NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse Logo


Issue 29March 2014
In This Issue
New resources
In the news
Upcoming events
Newsletter Library shelves

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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Very soon we will be hosting Dr Robert Geffner, who has an international reputation as a researcher, trainer, practitioner and consultant with particular expertise in children's exposure to family violence. The Clearinghouse will host a free seminar on child custody evaluations where there are allegations of child abuse and/or intimate partner violence in Wellington (11 April) and Auckland (16 April). Please RSVP as soon as possible if you wish to attend either of these events.   


The Clearinghouse will be publishing our sixth Issues Paper, "Kaupapa Māori wellbeing framework: The basis for whānau violence prevention and intervention", in early April. 


Other news, views, and happenings in brief:   

Read on for more resources, news and events. 


The NZFVC team

@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
University of Auckland


Reminder: The Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following means you get the latest news and events as we post them.   

Tip of the month

News - special features

Did you know that we continue to update news stories on topical issues after they are first published on the website?


For example, we have continued to add new media coverage and developments to stories on the "Roast busters" and Edward Livingstone's killing of his children in Dunedin (scroll down to the 'Media' lists at the bottom of the news item).

 You can search for previous Clearinghouse news stories on a particular topic by typing keywords in the Search website (excluding library) query box found at the top of the News page or under Quick links. This search will also find Events and other items that match your keywords.     

New resources


Books, reports and other items 


Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC Library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken.      

New Zealand

Government response to report of the Health Committee on Inquiry into improving child health outcomes and preventing child abuse, with a focus on preconception until three years of age
Presented to the House of Representatives, 2014
Report (72 p.); PDF
Summary: This paper is the Government's response to Parliament's Health Committee Inquiry. The response outlined government "acceptance" or "partial acceptance" of 109 of the 130 recommendations...Read more

Hospital responsiveness to family violence : 108 month follow-up evaluation
Jane Koziol-McLain, Christine McLean & Nick Garrett. Auckland: Interdisciplinary Trauma Research Centre, Auckland University of Technology, 2013
Report (64 p.); PDF
Summary: This report documents the result of measuring systems indicators at 20 DHBs, providing Government, MOH and DHBs wih information on family violence intervention programme implementation... Read more

Men at work : men's views on a stopping violence service
David Mitchell and Philip Chapman. Nelson: SVS - Living Safe, Public Health, Nelson Malborough District Health Board & Bachelor of Nursing Programme, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, 2014
Report (28 p.); PDF
Summary: The aim of this project was to collect data from men who had completed or were completing the SVS - Living Safe "Stopping Violence" group programme. The findings and recommendations are based on a survey completed by 31 respondents and 12 focus group participants... Read more

Physical punishment of children in New Zealand : an update
Wellington: Unicef New Zealand, [2014]
Information sheet (2 p.); PDF
Summary: Physical punishment of children is again capturing media attention. This information sheet corrects some of the misleading claims that are being aired and provides relevant and up-to-date national and international research ...Read more

Family Violence Report Response system

This documentation was developed by NZ Police, Child, Youth and Family, Women's Refuge and Synergia in 2006.
Please note some information may no longer be current.

Family Violence Report Response System: initial response system : component system definitions
James Driscoll, Jan Spanhake, Philip Gandar, Ged Byers, Sandra Dickson, Rob Veale, and Bruce Wood. 2007
Docuemnt (46 p.): Word DOC
Summary: This document describes a multi agency response system to reports of family violence that interrupts the cycle of violence and creates an environment for sustainable change towards safe and violence free families... Read more

Family Violence Report Response System: initial response system : A guide. Foundation elements
James Driscoll, Jan Spanhake, Philip Gandar, Sandra Dickson and Ged Byers. 2007
Document (15 p.): Word DOC
Summary: This review tool will provide an evaluation of the Family Violence Report Response System. The tool is designed to highlight process change needs within the Family Violence Report Response System. This internal audit tool can be used by decision makers and/or third party reviewers... Read more 

Collaborative responses to reports of family violence : district briefing. 2007
Document (45 p.): PDF
Summary: A presentation on the Family Violence Response Reporting System... Read more 


Journal articles


Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.  


Animals and domestic violence
Ania Killeen. New Zealand Law Society, 2014
New Zealand Law Journal, March 2014, 71-75
Summary: Anita Killeen, Barrister, discusses the mistreatment of animals in recent cases involving domestic violence... Read more

Researching practises of risk : inside the social work office

Tony Stanley. Society for Science and Education, 2014
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2014, 1(2): 36-46
Summary: Very little research has been conducted on how statutory social workers undertake their risk investigations into alleged child abuse. Moreover, very little research has explored the risk discourses as utilised and understood by social workers. This paper is the author's methodological account of researching practises of risk within child welfare settings in Aotearoa/ New Zealand... Read more    





Acknowledging the complexities of sexual victimisation trauma
Liz Wall and Antonia Quadara. Melbourne, Vic: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014
ACSSA Issues, 2014, no.16 (23 p.) PDF
Summary: The mental health impacts of sexual victimisation are frequently acknowledged but there are specific and additional impacts where victims have suffered a particular type of abuse that is: interpersonal, commences at an age where emotional development is affected, is ongoing, chronic or features multiple types of abuse.... Read more

