
New Zealand  

Family Violence Clearinghouse


Issue 41
May 2015
In This Issue
Newsletter clearinghouse

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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Coming soon - Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence, NZFVC Issues Paper 8 will be published in May. We will send an alert when it is available online. Previous Issues papers are all available on the website.


Other news, views, and happenings in brief:

Submissions are currently open on:

Read on for more new resources, news and events.

The NZFVC team

@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
University of Auckland


Reminder: the Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following means you get the latest news and events as we post them.   

Tip of the month

Finding a thesis or dissertation

The Clearinghouse library includes details of relevant Masters and PhD theses and dissertations.

These can be a rich source of New Zealand research on family and sexual violence issues. The two Masters theses included in this newsletter are excellent examples.

There are over 150 theses in the Clearinghouse database. Links are provided to recent theses available online. We are able to lend some older theses, while others will be available through university libraries.

If you are aware of a relevant New Zealand thesis which is not included in this database, please let us know so we can consider it for inclusion

New resources  


Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken. 

New Zealand

Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit. (2015).
Effective parenting programmes (What works). Wellington: Superu.
Summary: This is a summary of the review of evidence on the effectiveness of parenting programmes, as a way of reducing the risk of maltreatment of vulnerable children aged 0-6 years... Read more   



Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit. (2015).
Reducing the impact of alcohol on family violence (What works). Wellington: Superu.
Summary: This paper summarises what we know about the link between alcohol and family violence - specifically intimate partner violence (IPV) and child maltreatment. The paper also presents what is known about interventions and strategies to reduce alcohol-related family violence...Read more   



Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit, & Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association. (2015).
Evaluation standards for Aotearoa New Zealand. Wellington: Superu.
Summary: Superu has worked in partnership with the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association (ANZEA) to develop a set of Aotearoa-specific evaluation standards that set out the expectations of the evaluation process, practices and products. The standards provide guidance on what should occur at all stages of a quality evaluation... Read more   

Towns, A. (2014).
"It's about having control back, freedom from fear.": An evaluation of Shine safe@home programme for victims / survivors of domestic violence. Auckland: Mt Albert Psychological Services.
Summary: This report provides details of an evaluation of Shine safe@home programme implemented during the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013... Read more  




Fu, M. (2014).
Moving on: structural violence and age(ncy) in young South Asian women's lifeworlds post-family violence in Aotearoa / New Zealand (Unpublished Masters thesis - MA in Anthropology). University of Auckland.
Summary: Family violence is a serious social problem across various communities in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This feminist ethnography centres the stories of diasporic South Asian young women living in Aotearoa, their experiences of migration, violence, Shakti refuge life and moving on. Shakti is a feminist organisation that advocates for Asian, Middle Eastern and African women survivors of family violence... Read more   



Keene, S. M. (2015).
Risky residences: An exploratory study of sexual violence in university halls of residence (Unpublished Masters thesis - MA in Criminology). Victoria University of Wellington.
Summary: Sexual violence within university populations is a well-known problem, however relatively little is known about the experience of sexual violence among New Zealand university students. There is even less known about women's experiences of sexual violence occurring in university halls of residence. This thesis addresses this gap in knowledge and understanding. Influenced by feminist perspectives and adopting a qualitative framework, this research employed semi-structured face-to-face interviews with four victims/survivors of sexual violence in university halls, and six key informants... Read more  



Journal articles

Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.

Cram, F., Gulliver, P., Ota, R., & Wilson, M. (2015).
Understanding overrepresentation of indigenous children in child welfare data: An application of the Drake risk and bias models.
Child Maltreatment, Advance online publication, 22 April 2015 (13 pages).
Summary: Child welfare data collected for administrative purposes are often used as a source of information for understanding the population impact of child abuse and neglect (CA/N). This study used administrative data linked at the individual level for a cohort of Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) children to follow and extend a model developed by Drake et al... Read more 





Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2015).
Responding to children and young people's disclosures of abuse (Practitioner resource). Melbourne, Vic.: AIFS.
Summary: This paper is a guide to responding to children and young people's disclosures of abuse. It outlines what we know about how, why, and when children and young people are likely to disclose and suggests actions to take at the time of disclosure and in the longer term. This resource, written for Australian practitioners, provides useful references to the research literature. A one-page infographic focuses on the key actions: listen, reassure and respect. People working with children in New Zealand are also referred to Safer organisations, safer children: guidelines for child protection policies to build safer organisations, recently published by the Children's Action Plan team....Read more    



Campo, M., Kaspiew, R., Moore, S., & Tayton, S. (2014).
Children affected by domestic and family violence: A review of domestic and family violence prevention, early intervention and response services. Melbourne, Vic.: AIFS.
Summary: This report sets out the findings of research into domestic and family violence (DFV) prevention, early intervention and response for children aged 0-8 years. The research was commissioned and funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services. It contributes to the development of the knowledge base... Read more  



Centre for Innovative Justice. (2014).
Innovative justice responses to sexual offending: Pathways to better outcomes for victims, offenders and the community. Melbourne, Vic.: RMIT, Centre for Innovative Justice.
Summary: This report makes a suite of recommendations for improving the justice options and outcomes available to sexual assault victims... Read more   



