NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse Logo


Issue 35
September 2014
In This Issue
New resources
In the news
Upcoming events
Newsletter Library shelves

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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Spring is a good time to consider your professional development or study options for the coming year. To assist you, we have developed new website pages on Education and Training. See the Tip of the month for more information.  


Other news, views, and happenings in brief: 
Read on for more new resources, news and events. 

The NZFVC team

@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
University of Auckland


Reminder: The Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following means you get the latest news and events as we post them.   

Tip of the month
Education and training

Now is a great time to plan your study or professional development for 2015.

We have developed two new pages to guide you to relevant education and training opportunities available to the family and whānau violence workforce and students.

These pages are found under the Resources tab:

Education and training - a guide to finding family violence related training, online learning, tertiary education, scholarships and grants.

Training providers - training providers offering relevant short course training opportunities in New Zealand.

Please note that inclusion in this list does not constitute endorsement by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, as we are not able to review the training provided.

If the training you provide is not listed, please contact us to discuss its suitability for inclusion.

We will continue to add information about relevant publicly advertised courses, seminars and conferences to the events listings. Check recent events regularly for newly added and updated events. 

We have also made available two papers on family violence workforce development prepared for the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families. You will find these in the New resources section below.
New resources


Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC Library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken.      

New Zealand  

Family violence workforce development
prepared by the Family Violence Unit, Ministry of Social Development for the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families. 2012
Released under the Official Information Act.
Working paper - draft (40 pages); PDF
Summary: The initial focus of this project was to assess the merits of creating a cross-agency training framework (see item below). To assess this the Family Violence Unit (FVU) looked at the current context of family violence training in New Zealand... Read more
Training and education for the family violence workforce : developing a national training framework (revised)
prepared for the meeting of the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families, 19 June 2013
Released under the Official Information Act.
Working paper (40 pages); PDF
Summary: The purpose of this paper is to assess the merits of developing a national training framework for the family violence workforce... Read more
City level action and the primary prevention of sexual violence
report prepared by Alexandra Palmer and Alex Woodley. Auckland: Point Research, 2014
Report (48 pages); PDF
Summary: This report describes action that could be taken at a city level to support the primary prevention of family and sexual violence. Drawing on the Ecological Model and the Spectrum of Prevention... Read more

Working together to prevent family and sexual violence in Auckland : an approach
prepared by Alex Woodley and Ally Palmer. Auckland: Point Research, 2014
Report (36 pages); PDF
Summary: This literature review is aimed at outlining where New Zealand sits on matters of family and sexual violence - both in terms of impacts and in terms of current policies and programmes - and what steps we might take to address these issues... Read more

Feathers for Whānau Ora : some thoughts on family violence and community well-being
by Vivian Hutchinson. 2014
Short paper (14 pages); PDF
Summary: This paper is based on workshop notes for a session on Whānau Ora and Community Well-Being organised by Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki at the Taranaki District Health Board on 22-23 July 2014... Read more

Pacific pathways to the prevention of sexual violence : full report
Auckland: UniServices & Pacific Health, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, 2010
Report (138 pages); PDF
Summary: This is the full report of a qualitative research project conducted among seven Pacific ethnic communities in Aotearoa - Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga and Tuvalu - to identify sexual violence prevention strategies for these communities... Read more

Journal articles 

Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.

Children in crisis: child poverty and abuse in New Zealand
Michael A. Peters and Tina (A.C.) Besley. Taylor & Francis, 2014
Educational Philosophy and Theory 46(9): 945-961
Summary: This Special Issue publishes selected papers from the Children in Crisis conference held in 2013... Read more

Addressing child maltreatment in New Zealand: is poverty reduction enough?
Tim Dare, Rhema Vaithianathan & Irene De Haan. Taylor & Francis, 2014
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46(9): 989-994
Summary: The authors provide a response to Jonathan Boston's report and article on child poverty in this Special Issue, and provide commentary on the use of predictive risk modelling... Read more

New Zealand dental therapists' beliefs regarding child maltreatment
Dhara Tilvawala, Colleen Murray, Rami Farah and Jonathan M. Broadbent
Public Health Association of Australia, 2014
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, online first (5 pages)
Summary: The authors investigated New Zealand dental therapists' perceptions of the problem of child maltreatment and their roles in child protection, their experience/ recollections of past training, and how frequently they suspect (and report) abuse or neglect... Read more