Community beliefs and misconceptions about male sexual assault
Kirsty Duncanson. Melbourne, Vic: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2013
ACSSA Resource sheet, December 2013 (3 p.); PDF & HTML
Summary: This resource sheet outlines four central assumptions concerning male sexual assault, and identifies research and data that dispel these assumptions... Read more

Domestic violence and abuse : how services can respond effectively: guidance
Centre for Public Health Excellence at NICE. London, UK: NICE, 2014
NICE public health guidance: 50 (172 p.); PDF & HTML
Summary: This guidance for UK health professionals and others aims to help identify, prevent and reduce domestic violence and abuse. Violence and abuse perpetrated on children by adults ('child abuse') is not dealt with in this guidance, but it does include support for children who are affected by domestic violence and abuse... Read more

The exception that proves the rule : female sex offending and the gendered nature of sexual violence
Mary Stathopoulos. Melbourne, Vic: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2014
ACSSA research summary, March 2014 (24 p.); PDF & HTML
Summary: Although female sex offending is a serious issue it makes up a very small percentage of all sex offences against
children and adults: just under 5% of all offences. Half of all female sex offenders in the criminal justice system co-
offended with a male perpetrator.... Read more

Pacific Research

These reports describe findings from studies replicating the WHO multi-country study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women, and provide prevalence data for violence against women in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. Reports from other Pacific nations are expected this year.

Somebody's life, everybody's business! National research on women's health and life experiences in Fiji (2010/2011): A survey exploring the prevalence, incidence and attitudes to intimate partner violence in Fiji.  

Suva, Fiji : Fiji Women's Crisis Centre, 2013

Report (327 p.); PDF
Summary: This report presents findings from a national survey on violence against women and girls conducted
by the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre (FWCC). The survey was undertaken in cooperation with the Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics in 2011... Read more  


Kiribati Family Health and Support Study : a study on violence against women and children
Report prepared by Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Commission 2010
Report - PDF
Summary: This report of the Kiribati Family Health and Support Study analyses data from the first ever nationally
representative child abuse in this country... Read more

Solomon Islands Family Health and Safety Study : a study on violence against women and children
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Commission 2009
Report - PDF
Summary: This report of the Solomon Islands Family Health and Safety Study analyzes data from the first nationally representative research on violence against women and children in this country... Read more 

The Samoa Family Health and Safety Study
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Commission 2006
Report - PDF
Summary:  The Samoa Family Health and Safety Study (SFHSS) is a component of the larger Pacific Multi-site Study of the Effects of Violence Against Women on Family Health and Safety... Read more

National study on domestic violence against women in Tonga 2009. Nofo 'a kainga  

prepared by Henrica A.F.M. (Henriette) Jansen, Seu'ula Johansson-Fua, Betty Hafoka-Blake, and Gabriella Renee 'Ilolahia. Nuku'alofa, Tonga: Ma`a Fafine mo e Famili Inc., 2012
Report (255 p.); PDF
Summary: Very little has been known about the prevalence and patterns of violence against women (VAW) and domestic violence in Tonga, and there has been a real need for evidence to learn more about the prevalence, causes and consequences of VAW ... Read more

Vanuatu national survey on women's lives and family relationships
Vanuatu Womne's Centre in partnership with the Vauatu National Statistics Office. Port Vila, Vanuatu: Vanuatu Women's Centre, 2013
Reort (248 p.); PDF
Summary: The aim of the Vanuatu National Survey on Women's Lives and Family Relationships was to conduct a population-based study to provide a reliable benchmark of the prevalence and incidence of violence against women in Vanuatu, and on attitudes to violence... Read more   



Journal articles


Contact your local library for full text access to articles which are not freely available online.   


Addressing gender-based violence : a critical review of interventions
Andrew Morrison, Mary Ellsberg and Sarah Bott. Oxford University Press, 2007
World Bank Research Observer, 2007, 22(1): 25-51
Summary: This article highlights the progress in building a knowledge base on effective ways to increase access to justice for women who have experienced gender-based violence, offer quality services to survivors, and reduce levels of gender-based violence. .. Read more

Associations between intimate partner violence and health among men who have sex with men : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Ana Maria Buller, Karen M. Devries, Louise M. Howard, Lorraine J. Bacchus. PLoS, 2014
PLoS Medicine, 2014, online
Summary: Intimate partner violence (IPV) among men who have sex with men (MSM) is a significant problem. Little is known about the association between IPV and health for MSM. The authors aimed to estimate the association between experience and perpetration of IPV, and various health conditions ... Read  more

Implementing scientific evidence to improve the quality of child protection
Laura Cowley, Vanessa Tempest, Sabine Maguire, Mala Mann, Aideen Naughton, Laura Wain and Alison Kemp. BMJ, 2013
BMJ Quality Improvement Report, 2013, 2: online
Summary: This article describes the work of Cardiff Child Protection Systematic Reviews (Core Info), a UK based group of researchers who have produced 21 systematic reviews providing an evidence base for general practitioners and others on aspects of child abuse. Use the website link to access the reviews... Read more