Centre for Innovative Justice. (2015).
Opportunities for early intervention: Bringing perpetrators of family violence into view. Melbourne, Vic.: RMIT, Centre for Innovative Justice.
Summary: This report turns the spotlight on perpetrators of family violence. In doing so, it calls for earlier and more proactive intervention - explaining that, while family violence has finally come to attention as a systemic wrong in need of a National Plan, a significant gap exists in our collective response... Read more   



Coulson Barr, L. (2012).
Safeguarding people's right to be free from abuse: Key considerations for preventing and responding to alleged staff to client abuse in disability services (Learning from complaints, Occasional paper, No.1). Melbourne, Vic.: Disability Services Commissioner.
Summary: This is the first of a series of Occasional Papers produced by the Victorian Disability Rights Commissioner on 'Learning from Complaints'. This paper deals with one of the most disturbing of issues which can occur in disability service provision, namely alleged assaults or abuse of clients by staff entrusted to provide care and support... Read more    



Spalding, K., Macvean, M., Mildon, R., Devine, B., Falkiner, J., Wade, C., & Forbes, F. (2015).
Review of the evidence on knowledge translation and exchange in the violence against women field. Sydney, NSW: ANROWS.
Summary: The Parenting Research Centre (PRC) was commissioned by ANROWS to undertake a review of the evidence on knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) strategies in the field of violence against women. For the purpose of this research, the scope of 'violence against women' refers to domestic violence, including intimate partner and indigenous family violence, and sexual assault.... Read summary ; Read full report 



Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland. (2015).
Not now, not ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland. Brisbane, Qld: Author.
Summary: The report of the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland was released by the Premier of Queensland, Australia on 28 February 2015. This report makes 140 recommendations to the Queensland Government to address domestic and family violence... Read more   



Journal articles


Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.   


Jordan, C. E. (Ed.). (2014).
Improving the safety of women on college campuses: State of the scientific literature on the problem and response
Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 15(3) & 15(4), Special issue, Parts 1 & 2. 

Part 1 of the special issue addresses the construct of violence itself and includes responses from universities... Read more
Part 2 of the special issue commences with attention to risk and protective factors associated with the victimization of college women, including self-defense and prevention models... Read more  



Wendt, S., Buchanan, F., & Moulding, S. (2015).
Mothering and domestic violence: Situating maternal protectiveness in gender.
Affilia, Advance online publication, 8 February 2015 (13 pages).
Summary: This article aimed to explore the complications and complexities of mothering in the contexts of domestic violence. Through interviews with nine women who had mothered in domestic violence, it was found that women do attempt to protect children from physical and emotional harm; however, the climate of fear, power, and control present in domestic violence limits protection... Read more    



Wilson, L. C., & Miller, K. E. (2015).
Meta-analysis of the prevalence of unacknowledged rape.
Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Advance online publication, 17 March 2015 (11 pages).
Summary: A meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the mean prevalence of unacknowledged rape and to inform our understanding of methodological factors that influence the detection of this phenomenon... Read more 

In the news 


Click on the link to read new item.


Check for the latest news

Government opens consultation on draft Victims Code - 29 Apr, 2015
The Government is consulting on a draft Victims Code. The Victims Right Act...
Materials from Gendered Violence and Violations conference now available online - 28 Apr, 2015
The Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN) hosted the Inaugural Asia-Pacific...

Ngāti Hine signs E Tu Whānau Charter of Commitment - 23 Apr, 2015
Ngāti Hine have taken a stand against violence by signing the E Tu Whānau...

Govt seeks public consultation on Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan - 22 Apr, 2015
The government has opened public consultation on New Zealand's draft National...
Objectionable Publications and Indecency Legislation Bill passes unanimously - 20 Apr, 2015
A Bill aiming to protect children from sexual exploitation passed through...
Commission on the Status of Women declaration criticised - 16 Apr, 2015
The 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59) has been...
Harmful Digital Communications Bill passes second reading - 15 Apr, 2015
A Bill which aims to prevent and reduce the harm caused by cyberbullying and...  
Upcoming events
Click on the link for event details.

4 May 2015
Attachment and Vulnerability seminar
Stoke, Nelson

7 & 8 May 2015

Family Violence, the Law and Restorative Justice - Conference and Follow-up Workshop

8-10 May 2015 *NEW*
A Call to Men - Men's Hui 2015
Te Ahuahu, Te Taitokerau | Northland

12 May 2015 *NZFVC event*
Domestic violence and the legal system: Issues and future directions - Seminar
16-17 June 2015
Domestic abuse - Safety first - Training

24-26 June 2015
Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference 2015
Northampton, UK

29-30 June 2015
No2Bullying Conference 2015
Gold Coast, Australia

5-9 July 2015
World Society of Victimology - 15th International Symposium
Perth, WA, Australia

8-9 September & 5 October 2015 *NEW*
Working with Parents' Anger - Training workshop

15-17 September 2015
SVRI Forum 2015
Stellenbosch, South Africa