
New Zealand  

Family Violence Clearinghouse


Issue 40
April 2015
In This Issue
Newsletter clearinghouse

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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The Clearinghouse is pleased to host  

Domestic violence and the legal system: Issues and future directions, a seminar presented by Professor Leigh Goodmark, Director of the Maryland Gender Violence Clinic. It will be held on Tuesday 12 May, 10.30am-12noon, at the Law School, University of Auckland. This Auckland seminar is co-hosted with the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice at Victoria University of Wellington. Places are limited, registration required.

Professor Goodmark is also guest speaker at the Family Violence, the Law and Restorative Justice Conference in Wellington on 7 and 8 May.       


Other news, views, and happenings in brief:
Read on for more new resources, news and events.

The NZFVC team

@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
University of Auckland


Reminder: the Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following means you get the latest news and events as we post them.   

Tip of the month

Bibliographies - essential readings on selected topics

The selected bibliographies compiled by the Clearinghouse are a quick way to find essential readings on a topic.


We have just compiled:


This bibliography includes some very recent items which also feature in this month's newsletter.

Other titles:
  • Working with perpetrators, March 2013
  • Elder abuse and neglect, August 2012
  • Family Court Review, November 2011

Bibliographies are found under the Resources | Te Puna tab on the Clearinghouse website. 


Please call or email the Information Specialist for more information. 

New resources  


Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken. 

New Zealand

Alliston, L., & Cossar, D. (2012).
Alcohol-related injury: An evidence-based literature review. Wellington: Research New Zealand.
Summary: Injuries often occur when people have been drinking or are intoxicated. The individual who is drinking and/or intoxicated may be injured, and/or their actions may result in injuries to family members, friends and strangers. Injuries can be accidental; for example from road traffic accidents and falls, or non-accidental; for example, from assault and suicide. This review focuses on research that considers the role of alcohol in causing injury and the effectiveness of educational and environmental strategies in preventing alcohol-related injury... Read more 



Children's Action Plan. (2015). 
Safer organisations, safer children: Guidelines for child protection policies to build safer organisations. Wellington: Author. 
Summary: This is a set of good practice advice to help organisations draft high quality child protection policies for identifying and responding to child vulnerability in response to the new requirements in the Vulnerable Children Act 2014... Read more 



Children's Action Plan. (2015).
Safer recruitment, safer children: Guidance for choosing safe people to work with children. Wellington: Author.
Summary: This is not a regulatory document and is being released in advance of changes in the Vulnerable Children Act 2014. It gives organisations good practice advice on selecting safe people to work with children.... Read more 



Collinson, L., Judge, L., Stanley, J., & Wilson, N. (2014).
Portrayal of violence, weapons, antisocial behaviour and alcohol: Study of televised music videos in New Zealand. Wellington: Department of Public Health, University of Otago (Wellington).
Summary: This report provides a snapshot analysis of the violence portrayed in music videos shown on television in New Zealand. "Music videos recorded from the New Zealand television channel 'Juice' in 2010 over a two-week timeframe (n=861, 353 unique music videos), were examined for violence-related content... Read more 



Corbett, C. (2013).   

Charming or harming: Case studies of emotional abuse in heterosexual intimate partner relationships (Masters thesis), Hamilton: University of Waikato.
Summary: Emotional abuse in the absence of physical abuse is often unrecognised. Although the literature identifies the insidious nature of this type of abuse and the physiological, psychological and emotional harm it often causes, knowledge of how women come to recognise they are being emotionally abused is underdeveloped. In response to this, the purpose of this research was to investigate the dynamics of emotionally abusive heterosexual intimate partner relationships... Read more 



Gollop, M., Taylor, N., & Henaghan, M. (2015). Evaluation of the 2014 family law reforms: phase one: Report to the New Zealand Law Foundation. Dunedin: University of Otago.
Summary: This report outlines the first step towards the evaluation of the 2014 family law reforms... Read more 



