller, E. (2015).

Sexual and reproductive health indicators and intimate partner violence victimization among female family planning clinic patients who have sex with women and men.  

Journal of Women's Health, Advance online publication, (8 pages).
Summary: Sexual minority women are more likely than heterosexual women to have ever experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). Although IPV is associated with sexual risk and poor reproductive health outcomes among US women overall, little is known about whether IPV is related to sexual and reproductive health indicators among sexual minority women in particular... Read more 



Reitsema, A. M., & Grietens, H. (2015).  

Is anybody listening?: The literature on the dialogical process of child sexual abuse disclosure reviewed.

Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Advance online publication, 7 May 2015 (41 pages).
Summary: The authors conducted an exploratory review of the current literature on child sexual abuse disclosure in everyday contexts... Read more   



Salter, M. (2015).

'Real men don't hit women': Constructing masculinity in the prevention of violence against women.

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, Advance online publication, 21 May 2015 (17 pages).
Summary: This paper examines the dependence of many violence against women VAW primary prevention campaigns and programs on regressive notions of 'real masculinity'. It describes how the scope of VAW primary prevention has narrowed over time... Read more 



Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2015).
School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015, issue 4  
Summary: The objective was to systematically assess evidence of the effectiveness of school-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Specifically, to assess whether: programmes are effective in improving students' protective behaviours and knowledge about sexual abuse prevention; behaviours and skills are retained over time; and participation results in disclosures of sexual abuse... Read more

In the news 


Click on the link to read new item.


Check for the latest news  

Ministry of Social Development announces new funding strategy; first social bond introduced - 5 Jun, 2015
Minister for Social Development Anne Tolley has announced a "new long-term...

Revised guidelines on sexuality education in schools released - 5 Jun, 2015
The Ministry of Education has released a revised guide, Sexuality education: a...
Relationships Aotearoa to close; funding models and issues in spotlight - 2 Jun, 2015
Relationships Aotearoa (RA) will close its doors 9 June 2015. This follows...


UN concerned by NZ "lack of proper funding for specialist sexual violence services" - 29 May, 2015
New Zealand's sixth periodic review under the United Nations Convention against...

It's Not OK supporting communities to prevent family violence - 27 May, 2015
It's Not OK has released a review of the campaign for 2014. Year in Review 2014...
Shakti Youth launches campaign on migrant and refugee children witnessing violence at home - 26 May, 2015
Shakti Youth has launched a campaign highlighting the experiences of migrant...
Social change toolkit support for community projects and ideas - 26 May, 2015
A new social change toolkit for community projects is available online. The...

Clearinghouse publishes new Issues Paper on community mobilisation - 22 May, 2015
The Clearinghouse has published Issues Paper 8, Creating Change: Mobilising New...

New resource and new project for sexuality and gender diverse communities - 21 May, 2015
The It's Not OK campaign and RainbowYOUTH, along with community partner...
Judges receive professional development on family violence - 21 May, 2015
Over 150 District Court Judges have received professional development on family...


Changes signalled to funding of community organisations; Relationships Aotearoa may close - 20 May, 2015
Radio New Zealand has obtained a Cabinet paper by Social Development Minister...  


ACE Study connects adverse childhood experiences with health and social problems - 19 May, 2015
A large United States study is studying the links between adverse childhood...
Police release evaluation of Police Safety Orders - 18 May, 2015
New Zealand Police have released an evaluation of the effectiveness of Police...
Counterintuitive evidence considered "substantially helpful" in child sexual abuse cases - 12 May, 2015
The use of "counterintuitive evidence" in child sexual abuse cases has been...
#thisdoesn'tmeanyes campaign tackles rape myths - 6 May, 2015
A London campaign to create awareness of rape culture has garnered support and...
Productivity Commission's draft report proposes social service funding changes - 4 May, 2015
The Productivity Commission has released its draft report on improving how...  

Upcoming events
Click on the link for event details.


10-12 June 2015 *NEW* 

15, 16 or 17 June 2015 "NEW*
Social Impact Bonds - Free Seminars
Wellington (15 June),
Christchurch (16 June) &
Auckland (17 June)

15-22 June 2015 *NEW*
Elder Abuse Awareness Week
Events organised by Age Concern
throughout New Zealand

16-17 June 2015
Domestic abuse - Safety first - Training

17 June 2015 *NEW*

Training by Wellington Women's Refuge

22 June 2015 *NEW*
Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding Children Initiative Free Seminar (Level 2)
Stoke, Nelson

24-26 June 2015
Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference 2015
Northampton, UK

Gold Coast, Australia


5-9 July 2015
World Society of Victimology - 15th International Symposium
Perth, WA, Australia

22 July 2015 *NEW*

31 August, 2 or 4 September 2015 *NEW*
The Pain Paradox: Engagement, Acceptance, and Processing in a New Paradigm for Trauma Therapy with John Briere PhD
One-day seminars organised by DSAC
Auckland (31 August),
Wellington (2 September) &
Christchurch (4 September)

8-9 September & 5 October 2015 *NEW*

Working with Parents' Anger - Training workshop

15-17 September 2015
SVRI Forum 2015
Stellenbosch, South Africa