Living with 'Hwa-byung' : the psycho-social impact of elder mistreatment on the health and well-being of older people
Hong-Jae Park. Taylor & Francis, 2014
Aging & Mental Health, 18(1): 125-128
Summary: This paper describes the psycho-social impact of elder mistreatment on the health and well-being of older Korean people living in New Zealand... Read more 





Australians' attitudes to violence against women : findings from the 2013 National Community Attitudes to Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS)
Carlton: Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, 2014
Report (106 pages); PDF
Summary: The NCAS involved more than 17,500 twenty-minute telephone interviews with a cross-section of Australians aged 16 years and older. This is the third survey of its kind... Read more
A brief summary of the findings and implications (8 pages) is also available... Read more

Family violence in Canada : a statistical profile, 2011
Statistics Canada, 2013
Juristat, 25 June 2013 (92 pages); PDF
Summary: Since 1998, Statistics Canada has released an annual report that examines the nature and extent of family violence in Canada. The special focus of this year's report is the prevalence and nature of family murder-suicides in Canada... Read more

The long-term effects of child sexual abuse
Judith Cashmore and Rita Shackel. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2013
CFCA paper, no. 11; HTML
Summary: This paper reviews recent Australian and international research on the long-term effects of child sexual abuse... Read more

Relationship problems and money : women talk about financial abuse
Prue Cameron. West Melbourne: WIRE Women's Information, 2014
Report (79 pages); PDF
Summary: Women's financial hardship and insecurity, caused by financial abuse in the context of family violence, is a serious concern, particularly considering the increasing feminisation of poverty in Australia... Read more

Report on a scoping study into the effects of sexual violence on employees and the workplace
prepared by Inara Walden and Ludo McFerran. Sydney: Gendered Violence Research Network, University of New South Wales, 2014
Report (24 pages); PDF
Summary: In June 2013 the Safe at Home, Safe at Work project team embarked on a small scoping study into the workplace impacts of sexual violence. The researchers hoped to learn about support needs in the workplace context, such as time off to deal with legal, medical and counselling issues workers may have following experiences of sexual violence... Read more

Same-sex intimate partner homicide in Australia
Alexandra Gannoni and Tracy Cussen. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2014
Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, no. 469 (7 pages); PDF & HTML
Summary: While there is a sizable body of research on intimate partner homicide in general, there has been limited focus on intimate partner homicide involving people in same-sex relationships... Read more

Violence in deaf culture : my story, my voice
Cherrie Watson. The College at Rockport, State University of New York, 2014
Dissenting Voices, 3(1): 81-98
Summary: The author is deaf and a survivor of domestic violence. Her purpose in describing her experience of domestic violence within the deaf community and writing this article is to "awaken the hearing community to the fact that Deaf victims need allies... Read more

Who abuses children : fact sheet
Melbourne, Vic.: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014
Fact sheet; HTML
Summary: The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an overview of the evidence available regarding those who abuse children. Identifying common trends from research can help to dispel certain myths and/or beliefs regarding perpetrators of child abuse and neglect... Read more

Women's access to justice : from reporting to sentencing
London: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Domestic and Sexual Violence Women's Aid, 2014
Report (64 pages); PDF
Summary: In March 2014 the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Domestic and Sexual Violence in the United Kingdom released a report revealing that the criminal justice system continues to fail women when they experience domestic violence... Read more


Journal articles


Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.    


Alcohol interventions, alcohol policy and intimate partner violence : a systematic review
Ingrid M. Wilson, Kathryn Graham and Angela Taft
BioMed Central, 2014
BMC Public Health, 14: 881 (11 pages)
Summary: A systematic review investigating whether alcohol interventions/policies were associated with IPV reduction within adult intimate relationships...Read more

Empowering children with safety-skills : An evaluation of the Kidpower Everyday Safety-Skills Program
Alaina Brenick et al. Elsevier, 2014
Children and Youth Services Review, 44: 152-162
Summary: "Changes in child safety knowledge concerning bullying, boundary-setting, and help-seeking were evaluated after participation in the Kidpower Everyday Safety Skills Program (ESSP), a workshop designed to increase children's knowledge of safe choices... Read more

Negative childhood experiences and mental health : theoretical, clinical and primary prevention implications
John Read annd Richard P. Bentall. Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2012
British Journal of Psychiatry, 200: 89-91
Summary: In this editorial, John Read from the University of Auckland, notes that researchers have recently established that a broad range of adverse childhood events are significant risk factors for most mental health problems, including psychosis... Read more