Independent Police Conduct Authority. (2015).
Report on Police's handling of the alleged offending by 'Roastbusters'. Wellington: Author.
Summary: This report has found a number of significant deficiencies in the original Police investigations into the alleged offending by a group of young men in Auckland who called themselves the 'Roastbusters'... Read more 



McGregor, J., Bell, S., & Wilson, M. (2015).
Fault lines: Human rights in New Zealand. Auckland: School of Social Sciences and Public Policy, AUT University.
Summary: This three year research project evaluates whether New Zealand's ratification of the six major international human rights treaties and engagement in the Universal Periodic Review process has increased the implementation of human rights in New Zealand... Read more    



Towns, A. (2011).
Preventing domestic violence in young men: Masculinity, intimacy and alcohol's 'man laws'. Paper presented at ToiToi Manawa: Inspiring Change | National Network of Stopping Violence Services Conference, Wellington, 10 June 2011.
Summary: This paper examines the ways in which alcohol advertising intersects with masculinities and the relationship between these representations of masculinities and those associated with domestic violence... Read more  



Journal articles

Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.

Beres, M. A. (2014).
Rethinking the concept of consent for anti-sexual violence activism and education.
Feminism & Psychology, 24(3), 373-389.
Summary: Sexual violence prevention has shifted from centering around a message of 'no means no' toward a message of 'get consent.' This paper explores how young adults conceptualise consent in relation to how they talked about expressing a willingness to participate in sex. This research is based on two sets of data, one from western Canada, the other from New Zealand... Read more   


Busch, R., Morgan, M. & Coombes, L. (2014).
Manufacturing egalitarian injustice: A discursive analysis of the rhetorical strategies used in fathers' rights websites in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Feminism & Psychology, 24(4), 440-460.
Summary: In this paper, the authors analyse how texts of fathers' rights discourse strategically appropriate egalitarianism in the context of gendered struggles over rights within the nuclear family. Texts from four fathers' rights websites are engaged to locate, construct and critique the discursive power of the movement in Aotearoa/New Zealand... Read more 



Cheung, G. (2015).
Late-life homicide-suicide: A national case series in New Zealand.
Psychogeriatrics, Advance online publication, 3 March 2015. (6 pages).
Summary: This study systematically reviewed coroners' records of late-life homicide-suicides in New Zealand... Read more



Koziol-McLain, J., Vandal, A. C., Nada-Raja, S., Wilson, D., Glass, N. E., Eden, K. B., . . . Case, J. (2015).
A web-based intervention for abused women: The New Zealand isafe randomised controlled trial protocol.
BMC Public Health, 5, 56. (Open access).
Summary: This randomised controlled trial is testing the effectiveness of an innovative, interactive web-based safety decision aid. The trial is an international collaborative concurrent replication of a USA trial, regionalised for the Aotearoa New Zealand culture...Read more 





David-Ferdon, C., & Simon, T. R. (2014).
Preventing youth violence: Opportunities for action. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention.
Summary: Research and experience in communities show it is possible to prevent youth violence. Everyone has an important role in stopping youth violence before it starts. This publication and its companion guide, Taking Action to Prevent Youth Violence, provide information and action steps to help individuals, families and communities be a part of the solution... Read more 



Human Rights Watch. (2015).
What to do if someone hurts you or does bad things to you: Information about gender-based violence for people with disabilities. New York: Author.
Summary: This is a resource on gender-based violence designed for people with disabilities. This is an easy read publication designed as a resource for people with a learning disability, and for those who work with disabled people... Read more  



Laslett, A., Mugavin, J., Jiang, H., Callinan, S., MacLean, S., & Room, R. (2015).
The hidden harm: Alcohol's impact on children and families. Canberra, ACT: Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.
Summary: Heavy drinking is linked to a range of negative effects in families from modelling of poor drinking behaviours, family arguments and ruined family occasions and relationships to child injuries, ongoing child neglect and abuse and domestic   

violence... Read more 



Lippy, C. (2015).
Key findings from "Exploring alcohol policy approaches to prevent sexual violence perpetration" written by Caroline Lippy, and Sarah DeGue et al: Research translation by NSVRC. Enola, PA: National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
Summary: This is a 7 page summary of the findings from the article by Lippy, DeGue et al which considered the opportunity for preventing sexual violence perpetration at the community level through alcohol policy... Read more 