Primary care-based interventions for intimate partner violence : a systematic review
Megan H. Bair-Merritt, Annie Lewis-O'Connor et al. Elsevier, 2014
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2014, 46(2): 188-194
Summary: This systematic review summarizes primary care-based interventions for patients experiencing intimate partner violence...4370

Safe, stable, nurturing relationships as a moderator of intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment : a meta-analysis
Thomas J. Schofield, Rosalyn D. Lee and Melissa T. Merrick. Elsevier, 2013
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013, 53: s12-38
Summary: This paper summarizes findings of papers in a  Special Issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health on the intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment. Through meta-analysis it explores the potential moderating effects of safe, stable, nurturing relationships... Read more 


In the news


Click on the link for full news item.


Learnings in developing government policy on preventing gender-based violence - 26 Mar, 2014
The Asia Pacific group 'Partners for Prevention', which incorporates UNDP,...

Select Committee reports back on Vulnerable Children Bill - 26 Mar, 2014
The Social Services Select Committee has reported back on the Vulnerable... 

Changes to domestic violence programmes by Ministry of Justice, Department of Corrections - 26 Mar, 2014
Changes to domestic violence programmes are being undertaken by both the...

Family Court changes in effect from 31 March 2014 - 26 Mar, 2014
Changes to the Family Court resulting from the Government's reforms come into...

VAWnet updates teen dating violence resource collection - 25 Mar, 2014
The US National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) has...
Discontinued funding to Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga raises concerns for Māori research- 25 Mar, 2014
The Tertiary Education Commission's decision to not renew Centre of Research...
Clearinghouse report on family violence data sources released- 24 Mar, 2014
A report by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse assessing the...
New schools-based healthy relationships programme announced by ACC- 24 Mar, 2014
ACC has announced the development of a pilot programme on healthy and...
UN 'HeForShe' campaign launched; CSW discusses Millenium Development Goals- 24 Mar, 2014
International Women's Day, marked on 8 March each year, celebrates the progress...
Safe, stable and nurturing relationships explored in special compilations - 21 Mar, 2014
A special issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, "Examining the Role of...
Bill to establish family court in Samoa passes second reading- 19 Mar, 2014
In Samoa, a bill to establish a court to hear family matters has been through...
Victims' Orders, Victims' Code and Welfare Fraud Bills pass second reading- 19 Mar, 2014
Three Bills relevant to family violence have passed their second reading in...
Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare's Law) launched in Britain - 17 Mar, 2014
A new British law allowing people to find out whether their partner has a...
Government responds to Health Committee Inquiry into child health outcomes - 14 Mar, 2014
The Government has responded to Parliament's Health Committee Inquiry into...
Legal options for immigrant women in abusive relationships - 13 Mar, 2014
Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley has provided information on legal...
Child harm prevention orders "off the table" - 11 Mar, 2014
Plans to introduce a new Child Harm Prevention Order as part of the Vulnerable...


UNICEF Information Sheet: section 59 and physical punishment of children - 5 Mar, 2014
UNICEF has produced an Information Sheet: Physical Punishment of Children in...

Review of Police highlights need for victim service improvement - 5 Mar, 2014
The annual government Performance Improvement Framework review of New Zealand...

Check for more news   

Upcoming events 
Click on the link for event details. 

7 - 8 April 2014
Response-based practice in action: Addressing violence and promoting social justice - Workshop

7 - 8 April 2014
No2Bullying Conference
Surfers Paradise, Qld, Australia

7 - 11 April 2014
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

7 - 11 April 2014

Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

10 - 11 April 2014 *Places still available*
A new approach to addressing bullying and violence

11 April 2014 *Clearinghouse event*
*Note change of topic - RSVP now*
Child Custody Evaluations when there are Allegations of Intimate Partner Violence
Free seminar presented by Robert Geffner Ph.D.

16 April 2014 *Clearinghouse event* *RSVP now*
*See room change, if already registered*
Child Custody Evaluations when there are Allegations of Intimate Partner Violence
Free seminar presented by Robert Geffner Ph.D.

1 May 2014
Recognising and Responding to Child Abuse - Workshop

6 - 7 May 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

12 - 16 May 2014
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

20 - 21 May 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

26 - 30 May 2014
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

10 - 11 June 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

9 - 13 June 2014
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

10 June 2014
Recognising and Responding to Child Abuse - Workshop
New Plymouth

18 - 19 June 2014
Developing Policies and Procedures to Recognise and Respond to Child Abuse - 2 day workshop

23 - 30 June 2014
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

24 June 2014
Recognising and Responding to Child Abuse - Workshop

24 - 25 June 2014
Easy Evaluation - Workshop

30 June - 4 July 2014
Child Protection Studies Programme - 5 day course

30 July - 1 August 2014
13th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference
Melbourne, Australia

14 - 17 September 2014

20th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect
Nagoya, Japan