Childhood maltreatment and the structure of common psychiatric disorders
Katherine M. Keyes et al. Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2012
British Journal of Psychiatry, 200: 107-115
Summary: The authors used a latent variable approach to estimate the associations of childhood maltreatment with underlying dimensions of internalising and externalising psychopathology and with specific disorders after accounting for the latent dimensions... Read more

Childhood sexual abuse and suicidal behavior : a meta-analysis
Karen M. Devries et al. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2014
Pediatrics, 133(5): e1331-1344
Summary: The authors conducted a meta-analysis to quantify to what extent childhood sexual abuse (CSA) was associated with incident suicide attempts... Read more

A comparative study of violence risk assessment tools : a systematic review and metaregression analysis of 68 studies involving 25,980 participants
Jay P. Singh, Martin Grann and Seena Fazel. Elsevier, 2011
Clinical Psychology Review, 31(3): 499-513
Summary: The authors undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of nine commonly used risk assessment instruments following PRISMA guidelines... Read more

Multi-agency risk assessment and management for children and families experiencing domestic violence
Nicky Stanley and Cathy Humphreys. Elsevier, 2014
Children and Youth Services Review, In press (8 pages)
Summary: This paper explores risk assessment and management in relation to children and families experiencing domestic violence; in particular, the communication and collaboration between child protection services, the police and independent domestic violence services... Read more 

In the news


Click on the link for full news item.

Check for the latest news
Police release crime stats, new family violence dataset "to be launched soon" - 2 Oct, 2014
New Zealand Police have released crime statistics for the year ending 30 June...

Family Violence Death Review Committee calling for nominations - 1 Oct, 2014
The Health Quality & Safety Commission Board is seeking new members for the...

Addressing high risk family violence; intimate partner homicide prevention - 30 Sep, 2014
A forum on addressing high risk family violence through an integrated service...

Visual online tool on women's rights globally - 30 Sep, 2014
The Guardian has created a visual online tool showing women's rights country by country...

World Health Organization urges strengthening of health system responses to violence - 26 Sep, 2014
The World Health Assembly (WHA) (the decision-making body of the World Health Organization...

Fourth round of Capability Investment Resource: focus on NGO collaboration and learning - 26 Sep, 2014
The fourth round of the Capability Investment Resource (CIR4) will open for...

Attitudes to gender equality and VAW in Australia - report
- 24 Sep, 2014
An Australian study has highlighted a range of concerning attitudes in relation...

Gender, Sexism and Social Activism: A Youth Workshop Resource - 24 Sep, 2014
A resource for facilitating workshops on 'everyday sexism' has been produced by...

Campus-based sexual violence prevention resources - 23 Sep, 2014
In the US, the White House has launched a public awareness campaign to prevent...
Productivity Commission to investigate improving the delivery of public services - 23 Sep, 2014
The Government has asked the Productivity Commission to investigate ways to...

Child protection policies and safety checks required under Vulnerable Children Act - 23 Sep, 2014
The Children's Action Plan has produced a fact sheet and frequently asked...

Political debate on family violence available online - 15 Sep, 2014
The video of a political debate on family violence hosted by the Dunedin...

March calls for end to sexual and domestic violence - 15 Sep, 2014
Hundreds of people joined a march to Parliament calling for better systems,...

Third Children's Team established in Horowhenua and Ōtaki region - 9 Sep, 2014
New Zealand's third Children's Team was officially launched on 8 September 2014...

the latest news
Upcoming events 
Click on the link for event details.

Check for recently added events

15 October 2014 *NEW*
Looking at supervision through Māori eyes - Toiora Whānau Symposium

22-24 October 2014 *NEW*
Violence in the Health Sector - 4th International Conference
Miami, FL, United States

29 October 2014  
Protecting children with disabilities - Workshop

30 October 2014
Developing child protection policy and procedures -Workshop

31 October 2014 *NEW*
Dynamics of sexual abuse - Workshop

31 October - 2 November 2014
MaleSurvivor: 14th International Conference
Newark, New Jersey, United States

5-6 November 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

6-7 November 2014
In our own backyard - Injury Prevention Aotearoa 2014 conference

10-13 November 2014
2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014
New Delhi, India

10-11 November 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

12-13 November 2014
Challenging Responses to Family Violence - Conference  Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

17 November 2014
Developing child protection policies and procedures - Workshop

19 November 2014 *NEW*
Mauri Ora: Realising Māori potential

19-20 November 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

24-28 November 2014 *NEW*
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

25 November 2014
White Ribbon Day
New Zealand

25 November - 10 December 2014
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

25-28 November 2014
International Indigenous Development Research Conference

26 November 2014
Recognising and responding to child abuse - Workshop