Saunders, D. G., Faller, K. C., & Tolman, R. M. (2011).
Child custody evaluators' beliefs about domestic abuse allegations: Their relationship to evaluator demographics, background, domestic violence knowledge and custody-visitation recommendations. Final Technical Report submitted to the National Institute of Justice. Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan, School of Social Work.
Summary: High rates of domestic violence exist in families referred for child custody evaluations. These evaluations can produce potentially harmful outcomes, including the custody of children being awarded to a violent parent, unsupervised or poorly supervised visitation between violent parents and their children, and mediation sessions that increase danger to domestic violence victims... Read more



Journal articles


Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.  


Haberland, N., & Rogow, D. (2015).
Sexuality education: Emerging trends in evidence and practice.  

Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(1), S15-S21.
Summary: The International Conference on Population and Development and related resolutions have repeatedly called on governments to provide adolescents and young people with comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Drawing from these documents, reviews and meta-analyses of program evaluations, and situation analyses, this article summarizes the elements, effectiveness, quality, and country-level coverage of CSE. Throughout, it highlights the matter of a gender and rights perspective in CSE... Read more 



Naughton, C. M., O'Donnell, A. T., Greenwood, R. M., & Muldoon, O. T. (2015).
'Ordinary decent domestic violence': A discursive analysis of family law judges' interviews.
Discourse & Society, Advance online publication, 21 January 2015. (18 pages).
Summary: This study examined judges' constructions of the 'best interests of the child' in child custody and access arraignments where there were allegations of domestic violence within the context of an interview. Using interviews with six Irish District Court judges, a micro-structural discourse analysis enabled the identification of socio-cultural discourses... Read more 



Saunders, D. G., Tolman, R. M., & Faller, K. C. (2013).
Factors associated with child custody evaluators' recommendations in cases of intimate partner violence.
Journal of Family Psychology, 27(3), 473-483.
Summary: Although child custody evaluations can lead to unsafe outcomes in cases of intimate partner violence (IPV), little is known about factors associated with evaluators' recommendations. In this study of 465 child custody evaluators, we investigated the association between evaluators' beliefs... Read more 


In the news 


Click on the link to read new item.


Check for the latest news

Resources for promoting healthy relationships with young people - 9 Apr, 2015
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has compiled some resources on...

Social Development Minister Anne Tolley has announced the establishment of a... 
The Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) has released its report on... 
Policy Quarterly has published a paper which discusses the use of language and... 
Social Development Minister Anne Tolley has launched two new guidelines for... 
The Ministry of Justice has expanded the National Home Safety Service, awarding... 
Redesigned ACC sensitive claims service launched; increased prevention funding - 9 Mar, 2015
ACC formally launched its new support service for sensitive claims in...
Upcoming events
Click on the link for event details.

20 April 2015 *NEW*
Attachment and Vulnerability seminar

24 April 2015 *NEW*
Family Violence Training

28 April 2015 *NEW"

Child Protection Policy seminar

4 May 2015 *NEW*
Attachment and Vulnerability seminar

7 & 8 May 2015

Family Violence, the Law and Restorative Justice - Conference and Follow-up Workshop

12 May 2015 *NEW* *NZFVC event*
Domestic violence and the legal system: Issues and future directions - Seminar
16-17 June 2015
Domestic abuse - Safety first - Training

24-26 June 2015 *NEW*
Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference 2015
Northampton, UK

29-30 June 2015
No2Bullying Conference 2015
Gold Coast, Australia

5-9 July 2015 *NEW*
World Society of Victimology - 15th International Symposium
Perth, WA, Australia

15-17 September 2015
SVRI Forum 2015
Stellenbosch, South Africa